HistoryPatience...patience I'll get one when I work some stuff out. Updates10-6-01- Alright I've been neck deep in projects so don't blame me. Anyway...I deleted all of my old NPC, divided up characters into teams, added people, added a new organization, made a miniature army but don't worry he'll fight in human size one on one no support fire. If he's damaged then he won't have money to fix it so he'll have weaker MS once they get some action. Anyway, I probably did other stuff I forgot about. Note to all people I talk to in chat room...I forgot everything you told me so you should get into the habit of E-mailing me. 9-29-01- Updated just about every page and since Gene was too lazy to spend 5 seconds of his time to help me, I made up my own description for 18's attacks. Made new team but Fou-Lu is never around when I need to ask him something so I didn't finish the stuff for their team...mainly what Astral is he said Prince but the history I got doesn't agree with it so... A big Battle Royal will happen today or tomorrow 9-28-01- Alright on the 25th I didn't update and on the 26th and 27th I was looking around on the net because a vote I had with my friends is kinda turning this in the direction of DBZ. So that's why we are using power levels and dragon ball trials but...they'll be slightly different than the tv show if I make them like I'm planning. Anyway I finished characters and cleaned up teams I may or may not finish NPC. 9-24-01- Worked more on charcaters and would've done more if the water didn't break...sorry Fou Lu but because you can't read im gonna say I HAD TO STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR PROFILE BUT YOU SENT ME THREE SO SOME THINGS DIDN'T AGREE I'LL WORK WITH WHAT I HAVE. Other than that Gene gotta get done but he's my friend so he'll understand. 9-23-01- Updated new joining rule for side and fighting style and began working on changed members and cleaning slates. Will continue sometime. This site was made and owned by vash13 but I have not created any of the character pictures seen here and I do not own these characters either and so on and so on. |