Gundam RPGs Update
Zero has informed me that Hotaru has taken the basis of EOC and manipulated to a Mekton Zeta setting. The RPG is forum-based allowing for a focus on RPing. The link can be found here.
Berrik also made a post on his forums presenting some concepts for another Future Imperfect. Make sure to leave your feedback.
I’ve also made a post on the RPG Workshop forum having to do with some MS Customization ideas I’ve been having. I’m not trying to raise your hopes for a sequel to RE, but just wanted feedback on this system for if I ever actually run a RPG again. Please leave feedback.
If you haven’t already, read pinksoyuz’s post on a possible Tactical Gundam RPG he may run.
Update by SakuraFanelia (Sep.27)
The Janadian (aka AModestProposal) and Scarth (aka Scarth) are also working on a Zombie Apocalypse Survival RPG.