I liiive. Also Minecraft.
Anywho. Now that my insides appear to be more-or-less working again.
Boss-lady and Scarth and allegedly at least one other have discussed possibility of making a dedicated Server/Realm in Minecraft for #RPG.
Minecraft Realms service seems simple and cheap, but has an unfortunate limitation of:
1) No mods.
2) 20 max members, 10 max online at once.
Have been looking at alternatives as well.
Anyone have thoughts?
If we launch this, anyone willing to play?
I’ve shared my thoughts, but we should probably start small and cheap. See what kind of usage we get. It’s possible to move and/or migrate later. Especially as someone here will have to pay for it.
Were talking yesterday, thinking about just using a public server to start, and loiter there.
See how peeps like it.
If positive reaction, can make our own.
If not, can just continue to use a public.
Was fiddling with GibCraft. Let me know if anyone has an alternate preference for testing.
public server would probably be best to start out with. I’d be interested in messing about in it though I admittedly, have invested no time into minecraft.
So for those interested, we have been using Gibcraft .
How to join the server.
. TL, DR: Just post a short gist of what you are here. Then they approve you and you become a member.