#RPG @ BluFudge stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Tuesday 4 May 2010 - 19:49:34
During this 6-day reporting period, a total of 94 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Zepp17954265325 8231795426532535494.3today"Where did you swim?"
2 Radune18169367258 81216936725836304.5today"Yes, thanks to Daren~"
3 Frenzy3032170229 461303217022922554.9today"I can't really see the images."
4 Nader25144262 4312514426228236.5today"pretty much makes a unit act as if he was on overwatch"
5 Ketara1176147188 413117614718829267.1today"And space faggots are in."
6 Chan84604688 2788460468816435.9today"hate my internet sometimes"
7 Zero-03455103 194345510312486.4today"....but you can still look out a window and see one"
8 Strikey4410238 18444102386753.7today"i was just gonna ask that too."
9 AnyaWilds484387 1784843875423.0today"Zero...you had a 3 week old sammich?"
10 Draco373369 1393733699646.9today"Captain Planet Frame."
11 blackmage296737 13729467379446.9today"Still though you must see my point"
12 Chris11661939 135116619398296.1today"that was refreshing"
13 Threid256732 1242567329918.0today"Lots of videos like yours get the sound nixed by Youtube."
14 ZZepp354026 10653540264844.6yesterday"Chan with the plan"
15 Kusuriurite373237 1063732375535.2today"Aeolia is greek right?"
16 Ryocha103 1031035625.52 days ago"But Nader, we let you out on the leash sometimes."
17 Braddigan2271 9422718338.9today"Ket will always be in my dreams~"
18 Flession52249 85522498069.5yesterday"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!~"
19 Kuriboh83 83832563.1today"I lack a headset ATM"
20 Sakura78 80785657.1today"Gustav Lascaris "Gust" Avrakotos"
21 Seta23944 782394422823.6today"Draco does well with it."
22 Ketwriting73 73736298.6today"Why can't they just fuck."
23 Spade191328 601913283636.0today"Prototype Gundam and GM Blue Destiny."
24 Seta|59 60592093.5today"Who led the drive?"
25 Chan|WRITING2526 54325263236.0today"Cuz the dweeb can't do shit."
26 Daren111722 5311317223767.1yesterday"plus he actually did shit over crying about his feelings"
27 Zepp|Writing52 52521743.33 days ago"Anya wry you kick meh"
28 Chii_42 42421513.6today"I really haven't decided everything"
29 AnyaSunburned40 40401293.2today"ahaha dreaming of me again Dan?"
30 Jojo36 403641964.92 days ago"Ketara, can ship captains earn upgrades?"
31 Cid28 3772281644.4yesterday"His ammo is his headband, and its unlimited."
32 Chris|AFK33 33332266.84 days ago"I did that during Odessa, haven't since... yet..."
33 aleksei18 2881821374.9today"I just dumped a load on a flight attendant from TAP."
34 Spryor25 25252238.92 days ago"My work blocking IRC, while unlikely, would be troublesome."
35 Yoritomo16 221661758.02 days ago"my brain is pudding"
36 Atra14 18414884.9yesterday"ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD."
37 AnyaDinner13 1313241.83 days ago"i love those commericals"
38 Zepp_Braddigan13 1313634.8today"What's the zeon equivalent of a GMPGT?"
39 sari13 13131118.52 days ago"And Strikey: this is one of those fancy hardcore metal ones"
40 ZeppAway9 13922544.2today"http://www.facebook.com/tonsavage"
41 Jojo1 111721817.4today"wazzzzzzuuuuppppp"
42 AnyaBBL11 1111383.53 days ago"love me some waffles"
43 Jesiah9 99313.42 days ago"I lost my room key. FUCK. ME."
44 RadPale9 99475.2today"Chris already was SS."
45 Gray 927364.02 days ago"What's Chan writing?"
46 Zepp|School 66366.02 days ago"It's too late. <_<"
47 Anastasia 66579.5yesterday"Night, Flession."
48 Zero 633355.82 days ago"=D You should join RE Kuri."
49 Strikusuriurite 55234.6today"I pilot the GP03 (S), Testament Custom."
50 killer_crab 55173.42 days ago"I'm going to go to sleep guys"

These didn't make it to the top:
Strikey|Updating (5) Mutter-Russland (4) Threiddigan (4) Kuri (4) DracoAFK (4)
Radraco (4) ZZZepp (4) Strikey|REUpdateing (4) ZeppDinner (4) Bradreamergirl (4)
Kuripants (4) Zero-Zero (3) Threid|RPing (3) Zepp|RPing (3) Tessa (3)
Chan|OUT (3) PIRATES (3) Strikiey (3) Fudge (2) ChriSleep (2)
Ketout (2) Naderanya (2) Nadkuri (2) Flession__ (2) Kusu|arrpee (2)
Goldran (2) Threddigan (1) Ketupdate (1) Nadero-0 (1) Zombiepp (1)
Guest40315 (1) Naderjojo (1) Nadspade (1) ChrisNap (1) WilliamWallace (1)
Chan|DINNER (1) Afkdune (1) Nadertara (1) Nadaleksei (1) Zero-0SCRAMBLANEGGS (1)
AnyaFood (1) Sarikitty (1) Food-0 (1) Nadchris (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Zepp - 179 Radune - 169 Radune - 367 Zepp - 325
2 Ketara - 117 Strikey - 102 Zepp - 265 Nader - 262
3 Chan - 84 Chris - 66 Frenzy - 170 Radune - 258
4 Flession - 52 Ketara - 61 Nader - 144 Frenzy - 229
5 AnyaWilds - 48 Chan - 60 Braddigan - 71 Ketara - 188
6 Strikey - 44 Zepp - 54 Threid - 67 Ryocha - 103
7 Draco - 37 Jojo - 36 blackmage - 67 Zero-0 - 103
8 Kusuriurite - 37 ZZepp - 35 Seta| - 59 Chan - 88
9 Zero-0 - 34 Frenzy - 32 Zero-0 - 55 AnyaWilds - 87
10 Frenzy - 30 Flession - 24 Ketara - 47 Kuriboh - 83

Big numbers
Is Frenzy stupid or just asking too many questions? 25.4% lines contained a question!
Zepp|Writing didn't know that much either. 23.1% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was AnyaSunburned, who yelled 20.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sakura, who shouted 12.5% of the time!
It seems that Kuriboh's shift-key is hanging: 38.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> PLEASE

Ketara just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 22.0% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Chris brings happiness to the world. 9.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Jojo isn't a sad person either, smiling 7.5% of the time.
Sakura seems to be sad at the moment: 5.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
Radune is also a sad person, crying 3.8% of the time.
Flession wrote the longest lines, averaging 49.9 letters per line.
#RPG average was 28.0 letters per line.
AnyaWilds wrote the shortest lines, averaging 14.7 characters per line.
Zepp|Writing was tight-lipped, too, averaging 15.6 characters.
Radune spoke a total of 3630 words!
Radune's faithful follower, Zepp, didn't speak so much: 3549 words.
Nadertara wrote an average of 43.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.42 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 86 Spade
2 going 82 ZeppDinner
3 there 78 Chan
4 think 70 Zepp
5 would 69 Frenzy
6 right 61 Zepp
7 really 55 Frenzy
8 people 51 Nader
9 should 50 Nader
10 Because 47 Kusuriurite

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Chan 71 Zepp
2 Nader 64 Frenzy
3 Radune 54 Zero-0
4 Zepp 53 Radune
5 Ketara 46 aleksei

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 62 Zepp
2 D: 32 Radune
3 :P 22 blackmage
4 :> 20 Radune
5 :-p 13 Chris
6 :) 11 Seta|
7 :( 8 blackmage
8 -_- 6 blackmage
9 ;> 5 RadPale
10 :p 4 Zepp

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://seedrpg.webs.com/ 4 Zepp
2 http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i225/goofy_man_JG/Number%2 3 Frenzy
3 http://www.recognizer.net/mahq/gihren/zeons-gundam.jpg 2 Chris
4 http://www.mibbit.com 2 Radune
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE8AWPb5s_I 2 Nader
6 http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/nkardoush 2 Nader
7 http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ 2 Nader
8 http://planetzebes.net/2/rpg_SundayApril-25-2010.html 1 Sakura
9 http://oywrpg4.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=5spam&action=di 1 Chan
10 http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/04/earning-your-swor 1 Chan|WRITING

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
No actions in #RPG!
Zepp talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 16 times!
Another lonely one was Ketara, who managed to hit 6 times.
Kuriboh has quite a potty mouth. 1.6% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> FUCK

Seta also makes sailors blush, 1.4% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 5910.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds