#RPG @ BluFudge stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Tuesday 31 August 2010 - 6:33:43
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 103 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Braddigan20839289224 9132083928922468047.5today"Moosehead is full of win."
2 Threid23926164177 7412392616417744015.9today"Blockbuster declared bankruptcy."
3 Anastasia13323761169 6001332376116936306.0today"You'll probably be getting it with Android 2.1 though, I think."
4 Mother-Russia17231115210 5281723111521022884.3today"You never loved me."
5 Gray26510247 52226524723484.53 days ago"Go Hyperbolic Time Chamber"
6 Ketara5450305 411545030525836.3today"Were you in Moscow?"
7 Roux151132122 40515113212218294.5today"I'm 25 and hate being insulted in the way Ket just insulted me"
8 Strikey1221004346 311122100434613774.4today"fucking citris asid"
9 Radune196988129 30519698812913474.4today"Seems like my guy was pretty popular, after all!"
10 Nader10735143 2861073514316115.6today"because you are a wuss"
11 Sakura866013125 28486601312516525.8today"MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!"
12 Chan752710864 27475271086413755.0today"what is Atras's event?"
13 Flession17281 2531728117316.8today"hey, I've been up for hours"
14 Zepp1386339 2481388633912555.1today""The Aquajew embraced Xavier lightly, his hot breath..""
15 DoolieMK4161 170161811116.5today"He wasn't a newtype, so he wouldn't have heard the request"
16 kylern34116 1503411611027.3today"cause your Gundam Fighter?"
17 Zero-01234104 150123410414019.3today"Strike is good for the same reasons as F90, they have options"
18 Doolie130 1301308316.45 days ago"I think the latter"
19 Cid123 13071236565.0today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJhxDvcgTMs"
20 aleksei14101 1191441015614.7today"No, I mean on the site pages."
21 Scarth9019 10990198377.74 days ago"Newtype Chris, Chris Butler, etc..."
22 Gaplant2575 105253755004.8yesterday"will no one champion the zerg cause"
23 Tian241660 1002416606946.9today"Gotta get a new keyboard and mouse..."
24 Brad6526 94652637177.64 days ago"That would be epic."
25 Kuri1070 83103703604.3today"Don't ask for opinions if you're not going to listen to them"
26 Ketupdate16101538 79161015385196.6today"I CANNOT POST THIS UPDATE UNTIL IT IS DONE"
27 Frenzy3035 72307354786.6today"What branch are you joining as?"
28 Seta63 64632463.8today"Canon will be thrown in our faces."
29 Brad33626 6236265328.64 days ago"Do you want to move to siberia and ambush eachother tomorrow? =P"
30 Seifer52 619522514.1yesterday"He's a special kind of monkey?"
31 Sakura|HATES-YOU-ALL52 555233045.54 days ago"WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM?!"
32 Isaiah2617 522654171683.2yesterday"Hard to be OP without anyone around."
33 Brad-AFK47 47472675.74 days ago"but it is always fun to make him think for a second "Did I?""
34 DoolieMK32518 45225183367.54 days ago"My immediate answer would have me permabanned...I blame 4chan"
35 Threid|Writing38 403822616.52 days ago"Roux is in charge while I write this thing."
36 BradMk4|HATES-JUST-YOU40 40401904.84 days ago"and he msged me about OYW"
37 Kuriboh36 36361684.7yesterday"they lead to a black abyss"
38 Sakura|TORADORA25 332581755.33 days ago"Toradora is a drama-romance-comedy."
39 blackmage25 327251263.9yesterday"As I was saying!"
40 Meiko1710 30173101354.53 days ago"Now I made Chan run off >.>"
41 Thor15 2515731305.2today"Make the staff decide how Giga-float is powered!"
42 Brad425 25251566.24 days ago"I posted a threid for it."
43 Gray223 2323893.95 days ago"Starcraft time and waiting game!"
44 Ketwriting17 221751617.36 days ago"Main page updated."
45 Sakura|Update20 20201256.2today"Oy ... Neo-Spain needs cleaning up."
46 Ceejay20 2020954.8yesterday"just had to double check"
47 Kuri|BEDBEDBED10 19910924.84 days ago"damn. That would have helped at Solomon"
48 Ender10 1910181246.53 days ago"Sure, what do you need written?"
49 Strikey|Writing14 17314734.3today"I will ketara. Just doing the killing paragraph"
50 Jojo 17179985.83 days ago"the EF solar system is fucked to all hell?"
51 Zero_016 16161046.5yesterday"AND WHEN IT KILLS ALL HUMANS"
52 Strikey|REBattleWriting12 1212423.55 days ago"one battle down and one to go"
53 ChriSleep11 1111444.03 days ago"oh, yes, I hate you too"
54 Strikey|Updating 1091303.05 days ago"its a count down"
55 Atra10 101012812.83 days ago"Too tired to argue that right now *coughchrisbiascoughcough*"
56 altoh 954353.95 days ago"if by ownz you mean I OWNED ALL OVER EMILE MYBERG'S FACE yes"
57 Kuri|Pylonz 88425.2today"i do feel kind of bad"
58 ChrisRPING 88668.24 days ago"@ Threid, wasting them on Earth?"
59 ChrisWriting 88313.94 days ago"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oloFLyel3Is"
60 thomas 8811013.8today"I've been back for a week. It was good. I made some good money wh"
61 Yoritomo 77527.43 days ago"Damn that entire event and I'm not even in the fight"
62 Chan|WRITING 77273.93 days ago"take care Seifer"
63 Pim 77284.0today"Aleksei, I already gave you access"
64 Daren 761527.44 days ago"I'd say Strikey or Jim would be best"
65 Strikey|BattleRevising 55499.86 days ago"Netfix has the old BSG series avaliable for streaming on my 360"
66 AFK|Roux 55193.85 days ago"Where do I find Anya?"
67 Strikey|BRB 44266.55 days ago"Roux, you get to watch GP-02 die"
68 Chris 4482.04 days ago"Me!"
69 Strikey|OYWRPing 44123.06 days ago"lol"
70 mib_jhfnwr 4471.83 days ago"Beep beep."
71 Chan|Starcraft2 44184.5today"How about a water fountain?"
72 Spryor 44112.83 days ago"Leaving for work now; back in ~45."
73 Fedora 334314.3yesterday"So what you're saying here is there are no girls on the internet."
74 Threid|HATES-YOU-ALL 33175.74 days ago"Not me. Too busy watching BSG."
75 mib_zasj3v 3362.04 days ago"Mang, my wifi shucks."
76 ThreidMk4 33186.04 days ago"Gotta keep up with the Joneses."
77 BraddigansMoreIdioticTwin 3382.75 days ago"Oh mibbit, how silly of you"
78 ZeppAFK 2263.0yesterday"IS NOT THE EVENT"
79 Fless 22147.0today"Weiner went BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW?"
80 KetCidvent 2284.05 days ago"Zeon reinforcements are up."
81 ZZepp 21163.04 days ago"Glitchy wifi is still glitchy."
82 mib_56yirj 2273.54 days ago"It's true, he will."
83 Cycling-0 222613.04 days ago"I wanna see that"
84 Brad|HATES-JUST-YOU 1111.04 days ago"oh"
85 NinjaChris 1122.03 days ago">.>"
86 Kuri|Pylons 1133.06 days ago"I'm comin in!"
87 Strikey|Napping 1111.04 days ago"lol"
88 mib_dty3qh 1122.05 days ago"Slow night"
89 Robert 1155.03 days ago"MY PENIS COMMANDS YOUR SISTER"
90 mib_7wf0fs 111010.05 days ago"I have the crossbone gundam theme stuck in my head."
91 NaderWritingUpdating 1111.03 days ago"HMMMMMMMMMMMM"
92 Strikey|AttemptingToSleep 1155.02 days ago"the nap has failed me"
93 Brad2 1111.04 days ago"Disconnected"
94 N 1122.04 days ago"anyone around>"
95 mib_yjzy99 1122.05 days ago"Beep beep."
96 mib_o5c54w 1111.0yesterday"orly"
97 mib_r4kxim 1111.05 days ago":D"
98 Sakura|MIA 1111.04 days ago"Toodles!"
99 Thor|writing 1177.05 days ago"I'm not even halfway through with min...."
100 Snoredune 1111.04 days ago"Yes."

These didn't make it to the top:
Roux|2 (1) mib_gbr2kd (1) Kusuriurite (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Gray - 265 Braddigan - 392 Mother-Russia - 115 Ketara - 305
2 Threid - 239 Threid - 261 Chan - 108 Gray - 247
3 Braddigan - 208 Anastasia - 237 Braddigan - 89 Braddigan - 224
4 Flession - 172 DoolieMK4 - 161 Radune - 88 Mother-Russia - 210
5 Mother-Russia - 172 Roux - 132 Threid - 64 Threid - 177
6 Roux - 151 Doolie - 130 Zepp - 63 Anastasia - 169
7 Zepp - 138 Strikey - 100 Anastasia - 61 Nader - 143
8 Anastasia - 133 Flession - 81 Ketara - 50 Radune - 129
9 Strikey - 122 Radune - 69 Strikey - 43 Sakura - 125
10 Nader - 107 Sakura - 60 Nader - 35 Cid - 123

Big numbers
Is Frenzy stupid or just asking too many questions? 25.0% lines contained a question!
Threid|Writing didn't know that much either. 22.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was blackmage, who yelled 53.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sakura|TORADORA, who shouted 33.3% of the time!
It seems that Ketara's shift-key is hanging: 33.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Ketara> OKAY DAN?

Ketupdate just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 31.6% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Zepp brings happiness to the world. 7.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)
blackmage isn't a sad person either, smiling 6.2% of the time.
Threid|Writing seems to be sad at the moment: 5.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
Anastasia is also a sad person, crying 4.2% of the time.
Zero-0 wrote the longest lines, averaging 47.6 letters per line.
#RPG average was 30.1 letters per line.
Isaiah wrote the shortest lines, averaging 16.6 characters per line.
blackmage was tight-lipped, too, averaging 18.1 characters.
Braddigan spoke a total of 6804 words!
Braddigan's faithful follower, Threid, didn't speak so much: 4401 words.
Fedora wrote an average of 14.33 words per line.
Channel average was 5.76 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 there 131 Braddigan
2 think 114 Ketara
3 about 114 Nader
4 would 104 aleksei
5 should 95 Braddigan
6 write 93 Ketara
7 because 92 Sakura|Update
8 really 86 Ketara
9 still 84 Braddigan
10 going 81 Ketara

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Sakura 100 Atra
2 Gray 90 Gaplant
3 Threid 80 Cid
4 Strikey 42 Anastasia
5 Ketara 40 Tian

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 -_- 33 Sakura|Update
2 :D 32 Mother-Russia
3 :( 28 Nader
4 :P 25 Pim
5 :> 22 Zepp
6 D: 9 Radune
7 :) 8 Anastasia
8 T_T 6 Anastasia
9 ^_^; 6 Threid
10 -.- 6 Anastasia

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Amazing+Horse/ 9 Ketara
2 http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/gaiagear/rx-110-refined.htm 3 Zepp
3 http://s3.zetaboards.com/Requiem_Echo/topic/7408758/1/#new 2 Braddigan
4 http://s3.zetaboards.com/Requiem_Echo/topic/7407898/1/?x=0#p 2 aleksei
5 http://s3.zetaboards.com/Requiem_Echo/index/ 2 Nader
6 http://s3.zetaboards.com/Requiem_Echo/topic/7388006/1/?x=90# 2 Zepp
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ 2 Flession
8 http://watchmovie247.com/the-prestige-megavideo-full-movie/ 2 Sakura
9 http://s3.zetaboards.com/Requiem_Echo/topic/7407987/1/?x=0#p 1 Scarth
10 http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/gundam/harmony/rx-78gp02a-mlrs.htm 1 Flession

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
No actions in #RPG!
Braddigan talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 19 times!
Another lonely one was Anastasia, who managed to hit 5 times.
blackmage has quite a potty mouth. 3.2% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <blackmage> Fuck Orb!

Kuriboh also makes sailors blush, 2.4% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 8585.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds