#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Saturday 23 October 2010 - 20:18:07
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 47 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.6%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Anastasia1616378 411161637835268.6today"It's Canadian. It deserves to be in Canada."
2 Zero-08360 36836030118.2today"what's impossible?"
3 Nader639263 3083926315675.13 days ago"omg GET BY REMIX"
4 Radune6617762 2511776212074.8today"Well, FI is running, but it's in another netwo-"
5 Wild11237 2481123711434.6today"boogie boarding, something everyone can do"
6 Braddigan1398115 226139811517757.9today"FI is really starting to feel like FI again."
7 Ketara306499 19330649910435.4today"SQUIK GIVES HIM A BLOWJOB"
8 Mother-Russia72101 180721017093.9today""RANGERS ON YOUR FEEEEEEEEET""
9 Chan10250 156102509155.92 days ago"Hey Ketara, there's Frenzy."
10 Cid611125 14646111258736.0today"Look at all the mods."
11 Threid15125 1401512510547.5today"Anastasia, come survival with us."
12 Ket5683 139568312328.95 days ago"It's so horrible I'm actually watching it."
13 AModestProposal3253 8532534485.3today"I am playing LoL with friends at the moment"
14 Scarth53 53534258.0today"Everyone seems to hate everyone."
15 NotChris53 53532534.85 days ago"it just has to be obscure, and not main stream"
16 Isaiah1326 3913261734.4yesterday"We need pirates."
17 TiredChris31 31312066.66 days ago"damnit, there goes my idea...."
18 Sakura28 28282599.2today"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!"
19 Strikey27 27271395.16 days ago"I am deeply sad because this was my first OYW run"
20 Ender918 279181796.6yesterday"and the Preventers, did they destroy their mobile suits?"
21 Ming26 262634813.4today"I was impressed by it."
22 Meiko26 26261977.6today"While you took off in the helicopter."
23 Daren25 25251395.6today"gona is also not a word"
24 Dr_Spiffagonapus108 181081558.66 days ago"Hey Wild, your RP finished yet?"
25 Zepp17 18171794.43 days ago"I like small provinces, I guess."
26 Kylern11 143111218.64 days ago"anyone wanna RP with me?"
27 CanadianBot12 1212766.3today"a steady hand is a must during a zombie outbreak"
28 ChriSleep10 1010424.24 days ago"ok, going to bed now, g'night"
29 Guest859988 88303.85 days ago"Multilocking was never the same after that"
30 Kusuriurite 743253.65 days ago"like fractured?"
31 Frenzy6 66233.84 days ago"Yup. I'm here."
32 ZZepp6 66467.74 days ago"I used to play it a lot. Took like.. days of my time."
33 Flession5 55295.86 days ago"Broken Masks are in the friendship clause"
34 AndrAIa5 556212.4today"STOP RUBBING IT IN!"
35 Guest58545 33144.73 days ago"LOOK AT ATRAS DICK"
36 Guest68038 22115.56 days ago"WE HAVE TAKEN IT TO THE LIMIT"
37 Zombies-0 22105.0today"I can't set the controls to aim with the controller"
38 Dickassbaron 2252.54 days ago"...nibblet what?"
39 blackmage 2242.0today"Hello everyone"
40 Cockthor 2242.04 days ago"It's super effective!"
41 Guest47066 2284.03 days ago"Watch Anastasia be sexy"
42 Guest44111 22136.53 days ago"Oh fuck you chatspike."
43 ChrisRPing 1111.04 days ago"COCKS"
44 Guest62902 1166.05 days ago"I hate having my name regged."
45 Seltak 1122.06 days ago"0.0"
46 Atra 1188.03 days ago"You would be the expert on such matters"
47 Kretara 1122.03 days ago"Fuck Kretara"

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Ketara - 30 Cid - 6 Radune - 177 Anastasia - 378
2 Anastasia - 16 Radune - 6 Chan - 102 Zero-0 - 360
3 Threid - 15 Mother-Russia - 4 Braddigan - 98 Nader - 263
4 Isaiah - 13 Chan - 3 Mother-Russia - 72 Wild - 237
5 Braddigan - 13 Guest44111 - 2 Ketara - 64 Threid - 125
6 Ender - 9 Anastasia - 1 Ket - 56 Cid - 125
7 Zero-0 - 8   Nader - 39 Braddigan - 115
8 Nader - 6   AModestProposal - 32 Mother-Russia - 101
9 Radune - 6   Sakura - 28 Ketara - 99
10 Cid - 4   Meiko - 26 Ket - 83

Big numbers
Is AModestProposal stupid or just asking too many questions? 22.4% lines contained a question!
Meiko didn't know that much either. 19.2% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was TiredChris, who yelled 29.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was Anastasia, who shouted 15.6% of the time!
It seems that Ketara's shift-key is hanging: 40.9% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Ketara> OOH THATS DIRTY

Ket just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 16.5% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
TiredChris brings happiness to the world. 22.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Strikey isn't a sad person either, smiling 7.4% of the time.
Meiko seems to be sad at the moment: 11.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
Daren is also a sad person, crying 8.0% of the time.
Ming wrote the longest lines, averaging 70.5 letters per line.
#RPG average was 34.8 letters per line.
Mother-Russia wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.1 characters per line.
Isaiah was tight-lipped, too, averaging 23.5 characters.
Anastasia spoke a total of 3526 words!
Anastasia's faithful follower, Zero-0, didn't speak so much: 3011 words.
Ming wrote an average of 13.38 words per line.
Channel average was 6.51 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 48 Mother-Russia
2 think 45 Mother-Russia
3 really 42 Anastasia
4 Would 42 Scarth
5 there 40 Wild
6 people 32 Wild
7 JEGANS 30 Chan
8 never 28 Anastasia
9 scene 28 NotChris
10 Right 27 Anastasia

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Threid 40 Anastasia
2 Wild 32 Anastasia
3 Anastasia 28 Ming
4 Nader 25 Zero-0
5 Cid 21 Anastasia

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 13 Anastasia
2 :( 12 Anastasia
3 :> 8 Ketara
4 D: 8 Daren
5 :-p 8 NotChris
6 :D 8 Meiko
7 ^^; 7 Anastasia
8 :p 5 Radune
9 :/ 5 Anastasia
10 -_- 4 NotChris

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://eraofchaos.com/RequiemEcho/ 3 Nader
2 http://www.wtfcostumes.com/costumes/star_wars_ymca_costumes. 2 Radune
3 http://gallery.zeonic-republic.net/thumbnails.php?album=108 2 Cid
4 http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=503920443571&set=a 1 Ket
5 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v606/Roybea/Capture-13.png 1 Braddigan
6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRBegy53S84 1 Ketara
7 http://img.gkblogger.com/blog/imgdb/000/000/055/509_2.jpg 1 Ketara
8 http://oywrpg4.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=5roleplaying&ac 1 Nader
9 http://www.nofearmotorsports.com/images/ACF1F05.JPG 1 Zero-0
10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKD0EPI7Fwc 1 Braddigan

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
No actions in #RPG!
Anastasia talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 5 times!
Another lonely one was Ketara, who managed to hit 4 times.
TiredChris has quite a potty mouth. 2.4% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <TiredChris> Not a damn clue, lol

Daren also makes sailors blush, 1.4% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 3317.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 00 seconds