#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Monday 22 August 2011 - 2:00:51
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 84 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Mother-Russia38160282540 12633816028254065635.2today"My chest would feel your boobs!"
2 Zepp373268505 115837326850568535.9today"I guess that's what you get in the 90s."
3 Scarth173166177405 92117316617740573848.0today"Hey, you leave Sarah Jessica Parker alone!"
4 Tylatz91101282405 8799110128240563287.2today"But they can be very accurate and very fun. :3"
5 Anastasia41243228 5134124322838197.4today"'cause I haven't received your stuff yet."
6 Kusuriurite19120367 5081912036737157.3today"i remember flight of the navigator"
7 Nomad521391312 46852139131227986.0today"Just say the word, and he will dissapear, Sakura"
8 Kaz33232180 44933232180507111.3today"Oh my, yes, but at least we've proved the system works."
9 Strikey935226168 33993522616813434.0today"well fuck that shit then"
10 Zero-071108156 33571108156379111.3today"struts for the escort"
11 Cid22139172 3352213917221186.3today"Across the river."
12 Ming94111121 3309411112128508.6today"Anyway, back to finishing my sleeping."
13 Alex331690164 30333169016416705.5yesterday"So you can give each other hand jobs?"
14 flession85204 2918520417315.9today"you know better anyway"
15 Radune322612585 26832261258513635.1today"You know, for a VN Demonbane has a pretty nice soundtrack."
16 Draco7157133 267715713321388.0today"Kaz: That's why I'm rebuilding him."
17 Frenzy21218 2392121814836.2today"I'd rather be ignored than beaten. Just saying."
18 Kuriboh237050 15023770508135.4today"ITS A WORLD OF HOPE"
19 kusu535244 14953524412968.72 days ago"just be creative, sometimes you fail sometimes you succeed"
20 blackmage3198 1343159810517.8today"....gawd! The Swede has become rabid."
21 Tris375123 121371051236175.1today"and you guys get mad at alex yesterday for saying that :P"
22 Kusugone3175 110314758227.53 days ago"well japan overun"
23 Kaz|Laptop94 949499210.6today"Well, it was infighting that got most of them. <_<"
24 Kusuworkite7220 9472206967.42 days ago"Kaz masculated gundam seed! gasp!"
25 Braddigan2243 772248436758.8today"PCs don't involve the monthly payment."
26 Rumble75 75755227.0today"This should be interesting."
27 Gaplant47 62347113004.84 days ago"jim contain yourself!"
28 Roux53 53534057.63 days ago"Since when do I talk about werewolves and shooting people?"
29 Kusuwritingte2825 5328254007.54 days ago"just never understood why people do it"
30 Jojo39 434393257.63 days ago"Just going to leave this here"
31 Kusunothereforlong20 392062112706.95 days ago"not if i carve that jewel out of her forehead with my scythe!"
32 AModestProposal29 3642931995.52 days ago"that's disturbing"
33 CanadianBot 313116112257.3today"Walt Disney was a Nazi sympathizer."
34 Mutter-Russland23 272341636.05 days ago"Some kinky... roleplay action going on here."
35 DracoAFK14 27214112248.3yesterday"I heard Kusu was a writer."
36 Guest86624 17131121247.36 days ago"sanity is a quality of a good leader"
37 seta 1342611199.2today"Sige, mauna ka."
38 Nomad|2 1010696.93 days ago"I spelled it wrong? Poop"
39 Guest89926 10622808.04 days ago"it has it's moments but most of the time it's rather stale"
40 Neo_Berrik 99859.4yesterday"Fuck that 'troika' name."
41 afkLANT 918374.12 days ago"i was wondering why that was so predominant"
42 sleepLANT 9234475.25 days ago"jim's theme song"
43 DracoZZZZZ 88597.45 days ago"Pezz has actions today."
44 Anastas1 88729.05 days ago"* Anastas1 [Anastasia@8863c1.01215c.74e790.d71a55] has quit IRC: Client closed the connection"
45 ScarthimusPrime 743537.62 days ago"So, Mibbit had an attack on it last night, eh?"
46 Tyraid 6156410.75 days ago""Zepp RPG has 1 battle." Still? D:"
47 Strikey_ 633599.84 days ago"* Strikey_ [Striker@ChatSpike-b5fa69f8.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~"
48 seta|2 55285.62 days ago"Ain't much of a help."
49 Guest4566 55285.63 days ago"I enjoyed your battle, but you've enraged you cohorts."
50 Guest30254 55357.04 days ago"BWA"
51 Rumble's 55295.8today"* Rumble's real name:"
52 Kaz|2 541499.82 days ago"I have this sneaking suspicion I may have gave the Akatsuki to An"
53 Guest77070 55316.2yesterday"Doobie doobie doo..."
54 ZZepp 55295.86 days ago"I miss fruits and veggies."
55 Guest25900 44205.06 days ago"You lied to me Mibbit!"
56 Guest10974 312279.0today"* Guest10974 [Kuriboh@ChatSpike-9adc18c1.cable.rogers.com] is now known as Kuriboh"
57 mib_a0ritv 33227.36 days ago"bah, i'm leaving thew town limits"
58 AndroUser2 333010.02 days ago"Hm. Should probably just close this if it will make me quit like"
59 Tylucky 33113.72 days ago"Hm..."
60 Guest9926 33134.33 days ago"Update complete."
61 AndroUser 22168.02 days ago"* AndroUser [androirc@643d66.7142ff.a8f604.ca4148] is now known as Tylatz"
62 Strikey|BRB 22126.03 days ago"* Strikey|BRB hates his family"
63 NotScarth 22168.04 days ago"* NotScarth [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-a742aae8.pa.comcast.net] is now known as Scarth"
64 Tyluck 211115.5yesterday"That's better."
65 mib_72cutn 222211.04 days ago"* mib_72cutn [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-0a09ffc8.ip.windstream.net] has joined #rpg"
66 CID|AWAY 22126.05 days ago"Ughboo, it's raining."
67 TheSecondComingOfChan 22157.5yesterday"All will love me and despair!"
68 Neo_Troika 22136.5yesterday"Actually, you know what."
69 Tyfood-whydoesradunesayimrude 22126.03 days ago"There ti goes."
70 Guest64784 22126.03 days ago"indeed why do you?"
71 Guest64567 2294.55 days ago"Doh"
72 Zoophile 211157.53 days ago"* Zoophile [Zoophile@ChatSpike-c98e730c.cableonline.com.mx] has joined #rpg"
73 Troika 22126.03 days ago"PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS"
74 USScaRth 22147.0yesterday"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJHZ4E9tRHM"
75 mib_sfukc0 222211.05 days ago"* mib_sfukc0 [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-6e8cde91.ip.windstream.net] has joined #rpg"
76 mib_nakh4k 222010.05 days ago"* mib_nakh4k [18a3171e@ChatSpike-32d8258e.mibbit.com] has joined #rpg"
77 gAp 22168.04 days ago"* gAp [Gaplant@ChatSpike-1216e176.ut.comcast.net] has joined #rpg"
78 KusuWorkWrite 222211.04 days ago"he always has been, haven't you noticed?"
79 rehtsirt 211168.05 days ago"* rehtsirt [ph34r@496e59.d73cfc.1a3c0c.92ef88] is now known as Alex"
80 Meiko 22168.06 days ago"* Meiko [Anastasia@30d2d6.05c0c3.ec8378.b4455e] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye"
81 Guest95186 1188.04 days ago"* Guest95186 [Kusu@ChatSpike-fadf448d.fuse.net] is now known as kusu"
82 Guest12245 1188.03 days ago"* Guest12245 [Kusu@ChatSpike-fadf448d.fuse.net] is now known as Kusu"
83 Guest98206 111010.02 days ago"* Guest98206 [Kusu@ChatSpike-fadf448d.fuse.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds"
84 HibernatMing 111717.0yesterday"* HibernatMing [kvirc@ChatSpike-6026d927.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/"

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Mother-Russia - 381 Scarth - 166 Mother-Russia - 282 Mother-Russia - 540
2 Zepp - 373 Tylatz - 101 Tylatz - 282 Zepp - 505
3 Scarth - 173 Mother-Russia - 60 Zepp - 268 Scarth - 405
4 Ming - 94 Strikey - 52 Anastasia - 243 Tylatz - 405
5 Strikey - 93 Anastasia - 41 Kaz - 232 Kusuriurite - 367
6 Tylatz - 91 Radune - 26 Scarth - 177 Nomad - 312
7 flession - 85 Mutter-Russland - 23 Cid - 139 Anastasia - 228
8 Draco - 71 Cid - 22 Radune - 125 Frenzy - 218
9 Zero-0 - 71 Alex - 16 Kusuriurite - 120 flession - 204
10 Roux - 53 Nomad - 13 Ming - 111 Kaz - 180

Big numbers
Is Kusuwritingte stupid or just asking too many questions? 20.8% lines contained a question!
Kusugone didn't know that much either. 19.1% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Tylatz, who yelled 11.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was Draco, who shouted 10.5% of the time!
It seems that Kuriboh's shift-key is hanging: 21.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> HI

Zepp just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 14.7% of the time.
Tylatz is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * Tylatz stabs Tyluck.

Alex can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 4 times.
Poor Jim, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * Ming slaps Jim on the back!

Scarth seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 2 times.
Roux brings happiness to the world. 22.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Strikey isn't a sad person either, smiling 9.4% of the time.
Tylatz seems to be sad at the moment: 4.4% lines contained sad faces. :(
Draco is also a sad person, crying 3.4% of the time.
Kaz wrote the longest lines, averaging 61.7 letters per line.
#RPG average was 38.8 letters per line.
Strikey wrote the shortest lines, averaging 19.7 characters per line.
Tris was tight-lipped, too, averaging 24.3 characters.
Scarth spoke a total of 7384 words!
Scarth's faithful follower, Zepp, didn't speak so much: 6853 words.
HibernatMing wrote an average of 17.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.94 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 joined 305 Strikey
2 would 180 Kaz|Laptop
3 about 179 Kaz|Laptop
4 think 154 Rumble
5 there 150 Kaz|Laptop
6 mibbit 143 Rumble
7 should 117 Rumble
8 though 116 Draco
9 still 113 Kaz|Laptop
10 Client 113 Rumble

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Scarth 133 Scarth
2 Zepp 109 Anastasia
3 Kaz 56 Rumble
4 Tylatz 55 Mother-Russia
5 Strikey 48 Mother-Russia

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 77 Anastasia
2 D: 49 Tylatz
3 :( 31 Draco
4 :D 28 flession
5 :) 22 flession
6 :p 16 Draco
7 :/ 16 Cid
8 :> 12 Zepp
9 -_- 6 Kusuriurite
10 ;_; 5 blackmage

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1313486901319.png 4 Radune
2 http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/4344/1702491-securityar 2 Kusugone
3 http://thracs.meridiaisland.com/roster.shtml 2 Anastasia
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfSAcVq6s9c 2 Scarth
5 http://youtu.be/dHC8jXqB42c 2 Mother-Russia
6 http://i.imgur.com/tfaJG.jpg 2 Braddigan
7 http://webpages.charter.net/smerrow/posters/pimp.jpg 2 Tylatz
8 http://sf.meridiaisland.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page 2 Kaz
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deg1RHwmKpo 2 Radune
10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp2j2rpqI6w 2 Gaplant

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
Scarth always lets us know what he/she's doing: 227 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Scarth shelves his one-piece swimsuit.

Also, Zepp tells us what's up with 137 actions.
Zepp talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 16 times!
Another lonely one was Mother-Russia, who managed to hit 7 times.
Kuriboh has quite a potty mouth. 1.2% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> IDK what the fuck I'm going to do

Strikey also makes sailors blush, 1.0% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 10451.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 02 seconds