#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Friday 4 February 2011 - 1:27:20
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 49 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0% 0% 0% 0.4%
0% 0.4%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Gaplant223121147 49122312114728045.72 days ago"I love Dygenguard but the Variable Formation song wins."
2 Radune2658992 449265899221914.9today"It really is, yeah."
3 Cid7170241 42017024124155.8today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Hndsyfn6M"
4 Nader5013190 271501319015345.72 days ago"I almost typed licks accidently"
5 Anastasia1744523 244174452317537.2today"They probably use something stronger. I don't know."
6 Seta46148 197461488034.1today"Mage Knight rocks."
7 Ender32150 1823215016278.9yesterday""You gotta deglaze the fuck out of that pan!""
8 After-Burner912144 1659121447544.6today"I would b medieval Hitman."
9 Andrew8278 160827811877.42 days ago"I need to get a new car."
10 Zero-0377635 14837763514709.9today"sounds about right"
11 Ming316100 1373161009416.9today"Yo Ender. G'night... gotta sleep"
12 AModestProposal3367 10233675745.62 days ago"I turned mine into silhouette gundams for an rpg"
13 aleksei91477 100914773964.0yesterday"Or something related to the tribes that fits my group."
14 NotChris251554 962515544054.2today"In the duck kind!"
15 Sakura6412 7664123604.7yesterday"Oh, no. I don't disagree with you."
16 Kuriboh839 478391914.12 days ago"oh. New SC2 patch"
17 Feyd45 45452856.32 days ago"Nomad or Cavalier?"
18 Sphinx-Goddess1522 3715221674.5yesterday"but it looks like the server was moved back to Gimp?"
19 `James37 37373449.34 days ago"Heh, not familiar. I tried to play Tales of the Abyss tho."
20 NotAndrew30 30301555.24 days ago"You too Aleksei and Nader"
21 Tristher167 27167131505.6today"http://damnyouautocorrect.com/4161/great-kissers/"
22 Chan25 272521345.04 days ago"I just want the Minion army"
23 ChrisRAGE21 21211557.44 days ago"Twins under the Monk class?"
24 Gray18 213181014.8today"He can only take on a small group"
25 Strikey155 20155864.35 days ago"I liked the first series. it was awesome"
26 rAlexd15 1515785.24 days ago"Try rum and pepsi."
27 Gorakus14 1414825.92 days ago"Goes Novice ---> Thief ---> Rogue ---> Stalker."
28 aleksei211 13211614.72 days ago"Can I have a hyena is a starting pet?"
29 GorakusPrime9 1293685.7yesterday"Ariel is going to be mad I messed with her Netflix ratings."
30 Gaplant28 1284373.13 days ago"What do you need?"
31 zepp11 1111383.5today"The consequences will never be the same! 8V"
32 Caleb9 1129433.9yesterday"I'm connecting from my laptop, Mingu."
33 Ghostriboh10 1010464.63 days ago"mine? Wandering Monk and her tinkerer buddy"
34 cidsu6 66335.52 days ago"Thus we all hate one another."
35 Tris 541367.22 days ago"What time is it for you Radune?"
36 Isaiah 5113153.04 days ago"I'm getting evicted. Again."
37 Cid| 4482.02 days ago"http://satwcomic.com/king-europe"
38 Nader|2 444010.0today"I wonder when they are going to add a Ophiuchus mobile suit to Gu"
39 flession 44112.8today"Nader|2, The evolved form of Nader?"
40 blackmage 44102.52 days ago"Hello Feyd and Zero-0"
41 NotMarcus 33186.04 days ago"Andrew is going to be Vin Diesel?"
42 Guest91939 2231.52 days ago"Sup jerks."
43 peeves 2263.04 days ago"You mean balloons?"
44 drunkChris 2242.0today"o.o"
45 turd_ferguson 2273.54 days ago"DUN DA DUN DUN"
46 Guest41946 1122.06 days ago"hey sakura"
47 Guest13157 1111.02 days ago"wth"
48 AleAndWhores 1111.04 days ago"Woo."
49 AndrAIa 1111.03 days ago"Blarghy"

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Radune - 265 Sakura - 12 Cid - 170 Cid - 241
2 Gaplant - 223 Tristher - 7 Nader - 131 Ender - 150
3 Anastasia - 174 Seta - 3 Gaplant - 121 Seta - 148
4 Andrew - 82 Radune - 3 Radune - 89 Gaplant - 147
5 Sakura - 64 Anastasia - 2 Zero-0 - 76 After-Burner - 144
6 Nader - 50 Caleb - 2 Anastasia - 45 Ming - 100
7 Seta - 46 NotChris - 2 AModestProposal - 33 Radune - 92
8 Zero-0 - 37 AModestProposal - 2 Chan - 25 Nader - 90
9 Ender - 32 Cid - 2 NotChris - 15 Andrew - 78
10 Ming - 31 Tris - 1 aleksei - 14 aleksei - 77

Big numbers
Is Andrew stupid or just asking too many questions? 23.1% lines contained a question!
Ming didn't know that much either. 19.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Sphinx-Goddess, who yelled 18.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sakura, who shouted 18.4% of the time!
It seems that Kuriboh's shift-key is hanging: 12.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> XD

Cid just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.9% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Tristher brings happiness to the world. 11.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
After-Burner isn't a sad person either, smiling 4.8% of the time.
Sakura seems to be sad at the moment: 10.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
Anastasia is also a sad person, crying 6.1% of the time.
Zero-0 wrote the longest lines, averaging 52.2 letters per line.
#RPG average was 31.2 letters per line.
Kuriboh wrote the shortest lines, averaging 19.7 characters per line.
aleksei was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.4 characters.
Gaplant spoke a total of 2804 words!
Gaplant's faithful follower, Cid, didn't speak so much: 2415 words.
Nader|2 wrote an average of 10.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.85 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 would 78 Andrew
2 about 67 Andrew
3 think 66 Radune
4 there 54 Radune
5 going 50 GorakusPrime
6 really 44 Andrew
7 though 42 Sphinx-Goddess
8 still 35 Sphinx-Goddess
9 Pretty 32 Andrew
10 character 31 Nader

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Cid 38 Cid
2 Nader 21 NotAndrew
3 Radune 16 Gaplant
4 aleksei 7 NotAndrew
5 Gaplant 7 Cid

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :> 27 Radune
2 :( 13 Sakura
3 :P 12 Tristher
4 :) 10 After-Burner
5 :D 10 After-Burner
6 -_- 8 Sakura
7 :/ 7 Anastasia
8 -.- 6 NotChris
9 :-p 4 NotChris
10 :p 3 Radune

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3731k60Zg 2 Radune
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niH1wJaqPRs 2 Radune
3 http://s4.zetaboards.com/M_S_Gundam_Wars/topic/8310622/ 2 Nader
4 http://www.planetzebes.net/nimrodel/ 2 Andrew
5 http://www.ted.com/talks/tan_le_a_headset_that_reads_your_br 2 Anastasia
6 http://pastebin.com/mf8P10Zv 2 Nader
7 http://i.imgur.com/A1kdj.png 1 After-Burner
8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj94FNPvUgw 1 Radune
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-wQ2QaP7wM&feature=related 1 Anastasia
10 http://www.pokerlistings.com/blog/the-iIsildur1-swing-graph 1 Gaplant

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
No actions in #RPG!
Radune talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 4 times!
Another lonely one was Gaplant, who managed to hit 4 times.
ChrisRAGE has quite a potty mouth. 1.3% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <ChrisRAGE> I guess, Ketara is being a dick about it, so yeah...

NotChris also makes sailors blush, 0.7% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 3695.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds