#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Saturday 30 July 2011 - 23:37:29
During this 5-day reporting period, a total of 150 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Zepp22238237870 13672223823787082546.0today" /hide pile of antlers"
2 Anastasia132200402 74013220040245656.2today"So ... very ... hard."
3 Radune1012776457 661101277645732304.9today"You really know how to treat a man, huh?"
4 Scarth13672208163 5791367220816341917.2today"Zero, pick 2 numbers at random."
5 Zero15814610973 4861581461097338688.0yesterday"the next county over it is a $500 fine and 1 year in jail"
6 Mother-Russia13591236 4711359123621864.6today"Too bad you will be BF3ing on Xbawkx"
7 Strikey17611838130 4621761183813019224.2today"what didnt i do now?"
8 Wild10593259 4571059325924695.4today"they always do Kusu"
9 viktor183232 41918323239319.4yesterday"Bye yall. It was nice catching up."
10 Saku-hime6345174120 402634517412024606.1today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=593EvGKGCGE"
11 Kusuriurite53339 4015333926936.7today"also, any Thracs battle up?"
12 Zero-062315 37762315397910.6today"pretty much Zepp"
13 Braddigan20111223 3392011122328518.4yesterday"Alex, I will kill you, make no mistake =P"
14 Alex1313955113 338131395511318165.4today"Yes. It is annoying when microsoft does this."
15 Ming13640131 3071364013123857.8today"They are just showing they don't care if I fucking kill them."
16 Zero|Gone16264 29016826421127.3yesterday"Or how about getting their phone tapped by the fucking DEA."
17 Draco11610447 2721161044722288.2today"Rad's a smart guy though."
18 kusuWORKite1621920 255162192018307.2today"person, town, country, or world?"
19 Nomad836590 23983659015436.5yesterday"girls, gays and terrorists"
20 KusuTF274100 1747410012967.4today"phazon worked on normal enemies just fine"
21 Zero|Writing13132 1631313210016.12 days ago"people keep failing to enter The Red Comet"
22 Chan1512125 16115121259165.7today"I was not aware of this."
23 Scarthkavian2573 9825736286.4yesterday"I proposed you receive a medal for actions performed at JOSH-A."
24 blackmage143250 981432505866.0today"Anyways I need some sleep"
25 AModestProposal174533 971745336186.4today"yeah the that would be a good idea"
26 drunkZepp81 908194665.23 days ago"I just realized I am already drunk :3"
27 Caleb72 73723044.2yesterday"Is he talking about Claymore?"
28 GapGSL66 686622373.53 days ago"i hate spires against protoss"
29 Gaplant55 6655462814.3today"ronald jenkees new cd"
30 drunkLANT64 64643034.74 days ago"I've never seen the whole movie before."
31 Zero|Updatin54 54542835.24 days ago"my stupid cocksucking ISP is working on shit"
32 notChris28 49912282745.6today"Wish you had grabbed me before I got roped into Europe..."
33 lolrob1525 43315253257.6today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hHkbc8kHMw&feature=related"
34 Zero|Sleep26 40265272065.2yesterday"Giant fire outside Los Alamos."
35 Alex|msgcrossfire29 3524292136.12 days ago"If mibbit was more stable it would be cool Scarth."
36 Threid34 34342397.04 days ago"Is anyone home?"
37 Gapara30 344301454.33 days ago"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfttNM6aa3E"
38 CanadianBot 333109112387.2today"* CanadianBot [Mountie@canada.eh] has set mode +qo Ming Ming"
39 Kusu31 31311926.24 days ago"http://i.imgur.com/S7FQy.jpg"
40 Dreamless30 30302398.0yesterday"figures, well later. beer run"
41 KusuWritingte28 291281434.93 days ago"or w/e his name is"
42 DracoAFK19 2955192488.62 days ago"If Strikey's like me, he hasn't eaten since he got the game."
43 Spade18 224181316.02 days ago"i'll stick to mega tank"
44 ChrisRPing20 20201678.33 days ago"If its not brown, then I ain't down"
45 soberingLANT18 20182995.04 days ago"i am still a little drunk"
46 Alex|Brainless18 191811146.02 days ago"I think I shall relax and watch a movie."
47 gaptop18 1818623.44 days ago"Anastasia let's go drive monster trucks."
48 DracoLich18 18181186.63 days ago"Writing for what?"
49 Daren 1821331588.8today"time to do my e-mails"
51 Braddigan-AFK 1284605.04 days ago"http://i.imgur.com/jPWdW.jpg"
52 ChrisProfile 11110777.03 days ago"the really really fast Red Zaku"
53 ZZepp 1192837.5yesterday"Then again, I'm sure Japan has us beat there."
54 EurekaKusu 1174736.6today"either way, ish downloading"
55 Scarthit 1010656.53 days ago"Is that not the point of Minecraft?"
56 DracoLaptop 1010949.44 days ago"No, he's just inactive."
57 Dan_R_Smith 1010979.7today"i only really used snake"
58 workLANT 91161384.2today"partying partying yeah"
59 Zero|Sleeping 936707.8yesterday"lawl I wont say anything about it on the off chance that someone"
60 Nihachi 88718.93 days ago"Because everything is bigger in Texas"
61 Flamiger 77699.9today"I'm half flamingo half tiger"
62 verydrunkZepp 77476.72 days ago"THAT IS THE JOSH-A INVASION 8V"
63 Guest36990 777610.9yesterday"European EMpire's themesong"
64 KuriGSL 66457.53 days ago"I require a spork"
65 MiNGOS 651416.82 days ago"What?"
66 DracoLater 6114396.52 days ago"NO, RONNIE. OUTDOOR VOICE IS YOU EVERYWHERE VOICE."
67 Mutter-Russland 66366.0yesterday"It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
68 ghostintheKusu 66244.0today"strikey, you still playin thracs?"
69 mib_8bk0u8 66549.03 days ago"* mib_8bk0u8 [~cgiirc@b312e0.3bb2db.66329b.77ba4b] is now known as Zoop"
70 Puertopollo 55479.4today"Buenos noches putas"
71 mib_qxq2zi 55346.83 days ago"Might be."
72 Zer0 55275.43 days ago"Yes?"
73 mib_ton11c 44328.03 days ago"* mib_ton11c [~cgiirc@b312e0.3bb2db.66329b.77ba4b] is now known as Zepp"
74 mib_eg2aq9 44287.03 days ago"* mib_eg2aq9 [8118fc23@ChatSpike-32d8258e.mibbit.com] is now known as Zepp"
75 mib_c1j97t 422307.53 days ago"* mib_c1j97t [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-b3f646b2.nm.comcast.net] is now known as Zepp"
76 TheHeadlessScarthman 444711.8yesterday"I remain serious to my original point though Wild. The fact that"
77 Meiko 44328.03 days ago"* Meiko [Anastasia@30d2d6.05c0c3.ec8378.efb308] has joined #rpg"
78 mib_g8p57b 44328.02 days ago"* mib_g8p57b [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-b3f646b2.nm.comcast.net] has joined #rpg"
79 DracoZZZZZ 413287.02 days ago"WOO"
80 Ranmaru 44338.24 days ago"*randomly stabbities Archangel* o.o"
81 brbLANT 44143.54 days ago"there goes ryoma"
82 Strikey|AtWork 44276.82 days ago"NOW TIME FOR MORE DWG3"
83 Strikey|DWG3 33258.32 days ago"* Strikey|DWG3 [Striker@ChatSpike-b5fa69f8.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds"
84 JEOLFX-90Q 333110.32 days ago"I am a brand of carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance imaging mach"
85 Chan|AFK 333311.0today"* Chan|AFK [Chan@939b68.18faa5.d08de8.f8cd47] is now known as Chan"
86 NakedSnake 33103.3today"CQC!"
87 TigerandKusu 33155.0today"crap no subs..."
88 Scarthy 33175.74 days ago"Ahoy"
89 mib_1truiy 33196.3today"Hi Chan :>"
90 Kusuwillsignonatwork 312268.74 days ago"* Kusuwillsignonatwork [Kusu@ChatSpike-fadf448d.fuse.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 121 seconds"
91 KetGSL 312248.03 days ago"* KetGSL [oywrpg4@ChatSpike-79ef1b3b.mtry01.sbcglobal.net] is now known as Ketara"
92 mib_uux3v3 33227.34 days ago"ARMORED SLUT BITCHES OF THE UNDERWORLD"
93 EC712 333311.02 days ago"I am a model of a soft jelly shaft rabbit vibrator."
94 mib_33jiwj 33237.7today"><"
95 Zero|StupidISP 33217.02 days ago"Stupid fucking ISP"
96 Strikey|brb 312196.3today"Wha?"
97 mib_7lxbzl 33217.0today"Because they had more "tits""
98 mib_dgydvb 33196.32 days ago"STREAKS OF BEAMU"
99 mib_vhc6aw 222211.0yesterday"* mib_vhc6aw [~cgiirc@ChatSpike-3dc5c000.il.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"
100 Tristher 22168.03 days ago"* Tristher [ph34r@496e59.d73cfc.a19144.0eab42] has joined #rpg"

These didn't make it to the top:
ColonelColt (2) mib_tsaq86 (2) mib_d3g03x (2) mib_ik56x5 (2) mib_sn526t (2)
mib_1eb3dz (2) mib_bfzmtv (2) mib_7pqfqu (2) Diana (2) Strikey_ (2)
Zero|Away (2) Sakura (2) Zoop (2) mib_uec6q2 (2) Gaptara (2)
Cid (2) Guest3927 (2) ittekimasu (2) andrew (2) CottonScarth (2)
mib_j6me5q (2) mib_cp2p1e (2) mib_yzidbc (2) mib_328g3e (2) mib_oce3vf (2)
mib_kx1ujg (2) mib_kd8g0z (2) mib_jw17xi (2) mib_16rxpi (2) Raduneskar (2)
sleepLANT (2) Heartless (2) mib_jnquwm (2) Ketara (2) mib_vf2he2 (2)
mib_sqx6ev (2) mib_5v3n1n (2) Kuriboh (2) gsLANT (1) Ketlant (1)
Guest10022 (1) MagicalSoundShower-0 (1) Zero|Working (1) Guest31780 (1) Guest98129 (1)
Guest85340 (1) ChriSleep (1) DracoDWG3 (1) Tiger (1) Guest73543 (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Zepp - 222 Zero - 146 Zepp - 237 Zepp - 870
2 Braddigan - 201 Strikey - 118 kusuWORKite - 219 Radune - 457
3 Strikey - 176 Mother-Russia - 91 Scarth - 208 Anastasia - 402
4 Zero - 158 Scarth - 72 Anastasia - 200 Kusuriurite - 339
5 Ming - 136 Saku-hime - 45 viktor - 183 Zero-0 - 315
6 Scarth - 136 Alex - 39 Saku-hime - 174 Zero|Gone - 264
7 Mother-Russia - 135 Zepp - 38 Chan - 121 Wild - 259
8 Anastasia - 132 Dreamless - 30 Braddigan - 112 Mother-Russia - 236
9 Zero|Writing - 131 Radune - 27 Zero - 109 viktor - 232
10 Alex - 131 soberingLANT - 18 Draco - 104 Scarth - 163

Big numbers
Is Caleb stupid or just asking too many questions? 17.8% lines contained a question!
Chan didn't know that much either. 16.8% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Scarthkavian, who yelled 16.3% of the time!
Another old yeller was Gaplant, who shouted 15.2% of the time!
It seems that Gaplant's shift-key is hanging: 28.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Gaplant> SUP

drunkZepp just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 27.8% of the time.
Strikey is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * Strikey kills zepp and stuffs him in a ponys ass

Anastasia can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 2 times.
Poor Zepp, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 5 times.
For example, like this:
     * Zero-0 kicks Zepp in the "benefits"

Anasakura seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
Strikey brings happiness to the world. 11.9% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Draco isn't a sad person either, smiling 4.0% of the time.
Anastasia seems to be sad at the moment: 3.8% lines contained sad faces. :(
Draco is also a sad person, crying 3.3% of the time.
Zero-0 wrote the longest lines, averaging 56.9 letters per line.
#RPG average was 36.5 letters per line.
GapGSL wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.4 characters per line.
Strikey was tight-lipped, too, averaging 20.5 characters.
Zepp spoke a total of 8254 words!
Zepp's faithful follower, Anastasia, didn't speak so much: 4565 words.
Zoop wrote an average of 15.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.53 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 joined 287 Draco
2 mibbit 222 mib_oce3vf
3 comcast 195 mib_oce3vf
4 ABOUT 191 Ming
5 Client 181 mib_oce3vf
6 known 178 Kusuriurite
7 there 165 Zepp
8 would 142 Radune
9 because 123 Alex
10 think 120 Kusuriurite

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Zepp 156 mib_jw17xi
2 Scarth 121 NakedSnake
3 Zero 77 Draco
4 Ming 65 Strikey
5 Strikey 64 ghostintheKusu

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 77 Strikey
2 :D 35 Zepp
3 :> 17 mib_1truiy
4 :( 16 Alex
5 T_T 12 Anastasia
6 D: 12 Zepp
7 -_- 11 Saku-hime
8 :/ 8 Anastasia
9 \o/ 6 Saku-hime
10 :) 4 Anastasia

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gno4Fdn9OZ4 4 Scarth
2 http://youtu.be/rwp60eYuie0 2 Alex
3 http://www.hulu.com/gaiking 2 Radune
4 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pLg9VIDpuQk/SeG8a4B2omI/AAAAAAAAAF 2 Zepp
5 http://tf2wiki.net/w/images/thumb/8/8f/Sniper.png/300px-Snip 2 Caleb
6 http://i.imgur.com/S7FQy.jpg 2 Kusu
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r5aMjviWjc 2 Braddigan
8 http://s4.zetaboards.com/scarththegrim/topic/8767992/1/ 2 Kusuriurite
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgZOYt5kH9Q 2 Zepp
10 http://youtu.be/h55p_bC4QnQ 2 Alex

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
Zepp always lets us know what he/she's doing: 157 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Zepp 's staples.

Also, Scarth tells us what's up with 109 actions.
Radune talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 10 times!
Another lonely one was Zepp, who managed to hit 8 times.
Zero|Updatin has quite a potty mouth. 3.9% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Zero|Updatin> he sent me fucking 3

mib_t83mpd also makes sailors blush, 2.8% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 10959.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 02 seconds