#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Tuesday 14 June 2011 - 20:22:14
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 129 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Zepp5124775937 1571512477593784045.3today"Probably a good thing."
2 Scarth42458366257 11054245836625778637.1today"Fool. Who will stop Mickey Roonicron then?"
3 Anastasia36376336 7873637633650866.5today"Oh, yeah. Their outfits are awesome, Zepp."
4 Zero13811040210 4981381104021033106.6today"...Are you going to kill him now o-o?"
5 Gaplant284425087 46328442508722044.8today"And they're just standing there."
6 Braddigan44186221 4524418622130696.8today"Kinect is a wonderful joke."
7 Mother-Russia12095220 4461209522025795.8today"She plays Mechwarrior with it 8V"
8 Kuriboh95141182 4269514118222645.3today"I had to, unfortunately. my Xp tower exploded"
9 Draco15299172 4251529917236978.7today"Sakura's alts are invading in force! D:"
10 Kusu160164 32616016420386.32 days ago"scarth i have somethign important to ask you in PM!"
11 Radune29116159 317291311615914984.7today"The multiplayer is pretty dang fun, too."
12 KusuWORKite154118 27515411816776.13 days ago"your toaster is a pikachu?"
13 WineZepp68192 2606819210664.1today"008TH MS TEAM TIME"
14 blackmage97126 238969712618917.9today"With a touch of Vegeata also."
15 Ming6117146 228611714618498.1today""Cops Probe Teen�s Contact with Weiner, Come Upon Nothing""
16 Alexandria347894 2213415789411335.1today"Or that it steals your soul?"
17 Strikey13273 2141327738453.9today"because its cheapish"
18 KusuFreeAtLast49161 2144916111205.23 days ago"meh i think i draw the line with salmon roe"
19 Saku-ohime100100 2141001410010254.8today"IMA FIRIN MAHH LAZOR!"
20 Kusuriurite9792 2009979212766.4today"and that was not impressive"
21 Scarthkura59133 1925913314867.7today"So. Scarth, Alex, and Hotaru-Sakura = Zeon at this point, yes?"
22 Wild58123 1875861239375.0today"love the song zepp"
23 Zero-035151 1863515116298.8today"get this: http://www.nerfgun.co.uk/res/img/nerf_vulcan.jpg"
24 Sakura45134 1834513410645.8today"I thought it would be suitable for an old geezer :P"
25 Alex78193548 180781935488955.0yesterday"Too bad Japan invented the pizza. :)"
26 Seta405744 1444057447145.0today"Are you sure that's Kuriboh?"
27 Meiko8646 138486469797.1today"I'm gonna read some Claymore whilst I wait for Scarth."
28 Zero|Gone107 116107548597.4today"Zepp, you should really look into being drunk less."
29 GimpScarth116 1161167316.3yesterday"Zero (without the 0) is running it."
30 Daren9016 110390167346.7today"the time one was awesome"
31 Strikey_442919 9844629194664.82 days ago"Brotherhood Ranks, Scarth?"
32 Saku-koneko4939 8849394705.3today"Fire Emblem Tactics Online"
33 AModestProposal69 8586695456.4today"because there might be"
34 DracoLaptop1656 74162565457.4yesterday"IO admit I don't look at Thracs as often as I probably should."
35 ZeppFreeAtLast65 65653916.04 days ago"Tanks. See y'all later everypony"
36 Chan57 636574457.13 days ago"Aqua Leo vs Ecco the Dolphn"
37 Cid2133 5521332775.0today"Are you Anastasia."
38 Strikey|FIUpdate47 47472575.54 days ago"owhen i join the next all gundam rpg, i'm joinign as RX-78-2"
39 ZZepp46 47461914.1yesterday"ANIMAL MAGNETISM"
40 CanadianBot23 477512233397.2today"* CanadianBot [Mountie@canada.eh] has set mode +o Mother-Russia"
41 Caleb34 4345342064.85 days ago"So that's what it is called."
42 TroiScarth41 41412786.82 days ago"Cid threatens to go back in time and abort other chat members."
43 KusuWORKIMIBBIT36 36363259.05 days ago"meh, i don't care about graphics but, many others do"
44 Zepptara34 3434812.42 days ago"Sakura, live up to your responsibilities and ban him >8U"
45 KusuEXAMDEATH21 32221272447.64 days ago"naw, more likely insanity than a vegetative state for mt"
46 Mutter-Russland29 312291223.9today"This stuff rules!"
47 Scarthy 30131071615.43 days ago"Oh it's gonna sound great."
48 DracoZZZZZ16 30113162919.7yesterday"COWBOYS EVERYWHERE"
49 Zeppstina30 3030983.3yesterday"I am so straight."
50 Fluttershygal28 28281234.44 days ago"Now if it was a busty air conditioner.."
51 Guest2558020 2520231676.75 days ago"i should go to bed now"
52 Toriko 2512131977.9yesterday"On future imperfect i was Jinakabane/ Maximillian Vlatinier"
53 sleepLANT 2312111345.8today"First you are up too early, then you pass out too early."
54 DracoAFK 21621321510.2today"That's a very good question and one I'm not prepared to field at"
55 Shygal 18414784.33 days ago"It is best of seven."
56 Frenzy17 1717855.06 days ago"Kuriboh's starting one up."
57 mib_x78qkk 16610905.65 days ago"I have plenty at home :s"
58 Kusuwritingte 151861117.43 days ago"just one that perplex's me"
59 mib_gxi73o 1515694.65 days ago"PARTY AT MY PLACE THIS WEEKEND"
60 mib_4rrll1 14536946.74 days ago"WHO HAS A CREEPY FRIEND"
61 mib_viyzye 1313685.2yesterday"hi blakckmage :>"
62 mib_jqs2a0 1313896.85 days ago"I HAVE PHOTOSHOPPED PICTURES"
63 CanadianBot-II 1212665.5today"Maybe in the 90s all the child actors got paid in crack."
64 workLANT 12111877.2today"Man what the eff"
65 TheColonyRPG 1239887.34 days ago"http://thecolony.elementfx.com/"
66 Spade 1147807.3yesterday"pass"
67 TheColony 1174807.3today"Zapp Brannigan!"
68 ScarthDyingInside 111111110.13 days ago"The idea has merit, but we're all dicks."
69 mib_yl6hf7 1010989.83 days ago"* mib_yl6hf7 [4423946f@ChatSpike-cee2d021.mibbit.com] has joined #rpg"
70 ColonelScarth 99404.42 days ago"Cannot... resist... urge..."
71 RealScarth 99586.46 days ago"@BM: Of course it looks clumsy"
72 KusuPrime2 99505.63 days ago"Scarth, ship edited with correct amount"
73 Sakura-Portal2 981626.93 days ago"Boggles my mind that I've known him since he was 12."
74 mib_vddfos 8422729.02 days ago"* mib_vddfos [4423946f@ChatSpike-cee2d021.mibbit.com] has joined #rpg"
75 `Chris 77273.96 days ago"Hey, it's that asian dude"
76 mib_135oxg 7322568.06 days ago"And how he's a lonely astronaut"
77 Guest92336 761375.33 days ago"also, i like that creature"
78 I_like_chocolate 66416.82 days ago"<-- Ike from South Park."
79 Anastas1 6246010.0yesterday"* Anastas1 [Anastasia@54aa3b.b7bab2.5d4fb3.52be28] has joined #rpg"
80 Kuriboh_ 66386.33 days ago"hey I cloned myself!"
81 mib_kxgq8a 55336.6today"o_0"
82 Wowzers 55459.0today"I can make sprite RPs!"
83 Zero|Gonez 55244.8today"She's my girlfriend, yo"
84 mib_41w471 55357.0yesterday"I don't think it can stretch any farther tbh."
85 Tragnix 55193.84 days ago"SCREEEEEEEEEEE"
86 ZeppLikesToSinga 556312.62 days ago"ABOUT THE MOONA AND THE JUNA AND THE SPRINGA"
87 Chan|AFK 44235.84 days ago"sorry, habit"
88 mib_cl2syo 44256.2yesterday"Oh. That's right. I don't have a video card."
89 mib_43uoi6 44194.8yesterday"8U"
90 SuperSecretScarth 44235.8yesterday"Hey"
91 mib_vi0swb 44235.8today"let us chat in civilized dis ourse"
92 Ming|Portal2 44297.2yesterday"But he's so trustworthy, with his Britishness."
93 mib_lxtm5j 33155.04 days ago"HOMELIFE"
94 Zero|Sleep 333110.3today" Dragon Age II was just a very long prologue for Dragon Age 3"
95 Zero|Away 33103.3today"AModestProposal"
96 mib_dghef2 333411.35 days ago"* mib_dghef2 [62c109d2@ChatSpike-32d8258e.mibbit.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"
97 Zero|Working 3393.0yesterday"I forgot how busy doing this is"
98 mib_s106b5 33196.34 days ago"SWITCHING TO ALL RANGE MODE"
99 mib_m263sv 33206.76 days ago"'CAUSE I AINT NO HOLLABACK GIRL"
100 Hmm 333612.0yesterday"Practicality wise, this works. Aesthetics wise ... well that's fo"

These didn't make it to the top:
mib_l8aurm (3) mib_gfm2p5 (3) Strikey|AtWork (3) mib_0u3n7j (3) mib_ti7527 (3)
Vlad (2) mib_bs2553 (2) TroiScarth's (2) mib_idbcjb (2) Chan|WRITING (2)
I_like_ice_cream (2) bawb (2) mib_gn14it (2) mib_g9h99r (2) mib_ootmbi (2)
Kriegling (2) AndrAIa (2) mib_s7co5a (2) mib_qwz01b (2) Strikey__ (2)
Guest47730 (2) mib_t2aq3q (2) mib_lnpw0r (2) mib_3gh6dt (2) Guest36446 (1)
Guest71413 (1) Guest3445 (1) Zero|AFK (1) Guest53771 (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Zepp - 512 Zero - 110 Scarth - 366 Zepp - 937
2 Scarth - 424 Scarth - 58 Braddigan - 186 Anastasia - 336
3 Anastasia - 363 Saku-koneko - 49 Kusu - 160 Scarth - 257
4 Gaplant - 284 Zepp - 47 KusuWORKite - 154 Braddigan - 221
5 Draco - 152 Gaplant - 42 Kuriboh - 141 Mother-Russia - 220
6 Zero - 138 KusuEXAMDEATH - 21 Radune - 116 Zero - 210
7 Strikey - 132 Alex - 19 Draco - 99 WineZepp - 192
8 Mother-Russia - 120 Alexandria - 15 blackmage - 97 Kuriboh - 182
9 GimpScarth - 116 Saku-ohime - 14 Kusuriurite - 97 Draco - 172
10 Zero|Gone - 107 Radune - 13 Mother-Russia - 95 Kusu - 164

Big numbers
Is Chan stupid or just asking too many questions? 20.6% lines contained a question!
Kusuriurite didn't know that much either. 19.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Anastasia, who yelled 10.3% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sakura, who shouted 9.3% of the time!
It seems that ZZepp's shift-key is hanging: 31.9% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <ZZepp> YOUR FOOD *SUCKS*

WineZepp just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 30.8% of the time.
blackmage is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 7 times.
For example, like this:
     * blackmage slaps Kusu back yet again

Kusu can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 5 times.
Poor Kusu, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 5 times.
For example, like this:
     * blackmage kicks Kusu in the groin

BM seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 5 times.
blackmage brings happiness to the world. 11.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Strikey|FIUpdate isn't a sad person either, smiling 10.6% of the time.
Radune seems to be sad at the moment: 6.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
ZeppFreeAtLast is also a sad person, crying 4.6% of the time.
Zero-0 wrote the longest lines, averaging 48.4 letters per line.
#RPG average was 34.6 letters per line.
Strikey wrote the shortest lines, averaging 21.4 characters per line.
WineZepp was tight-lipped, too, averaging 22.3 characters.
Zepp spoke a total of 8404 words!
Zepp's faithful follower, Scarth, didn't speak so much: 7863 words.
ZeppLikesToSinga wrote an average of 12.60 words per line.
Channel average was 6.14 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 joined 341 TheColony
2 mibbit 331 TheColony
3 youtube 184 Wild
4 com/watch 176 Wild
5 Client 175 TheColony
6 known 174 Kusuriurite
7 comcast 162 Cid
8 about 161 Zepp
9 would 160 blackmage
10 think 127 Anastasia

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Zepp 354 TheColony
2 Scarth 238 Anastasia
3 Draco 98 Zepp
4 Anastasia 83 Braddigan
5 Sakura 78 Braddigan

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 D: 82 Zepp
2 :P 67 Mother-Russia
3 :D 44 Zepp
4 :> 28 Zepp
5 :/ 25 Anastasia
6 -_- 22 Anastasia
7 :p 13 Ming
8 :( 11 Mother-Russia
9 ;p 9 Zero
10 \o/ 8 Zepp

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.justin.tv/vilnth 8 Gaplant
2 http://talesofthedarkone.netau.net/ 5 Gaplant
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHIfg14Jfm4&feature=player_em 4 Braddigan
4 http://www.fizwig.com 3 Anastasia
5 http://meridiaisland.com/ 3 mib_viyzye
6 http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110506022735/megaman 2 Kusu
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krME5DvZFRQ&feature=player_e 2 Braddigan
8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmviB0oSjzE&feature=related 2 Scarth
9 http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/10p29/ 2 KusuWORKite
10 http://youtu.be/h55p_bC4QnQ 2 Alexandria

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
Scarth always lets us know what he/she's doing: 323 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Scarth is always someone's bitch.

Also, Zepp tells us what's up with 209 actions.
Zepp talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 20 times!
Another lonely one was Anastasia, who managed to hit 8 times.
Zepptara has quite a potty mouth. 11.1% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Zepptara> /COCKS/

WineZepp also makes sailors blush, 1.6% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 11949.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 02 seconds