#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Saturday 30 July 2011 - 23:31:23
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 191 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Zepp408562921238 1994408562921238107695.4today"Well the Draco thing is true."
2 Zero59664149417 12265966414941786417.0today"Zepp, you can say that. But science disagrees~"
3 Radune4440239611 934444023961148725.2today"Someone complained about gn particles?"
4 Scarth375115163251 90437511516325163177.0today"And bisexual doesn't?"
5 Draco375197211 79937519721164268.0today"It isn't. Just eat it."
6 Anastasia2853023374 712285302337453847.6today"See, you're using the wrong definition of "diet" there, Zero."
7 Mother-Russia2303880267 615230388026733495.4today"Ralph Lauren purple label? :D"
8 Alex80200245 5268020024530335.8yesterday"You don't have the breasts to do it better Brad."
9 Zero-090406 50190406529810.6yesterday"man, they just keep making Psyco more awesome in these games"
10 Strikey2925741108 498292574110818343.7today""Theres water in the tap" <---- funny"
11 Chan225198 4381522519828696.6yesterday"who and the what?"
12 Zero|Gone25712841 4302571284131487.3today"by the Americans investing into the Tallgeese and Overflag."
13 Wild5435331 420543533121475.1today"0083 actually came with the other OYW series"
14 Kuriboh139120152 41113912015221205.2today"and her name is Louise"
15 Braddigan93123187 4059312318732908.1today"I don't refuse to meet with him, infact he bailed."
16 Kusuriurite8752193 335875219319075.7today"just not on ground level"
17 SleepyScarth300 3153001524257.76 days ago"Thus, encouraging work via lack of work."
18 Sakutaru183237023 29918323702316355.52 days ago"When they promote they gain even more to them as well"
19 Bradddigan23524 2592352421268.26 days ago"Totally unexpected!"
20 Nomad2478137 245247813713295.42 days ago"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI6iZJOntY8"
21 Zero|Updating46170 2164617012305.73 days ago"I think she died or something"
22 DrunkZepp14169 2101416910785.15 days ago"And I was like 9 u 6"
23 Ming73125 20673812517478.5today"Like Ghost in the Shell."
24 Gaplant13740 184137408554.6today"Not bad. I have two days off."
25 AModestProposal47114 182194711411546.3today"heyooooooooooooooooooooooo"
26 Seta1082026 1691081520267874.7yesterday"That was for the camel part."
27 Meiko127 1291278396.5yesterday"They're so random and whimsical."
28 Draco36642 11066427366.74 days ago"Only about a week before Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is out."
29 blackmage82 98610829159.3today"I actually liked S1 of that show its just S2 I didn't like..."
30 Ranmaru84 9334846497.02 days ago"So who am I Wild? o.o"
31 TheScarthReich87 903875666.35 days ago"Level variation, replay value, etc stem from this."
32 Daren71 86377154515.23 days ago"what is it before I click?"
33 Kusuzzz4236 80422365106.43 days ago"bleach is yu yu hakusho with swords thanks"
34 Chan|WRITING66 7912665517.02 days ago"I do this for a living."
35 Spade62 7562124395.92 days ago"now to make a profile ._>"
36 Nader55 7317553915.42 days ago"i found a bottle at the store thats possibly from the 90s"
37 Caleb33 6212233153515.7today"Know what rocks? Akazukin Cha Cha."
38 Isaiah|60 60602504.26 days ago"He could go for Visits though."
39 KusuWORKite49 577493796.63 days ago"from this iste, unlikely"
40 Kaz39 53122394789.0yesterday"I have one of those."
41 Bradddd27 4627192705.96 days ago"Are you sure you don't mean Algeria?"
42 Alex|Oblivion 451883163167.0today"And what do those mods do?"
43 Kusueats39 39392315.95 days ago"scarth is capable of hate!"
44 gaptop39 39392105.4today"Anastasia is cyanogen > sense ui?"
45 ScarthBundy 3718191865.06 days ago"Step 11) Cancel "Better off Ted""
46 Braddiggggaaaan34 34342477.35 days ago"Fuck, I'm not THAT large."
47 DracoLaptop33 333336911.25 days ago"Well, I'm gonna have dinner now. Be back on my PC later."
48 NotChris 338211122627.9today"Of course he's sleeping... ugh"
49 CrispyAlex 3213191444.54 days ago"You go girlfriend."
50 Zero|Anime31 31312618.45 days ago"\o/ I'm on Episode 11"
52 Friend_Dark30 303034511.55 days ago"Kingdom Come references always = points."
53 ScarthLite29 29291926.62 days ago"I approve of that apparatus"
54 Alex|inF2 2818821505.46 days ago"I need to find my head phones."
55 Brad28 28281395.06 days ago"Or Learn to multitask."
56 Saku-hime28 28281575.6today"But mah drugz keeps me liffs"
57 Xeiro 2717102358.72 days ago"Yeah tried to get in on that sell, but missed out."
58 CanadianBot 27445141977.3today"* CanadianBot [Mountie@canada.eh] has set mode +o Mother-Russia"
59 mib_fwfkkh25 25251445.8yesterday"1st episode of SGU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7NaxBxFWSo"
60 StealthyAlex 2515821365.44 days ago"Now if Draco made that comment maybe."
61 Mcninja25 25251596.46 days ago"safebooru dosen't limit tag searches at all"
62 Seifer23 23231305.74 days ago"So then....why log in here?"
63 Draco223 23231978.64 days ago"http://meridiaisland.com/rpgs/future/"
64 DracoAFK 2292111135.1today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1zZAyLemrI"
65 lolrob 2025131487.42 days ago"So, how does one go about being a writer for this site?"
66 Zero|Away20 20201105.55 days ago"Well it should me /msg nickserv ghost amodestproposal password"
67 KusuCooks20 20201145.75 days ago"troika was a dick about that"
68 mib_042e5y 19191125.93 days ago"I have 7 hours before class"
69 KusuPS3Bc2 18181287.12 days ago"is your ps3 in disrepair?"
70 Kusu 17171257.4today"there are other boorus but they are crappy"
71 Alex|BC2 17171026.05 days ago"She have an arranged marriage?"
72 Zero|Sleep 164931137.1today"Dunno if I'll be awake to do it."
73 Kisara 1515946.33 days ago"really? wow thats an old joke"
74 Tris 1414936.62 days ago"i always hated FI's action rules"
75 dreamless 1313634.8today".........godzilla for the win....."
76 aleksei 13941048.04 days ago"Speaking of which, I need to clean out too."
77 `Chris 1313896.85 days ago"Im still mad about Pryor and Tressell..."
78 Zero|Sleeping 13445917.0today"Wheeee"
80 TwoFace 1284937.82 days ago"What? You got a tongue piercing or something?"
81 mib_wt4emo 1111666.05 days ago"http://thumbs.reddit.com/t3_i4my6.png"
82 workLANT 11731524.7today"i want to meet the person"
83 Heartless 1111514.6today"then maybe ill check it out wile im open minded"
84 Schwarz_Bruder 1010757.56 days ago"oh wow, just noticed I no longer have a squad"
85 Zero|Writing 1010555.5today"The GN Medea Draco"
86 DracoZZZZZ 1046737.3today"Oh darn. Dead puppies. -_-"
87 UndeadAlex 99596.65 days ago"More flavor Draco."
88 Zero|ScrewIt 99455.0today"as much fun as it's been discussing Zepp's sex life"
89 riceless 99303.3today"lasted a good wile"
90 AModestProposal1 918535.94 days ago"I left the chat on back at work"
91 Braddigaaan 99495.46 days ago"I'm pretty sure they'd slow you down..."
92 Frenzy 88313.9today"Ah, the wonders of bad timing."
93 Ultraman 88253.1today"flawless victory, FATALITY"
94 FatZepp 66538.8today"My Petrie transforms from a land battleship to a land battleship"
95 Scarthseid 66406.7today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hebulwTWc94&feature=related"
96 mib_mp2u8c 66477.85 days ago"Bah, retarded applets."
97 Troiketara 66355.85 days ago"OH GOD WHAT HAVE WE DONE - COCKS"
98 thomas 615305.02 days ago"Belloooooo"
99 ZeroZeroZero 66315.2today"Scarth, sememn is high in protein btw"
100 mib_x817gg 66447.33 days ago"I had to make sure you saw me"

These didn't make it to the top:
mib_n8tpps (5) mib_qgzuh7 (5) Kuriboh2 (5) mib_0c9vue (5) Kuriiboh (5)
Chan|AFK (4) Godzilla (4) known (4) mib_wfxcqh (4) mib_qfljns (4)
mib_1umrnq (4) Ketara (4) VladerColt (3) mib_mmxqyx (3) Tallgeese (3)
Wowzers (3) mib_t8d1lu (3) mib_aumxkx (3) mib_gys9d9 (3) Holo (3)
Alex|ME2 (3) mib_vhbk5y (3) Advocate (3) sleepLANT (3) Locutus (2)
mib_6v411o (2) mib_p2rd55 (2) mib_67cn0r (2) mib_7iwmse (2) Guest36233 (2)
mib_kw5l1q (2) Boxer (2) mib_r0erhw (2) Striker (2) ZeppStartedANonprofitInHell (2)
mib_n9jhpu (2) mib_98y2od (2) Wild2 (2) mib_godw48 (2) mib_an5j9z (2)
mib_c3r2w3 (2) The (2) mib_rwaudn (2) mib_xmyiga (2) mib_42llfa (2)
mib_vs9tda (2) mib_hwb079 (2) mib_dnxehs (2) mib_m2l3tz (2) rAlexd (2)

By the way, there were 41 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Zero - 596 Scarth - 115 Zepp - 292 Zepp - 1238
2 Zepp - 408 Zero - 64 Radune - 239 Radune - 611
3 Scarth - 375 Strikey - 57 Chan - 225 Zero - 417
4 Draco - 375 Zepp - 56 Alex - 200 Zero-0 - 406
5 SleepyScarth - 300 Radune - 40 Draco - 197 Anastasia - 374
6 Strikey - 292 Mother-Russia - 38 Scarth - 163 Wild - 331
7 Anastasia - 285 Anastasia - 30 Zero - 149 Mother-Russia - 267
8 Zero|Gone - 257 ScarthLite - 29 Zero|Gone - 128 Scarth - 251
9 Bradddigan - 235 Brad - 28 Braddigan - 123 Alex - 245
10 Mother-Russia - 230 Bradddigan - 24 Kuriboh - 120 Draco - 211

Big numbers
Is Nader stupid or just asking too many questions? 23.3% lines contained a question!
Kaz didn't know that much either. 22.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Bradddigan, who yelled 10.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was blackmage, who shouted 9.2% of the time!
It seems that DrunkZepp's shift-key is hanging: 23.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <DrunkZepp> AFFLICTIC NUGEN

Kuriboh just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 19.5% of the time.
Strikey is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 8 times.
For example, like this:
     * Strikey kills it

Zero|Gone can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 3 times.
Poor The, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 6 times.
For example, like this:
     * Draco kicks Zepp's cheerleaders in the face.

Zepp seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 5 times.
Strikey brings happiness to the world. 13.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)
blackmage isn't a sad person either, smiling 5.1% of the time.
Anastasia seems to be sad at the moment: 3.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
Meiko is also a sad person, crying 3.9% of the time.
Zero-0 wrote the longest lines, averaging 57.8 letters per line.
#RPG average was 35.8 letters per line.
Strikey wrote the shortest lines, averaging 18.1 characters per line.
Isaiah| was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.3 characters.
Zepp spoke a total of 10769 words!
Zepp's faithful follower, Zero, didn't speak so much: 8641 words.
Guest14748 wrote an average of 15.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.42 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 mibbit 365 Zepp
2 joined 359 mib_hwb079
3 about 251 Wild
4 Client 221 Zepp
5 would 184 Ming
6 there 178 Wild
7 because 175 Ming
8 comcast 174 mib_hwb079
9 think 172 Ming
10 people 155 Anastasia

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 The 3103 Anastasia
2 is 1561 Zepp
3 now 461 mib_hwb079
4 Zepp 300 Anastasia
5 known 248 mib_hwb079

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 96 Mother-Russia
2 :> 55 gaptop
3 :D 39 Zero|Writing
4 D: 36 Draco
5 :( 24 Zepp
6 :/ 24 Anastasia
7 -_- 21 Strikey
8 :) 19 Anastasia
9 ;p 16 Zero
10 \o/ 8 Zero

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1309064447595.jpg 3 Anastasia
2 http://thracs.meridiaisland.com/ 3 Anastasia
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss8LDBNcsWc&feature=feedf_mor 2 mib_fwfkkh
4 http://sdb.drshnaps.com/objects/7/991/Sprite/Gorgon.gif 2 Draco
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQFNFLK6OJg 2 Scarth
6 http://www.damnlol.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-grow-a-condo 2 Wild
7 http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/zz/sadalahn.htm 2 Alex
8 http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/mongoose.htm 2 Draco
9 http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/index.php 2 Zepp
10 http://s4.zetaboards.com/scarththegrim/topic/8813544/1/ 2 Scarth

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
Zepp always lets us know what he/she's doing: 328 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Zepp kids, barely knows who that is.

Also, Alex tells us what's up with 175 actions.
Zero talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 20 times!
Another lonely one was Zepp, who managed to hit 9 times.
KusuCooks has quite a potty mouth. 2.6% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <KusuCooks> not a chance in hell

Brad also makes sailors blush, 2.2% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 15932.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 02 seconds