#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Tuesday 7 June 2011 - 3:29:10
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 172 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0% 0.4%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Scarth22593432328 10782259343232880647.5today"No, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi9VqKv5UkI"
2 Zepp52123113376 103352111337654345.3today"What kind of explosives do medieval folks have?"
3 Anastasia27469293319 9552746929331963416.6today"(I wish! I have to finalize henchmen and post an rp or two)"
4 Gaplant2364779260 622236477926030975.0today"Ming stabs me, Daren shoots me in the knees."
5 Braddigan15651144265 6161565114426541956.82 days ago"http://i.imgur.com/aZiV3.png"
6 Radune2922136385 572292213638526374.6today"Or Gundam Senki."
7 Mother-Russia1252553345 548125255334528795.3today"Pandora is playing My Heart Will Go On."
8 Kusuriurite34173322 5353417332231535.9yesterday"then once you ignore them for a while"
9 Nomad27210883 4652721088329776.4today"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ"
10 Alex583647168 30958364716816235.3today"It was before the N64."
11 Kuriboh996211928 30899621192817735.8today"RIDE WITH ME, MEN!"
12 Ming97187 29999718725028.4today"Like I said, he's his own worst enemy."
13 blackmage1051250121 288105125012119466.8today"Well the new X-men wasn't too bad I suppose."
14 Artemis3536155 2333573615513345.73 days ago"I have Kusu as a friend."
15 SAKURA173 1831017312887.0yesterday"THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING"
16 Strikey_931468 1759314687584.3yesterday"mmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer"
17 Strikey156 16815697034.2yesterday"I got a 4 gig in mine, Alex"
18 Draco14121 168141521169210.1today"Very tragic. There was a ski lift involved, I think."
19 MEIKO238351 162523835113288.2today"What's with your nick?"
20 Daren3599 13435997485.6today"I will disown you"
21 KusuWORKite434643 1324346438346.3today"so are we talking Flutter here or White base?"
22 Jessinator132 1321326064.63 days ago"lol been a long time since i used these comms"
23 Zero120 1221207366.04 days ago"IF YOU JOIN MAH RPG WHAT SIDE YOU GONNA JOIN?"
24 AModestProposal1844 724618444816.7today"but I have to go image 8+ computers so I will be back later"
25 KusuFailsatSFIV62 62623395.5today"Zepp make a giant steam powere fist to throw giant rocks"
26 RauLeCreuset60 60605859.85 days ago"I think they even brought back the MSN Chat style"
27 Drako1743 6017435869.8today"how are yyou guys?"
28 gapSQUARED58 58583225.6yesterday"Well, you would be WRONG."
29 Nader46 526462795.42 days ago"I just realized I said fantas instead of fantasy"
30 CanadianBot1228 44312283347.6today"DEATH TO THE INFIDELS, JIM!"
31 hammerpants1526 4115262405.92 days ago"No, I don't hate Ket."
32 BetterSpecify40 40402987.5yesterday"We found out who River Song is."
33 Dracoo34 343435210.46 days ago"My whole schtick with be that I'm impersonating Marlin Branegan."
34 Thorhottrousers34 34341705.05 days ago"Now, about that logging out bit."
35 Zopp33 33331564.72 days ago"THE MARK OF A WOMAN 8/\"
36 Pantslessthor33 33331865.65 days ago"Zepp- why you "scree?""
37 BurningMan32 32322056.43 days ago"More vehicle/transport than battleship"
38 Zeppnado31 31311514.94 days ago"Duck is my favz."
39 ZZepp27 292271374.76 days ago"Is it the kind of wave where you hold up a finger? :3"
40 Seta26 282261445.16 days ago"Catch him when he's streaming his LoL."
41 Spade24 273242007.42 days ago"ERROR!: TRUE SHOT"
42 mib_rkuavu 2775691686.2yesterday"Pah. This broccoli tastes like a foot."
43 Caleb22 2722411465.4today"That's why I trained a number of people."
44 Kuri|interbuttsishard23 2623211666.4yesterday"http://talesofthedarkone.netau.net/forum/index.php"
45 Los25 2525823.33 days ago"Smashed his guts into mashed taters"
46 Kusu17 241771526.3today"well i shall not be stopped by a tree tonight!...actually i proba"
47 PerfectN21 221211476.74 days ago"probably a few months right?"
48 Thorpants20 21120743.55 days ago"Scarth- Scarth I don't hate."
49 TheColony19 19191648.64 days ago"New story, different universe"
50 Kuri|FFFFFWORDPRESS18 1818965.32 days ago"yeah but I'm not hijacking the entire room for once a week"
51 Alex|BC2 18738925.13 days ago"What is APB Gap?"
52 mib_9pz7y317 17171106.52 days ago"what do you mean couldnt you tell?"
53 Big-Kusu12 152112885.9today"seems like a knokoff of f-zero"
54 The_fake_Nader15 1515392.65 days ago"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE VIDEO?"
55 Zimmad14 1414574.15 days ago"This name feels like a name that wears clothes."
56 ScarthCupcaking13 1411314210.15 days ago"But if we try some times."
57 sleepLANT11 142111906.4today"Good night, team."
58 Raplant 1338215712.16 days ago"(drawing was a scripted thing with the response)"
59 DracoLaptop13 13131027.86 days ago"I'll try it on my PC."
60 Mutter-Russland13 1313786.05 days ago"Though I suppose it would help me in my government class..."
61 DracoZZZZZ 12624988.2today"Oh well. Works fine on my PC."
62 mib_nt2xo312 1212877.25 days ago"instant kingship and pootang"
63 Strikefag11 1111333.05 days ago"HIKARU STRIKER WILL DEFEAT YOU"
64 mlgLANT 1192756.82 days ago"Man this is gonna' be awesome."
65 Guest79273 1165645.82 days ago"Nader is jack the ripper"
66 KusuSTILLburnswithhate 11101787.13 days ago"http://rpgscarth.webs.com/rules.htm"
67 mib_0173so 101010010.02 days ago"I think i should get back to my burrito box and chalupa"
68 Swamp_Thing 101010510.53 days ago"I'll makea more serious attempt if you like?"
69 Gigyas 99384.24 days ago"Or so help me I will neuter your character!"
70 Strikey|Updating 918293.22 days ago"your action fool"
71 Bradddigan 99738.1today"There is still time for more answers to appear."
72 ZEQP 99677.45 days ago"PONIES"
73 DarkArchon 88435.44 days ago"Power Overwhelming!"
74 Ketera 88162.05 days ago"COCKS"
75 mib_7bkh50 88303.85 days ago"AND I THINK I'M GONNA BE"
76 Nomader 88405.04 days ago"Nader was my real name, and I'm going to be a Journalist"
77 AlexNotTris 88273.45 days ago"IMMA LET YOU START ZERO"
79 mib_b8wvpw 77213.04 days ago"EVERYPONY"
80 DrunkZepp 77324.6today"DAR AS SALLAM EVERYPONY"
81 sc2LANT 77284.02 days ago"Since I hit diamond I haven't really played."
82 Zeppisapuffer 77365.15 days ago"But... I wanna feel cool in a way you'll never notice."
83 sgre 77446.32 days ago"Fuck you strikey, go suck a cock!"
84 gAp 66437.22 days ago"Man what the shit Chrome."
85 Cocksuriurite 66183.05 days ago"SHUT YOUR JUSTICE"
86 Saiyan_Dude 55244.85 days ago"i am teh saiyan dude from GWB"
87 mib_bulp9l 55244.85 days ago"tell me more :3"
88 hammerpants's 55316.23 days ago"* hammerpants's server: *.chatspike.net - ChatSpike"
89 mib_ms7o6f 55224.43 days ago"KURI"
90 Rodeon 55183.62 days ago"lol rode on"
91 mib_boczqj 55377.45 days ago"DOOOOOOOOONKEY PUUUUUUUUNNNNNCH!"
92 KusuHISTORY 55459.02 days ago"any html help would be good as well as introduction to FTP"
93 NotChris 55224.45 days ago"* NotChris hugs Radune"
94 hangoutLANT 422205.0yesterday"And also see you later team."
95 mib_s4dp96 44307.54 days ago"Shoot him with your Type 99-I Cannon."
96 Zero|Gone 413276.84 days ago"I'll drop him a message"
97 ZeroFags 44205.05 days ago"LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULZ"
98 mib_r5961x 44225.55 days ago"I CAME ALL OVER BLACKMAGE"
99 Alex|Gaming 431328.0today"Morning Ming and Caleb."
100 mib_u2pvul 44194.8yesterday"DOUBLE LINK"

These didn't make it to the top:
mib_jpazvv (4) mib_vxp2y7 (4) Gapvi (4) DracoAFK (4) Zero-0 (4)
mib_yl52ox (4) Marcellus_Wallace (4) The_real_Jesse (4) mib_hckfdr (3) mib_9anf60 (3)
Saigo (3) mib_glghym (3) Kuri|out (3) tennisLANT (3) Guest74294 (3)
Jake_Yomada (3) PoseidonLookAtMe (3) dinnerLANT (3) ScarthFag (2) Guest75160 (2)
DracoFag (2) Nador (2) mib_kr4uhf (2) errandsLANT (2) Fagtara (2)
Fagplant (2) Alex|Work (2) mib_97x7ln (2) Guest93463 (2) Zero|Working (2)
mib_pw85cq (2) Strikey|Away (2) mib_2l5e75 (2) mib_it4h58 (2) Kosokoriorite (2)
AndrAIa (2) mib_duipzz (2) mib_ujmur4 (2) ALIEN (2) zpe (2)
SpaceStationKuriboh (2) mib_lq6iiz (2) Strass (2) Ketara (2) fshaf (2)
mib_h35gp6 (2) Guest23477 (1) Poroflo (1) Doren (1) Spode (1)

By the way, there were 22 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Zepp - 521 Scarth - 93 Scarth - 432 Radune - 385
2 Anastasia - 274 Anastasia - 69 Anastasia - 293 Zepp - 376
3 Nomad - 272 Kuriboh - 62 Kusuriurite - 173 Mother-Russia - 345
4 Gaplant - 236 Braddigan - 51 Braddigan - 144 Scarth - 328
5 Scarth - 225 Gaplant - 47 Radune - 136 Kusuriurite - 322
6 Strikey - 156 KusuWORKite - 43 Kuriboh - 119 Anastasia - 319
7 Braddigan - 156 Alex - 36 Zepp - 113 Braddigan - 265
8 Draco - 141 Mother-Russia - 25 Nomad - 108 Gaplant - 260
9 Jessinator - 132 Zepp - 23 Ming - 97 Ming - 187
10 Mother-Russia - 125 MEIKO - 23 MEIKO - 83 SAKURA - 173

Big numbers
Is KusuWORKite stupid or just asking too many questions? 18.2% lines contained a question!
Pantslessthor didn't know that much either. 18.2% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was blackmage, who yelled 17.4% of the time!
Another old yeller was CanadianBot, who shouted 15.9% of the time!
It seems that Zopp's shift-key is hanging: 30.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Zopp> INDECISION

Mother-Russia just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 15.5% of the time.
Strikey is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 3 times.
For example, like this:
     * Strikey kills zepp with his anti-pony lazerz

Kuri|FFFFFWORDPRESS can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 2 times.
Poor Kusu, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 3 times.
For example, like this:
     * Kuri|FFFFFWORDPRESS bites kusu

Zepp seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 3 times.
Strikey brings happiness to the world. 8.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
blackmage isn't a sad person either, smiling 7.3% of the time.
MEIKO seems to be sad at the moment: 3.7% lines contained sad faces. :(
Anastasia is also a sad person, crying 3.6% of the time.
Dracoo wrote the longest lines, averaging 56.9 letters per line.
#RPG average was 35.0 letters per line.
Strikey wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.4 characters per line.
Jessinator was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.8 characters.
Scarth spoke a total of 8064 words!
Scarth's faithful follower, Anastasia, didn't speak so much: 6341 words.
Brad wrote an average of 15.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.18 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 mibbit 301 blackmage
2 joined 259 blackmage
3 youtube 211 blackmage
4 com/watch 199 Gaplant
5 known 187 Alex|Work
6 comcast 167 mib_9anf60
7 Client 153 Gaplant
8 about 122 Big-Kusu
9 would 116 BetterSpecify
10 there 111 Alex

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Zepp 176 blackmage
2 Scarth 144 Zepp
3 Anastasia 81 Scarth
4 Kusu 71 Alex
5 Nader 63 Scarth

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 56 Anastasia
2 D: 48 Gaplant
3 :> 43 blackmage
4 :/ 30 Anastasia
5 :) 22 Alex
6 :D 20 MEIKO
7 :( 13 Zepp
8 -.- 11 MEIKO
9 -_- 11 SAKURA
10 T_T 7 Anastasia

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://rpgscarth.webs.com 4 Radune
2 http://talesofthedarkone.netau.net/ 4 Kuriboh
3 http://meridiaisland.com/ 4 MEIKO
4 http://wapsisquare.com/comics/2010-05-18-long-hot-shower.jpg 3 Scarth
5 http://www.justin.tv/vilnth 3 Gaplant
6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0ZVdaMO56Y 3 Scarth
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6L9bUouDr8 2 Strikey_
8 http://youtu.be/f9paEbNigdc 2 Artemis
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTXO7KGHtjI 2 Scarth
10 http://www.thecolony.elementfx.com/ 2 Anastasia

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
Scarth always lets us know what he/she's doing: 321 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Scarth also never played CoD:BO before tonight.

Also, Zepp tells us what's up with 122 actions.
Zepp talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 16 times!
Another lonely one was Braddigan, who managed to hit 11 times.
Thorhottrousers has quite a potty mouth. 1.8% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Thorhottrousers> Damn it Nomad.

Strikey also makes sailors blush, 1.6% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 10793.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds