#RPG @ ChatSpike stats by Anastasia

Statistics generated on Thursday 29 September 2011 - 2:37:59
During this 7-day reporting period, a total of 99 different nicks were represented on #RPG.

Most active times
0% 0% 0% 0% 0.7%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Scarth18449514252 9991844951425266096.6today"By that logic Cid, Scarth is an awesome wingman."
2 Zepp14723401196 7671472340119634474.5today"Well it's pretty hardcore I tell you hwat."
3 Anastasia25729202222 7102572920222255327.8today"OMG, it's Thor :D"
4 Cid103195403 539319540326154.9today"The one with the underwear."
5 Draco151128192 47115112819240718.6today"As if Strikey has money."
6 Tool69150118 3376915011816424.9today"My lvl1 Powered GM pilot will be the star"
7 Strikey2002185 312200218517595.6today"at least i'm still here, Alex. :P"
8 Kaz24357 30024357351711.72 days ago"Should I include non-related work experience?"
9 Braddigan8968135 294896813524478.3today"Ket, do you think Chris will take me back~?"
10 Zero-094149 2499414922278.9today"oh, the image is"
11 Tylatz1186136 215118613615047.0today"That's what the Physalis was made for afterall."
12 Nomad4555106 2134575510611425.4today"http://28.media.tumblr.com/YYV3RqGZQj2ndpjaO8dfvl1lo1_400.jpg"
13 Grayscale204 2042048814.3today"YOU CAN BE THAT RYOCHA/RADUNE"
14 Radune36161 198361617844.0today"That's good, then I don't have to join."
15 Luftpost77115 192771159715.1today"Trade embargo against chinese, sorry :<"
16 Kusuriurite703383 18770338311786.3today"chan heard you were making maps for profit?"
17 Alex38282164 151382821647535.0today"Because I have huge hopes for you."
18 Chan12017 137120178396.1today"Gondor called for aid."
19 TATARI162992 13716299213159.63 days ago"Vehicle: VK 2801"
20 seta235553 1312355535624.3today"Part of High Comm, probably."
21 Ciddo18101 119181016685.63 days ago"Pasting it is basically the same thing."
22 AModestProposal255535 1152555356445.6today"there is a sub-set of DiD that has more horror"
23 Ming491242 1034912426886.7today"Wait.. there are Gundams?"
24 Seifer102 1021026526.45 days ago"I'll have to tell my wife"
25 Viktor3258 9032585906.63 days ago"It suxx in general. Zeon is where itz at."
26 blackmage462316 854623167578.9today"I'm gonna go get some sleep."
27 Kaz|Laptop79 8457984910.13 days ago"Oh shit. I didn't write the rules for Capitals in. Heh."
28 Kuriboh4826 7448263474.72 days ago"Hell fucking yes"
29 Scarthkavian5118 6951185568.15 days ago"It is an amazing, confusing place."
30 Ryocha62 62623816.1today"brb licking them."
31 Alex|OoT4714 6147144156.84 days ago"God grant me the will not to strangle the hubby."
32 flession60 60603475.85 days ago"as I said, system's already developed"
33 Sakura181521 541815214578.53 days ago"Why not make a fourth?"
34 Guest5627432 413282195.3yesterday"http://youtu.be/obZ4VQz2PMI?t=23s"
35 aleksei39 39393077.9today"Face swapping and such."
36 KusuWORKite2512 3725121694.6yesterday"Ketara isn't in area 2 he can't lumberjack"
37 ZoppZopplon35 35351404.05 days ago"Especially Scarth."
38 Zeppdate35 35351724.9yesterday" /THIS IS IMPORTANT IN ECO/"
39 Tris1411 33814111895.74 days ago"the tigers have 100% crews"
40 BattlestarZepp32 32321574.9today"A non-rpg forum for discussion, advertisements, and whatnot."
41 Strikey_29 29291244.3today"HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!"
42 IpodAlex25 2525873.54 days ago"I was here last night. : p"
43 Guest6891315 2461532189.1today"He paints maps on the nuclear reactor he built in his kitchen."
44 mib_e1j00o23 23231637.1today"lol I tried that one"
45 mib_hdbjo420 222021064.8yesterday"I recently had an elk burger"
46 ZZepp15 22715753.4yesterday"They're /buffalo/"
47 Thorpants20 20201025.1today"From the bottom all you've got is up."
48 `Chris19 1919914.8today"Assuming that Luftpost is Jim then?"
49 ChrisAFK18 181820311.3today"as long as we're not on the same side again :-p"
50 mib_ul5p4a17 17171418.36 days ago"but its fucking godawful"
51 mib_177qr416 16161096.84 days ago"NEVER GOING TO GIVE YOU UP"
52 Rainbow16 1616613.8today"So you're saying I should pick a color"
53 mib_ddzke610 16106784.96 days ago"what would you say I am good at?"
54 WeekendZeppdate15 1515523.5today"But.. but it'll come out on DVD, right? D:"
55 Guest59301 1495513.63 days ago"where will the hooved madness stop!?"
56 Caleb13 1313584.53 days ago"You do get attached to your pooparts."
57 Guest44174 1138645.85 days ago"Kusu's not here, mang."
58 Zopp10 1010595.95 days ago"Otherwise there'd be no point in having multiple spells."
59 Guest2706 99343.8today"Going through the list now"
60 Guest4357 88202.5today"Yeah that's probably it"
61 mib_8ew4jz 77344.9today"beam gatling guns"
62 Tool2 77263.75 days ago"Our teamup will be legendary"
63 mib_g733uu 66152.54 days ago"why hasnt eco been updated"
64 Meiko 66294.8yesterday"Pming worked this time ...."
65 Scarth2 55173.4today"Somehow I disconnected but didn't actually disconnect."
66 Guest94184 55265.24 days ago"I didn't get one for monday from Dracoh."
67 BlackDynamite 55204.04 days ago"...."
68 mib_037h40 55459.03 days ago"I remember you from FI or oyw I think"
69 mib_0gkad4 4471.82 days ago"WHAT IS THE POINT OF LIFE"
70 mib_0by4t2 44102.56 days ago"WHAT DID I WALK INTO?"
71 Pikachu 44153.85 days ago"its both lol and fun at the same time"
72 DracoAFK 431174.22 days ago"Kaz is going to design a game?"
73 Slade 44256.2today"Like two turn tables and a microphone."
74 Cid|AFK 44297.23 days ago"I should probably get dressed."
75 Guest40750 44153.85 days ago"Woo hoo hoo hoo!"
76 mib_1ivrj2 44276.8yesterday"FEELING HOT HOT HOT"
77 Karl 33134.3today"well, im on my phone doin this."
78 DracoZZZZZ 33165.32 days ago"Yarr, Left 4 Dead encourages a bunch of scurvy dogs to work toget"
79 Nihachi 33206.7today"Hey, Kaz is online!!!"
80 LuckyMcDowell 33186.03 days ago"I was in a few of the OYWs and a couple of other PBEs we've had"
81 PimpStrikey 3372.34 days ago"Yay Troika/berrik left. fucking asshole"
82 Troika 3351.72 days ago"Oh, the uniform."
83 OJSimpson 312144.74 days ago"http://news.yahoo.com/kindergartener-brings-crack-pipe-meth-show-"
84 mib_vr9b5z 3382.76 days ago"action sent for zepp rpg"
85 mib_35qobc 2284.05 days ago"OMG ITS THE INTERNET"
86 Bosley 222110.53 days ago"Scarth will not be Zepp's bitch in 0083."
87 Dalek 1111.0yesterday"IDENTIFY"
88 Guest52845 1133.04 days ago"<3 _ <3"
89 Karl2 1177.0today"okay....so i cant do other things..."
90 Guest78135 1188.03 days ago"Is that what they're doing in preschool nowadays?"
91 ScarthMD 1155.04 days ago"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwy7exSOlv4&feature=related"
92 Guest15914 1133.05 days ago"Israel is derp."
93 Gaplant 1111.04 days ago"Hello!"
94 Gorak 1122.0today"OH NO."
95 mib 1155.0yesterday"Man mirc is a faggot."
96 YeastInfection 1155.05 days ago"Jim has a short stick?"
97 Guest16328 1155.0today"Why do you ask? D:"
98 Tyfood 1122.04 days ago"Ah, Zepp~"
99 Kaz|2 1199.04 days ago"Or, it could be my modem that went derp."

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Anastasia - 257 Scarth - 49 Scarth - 514 Cid - 403
2 Strikey - 200 Cid - 31 Zepp - 401 Scarth - 252
3 Scarth - 184 Anastasia - 29 Kaz - 243 Anastasia - 222
4 Draco - 151 Alex - 28 Anastasia - 202 Grayscale - 204
5 Zepp - 147 AModestProposal - 25 Tool - 150 Zepp - 196
6 Tylatz - 118 Zepp - 23 Draco - 128 Draco - 192
7 Braddigan - 89 WeekendZeppdate - 15 Chan - 120 Radune - 161
8 Luftpost - 77 Sakura - 15 Cid - 95 Zero-0 - 149
9 Kusuriurite - 70 Caleb - 13 Zero-0 - 94 Braddigan - 135
10 Tool - 69 Nomad - 7 Braddigan - 68 Tool - 118

Big numbers
Is KusuWORKite stupid or just asking too many questions? 32.4% lines contained a question!
Guest56274 didn't know that much either. 31.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Tylatz, who yelled 16.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was Kusuriurite, who shouted 11.2% of the time!
It seems that ZoppZopplon's shift-key is hanging: 34.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <ZoppZopplon> EXCEPT TYLATZ

Zepp just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 21.3% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Strikey brings happiness to the world. 11.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
TATARI isn't a sad person either, smiling 8.8% of the time.
Radune seems to be sad at the moment: 5.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
Anastasia is also a sad person, crying 2.7% of the time.
Kaz wrote the longest lines, averaging 62.1 letters per line.
#RPG average was 34.5 letters per line.
Radune wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.2 characters per line.
Grayscale was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.9 characters.
Scarth spoke a total of 6609 words!
Scarth's faithful follower, Anastasia, didn't speak so much: 5532 words.
Kaz wrote an average of 11.72 words per line.
Channel average was 6.43 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 170 Radune
2 would 148 Ming
3 think 141 Radune
4 should 122 Ming
5 youtube 107 Tylatz
6 there 105 Ming
7 com/watch 103 Tylatz
8 going 97 aleksei
9 right 87 Radune
10 though 86 Radune

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Scarth 181 Nomad
2 Zepp 80 Draco
3 Cid 70 Grayscale
4 Draco 60 Zepp
5 Strikey 56 Draco

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :P 55 Draco
2 :( 38 Zepp
3 :D 18 Anastasia
4 D: 17 Radune
5 :> 16 Radune
6 :/ 15 Cid
7 :) 11 Nomad
8 :p 9 Zepp
9 ;_; 6 Radune
10 -_- 4 Chan

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://s4.zetaboards.com/Eco/forum/3751539/ 4 Zepp
2 http://rpgzepp.wordpress.com/transport-roster/ 3 BattlestarZepp
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VrIZt 3 Anastasia
4 http://planetzebes.net/0083/ 3 Chan
5 http://www.planetzebes.net/0083/ 3 Zero-0
6 http://rpgzepp.wordpress.com/background/ 3 Zepp
7 http://rpgzepp.wordpress.com/ 3 Zepp
8 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04 2 Anastasia
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cPHqYT7EhQ 2 Scarth
10 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/dracostarcloud/schult 2 Draco

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #RPG!
Wow, no op was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no halfop was given on #RPG!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #RPG!
Strange, no voices were given on #RPG!
No voices were taken on #RPG!
No actions in #RPG!
Scarth talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 16 times!
Another lonely one was Zepp, who managed to hit 9 times.
Kuriboh has quite a potty mouth. 2.3% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Kuriboh> IDK what the fuck you're running

Thorpants also makes sailors blush, 2.0% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 8539.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 01 seconds