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Jeremy Branson; Appalachian 5th Armored Unit
Topic Started: Sep 26 2010, 02:12 AM (45 Views)

Name: Lt. Jeremy Branson
Speciality: Negotiations and strategy
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200lbs
Ethnicity: Bedouin
Psychological evaluation: Fatalistic. The Lieutenant doesn't seem to be suicidal, but he does not show an aversion to death. Often jokes about it.
Physical Description: Horizontally challenged black hair, hawk nose, brown eyes, ridiculous moustache. You should see this thing. It's a wonder he can eat.
Unit: Armored

Name: Sgt. Sean Tennant
Speciality: Infiltration and setup
Ethnicity: Ethiopian/ Alpine
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 200lbs
Psychological evaluation: Adrenaline Junky. Seems the only thing that gives him a rush is being behind the lines of contact. Alone. With a good chance of dying. Seems obsessed over his inability to grow hair anywhere but his face and nethers.
Physical Description: Tall and Lanky. Also, Bald. He's managed to grow hair on his face though. Big, round bald eyes. Brown eyes. Please don't let him read this- I think he knows I typed it up.
Unit: Armored

Name: Cpl. Paula Ortiz Velazques
Speciality: Sniping my heart
Ethnicity: Colombian
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128lbs
Psychological evaluation: Minor Sociopathy. She may be the only normal one in the group. Rumors abound about her cutting hair with bullets.
Physical Description: Deep, jet black, curly, thick hair you can lose yourself in. Dark Hazel eyes. Delicate nose. Full, thick kissable lips. Yes, I saw you write mine up. My baldness is a genetic condition.
Unit: Armored

Name: Cpl. Alan Holt
Speciality: Surgical Bombardment
Ethnicity: Scotts-Irish
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 225lbs
Psychological evaluation: Psychopathic. He is good at explosions- seems to have a rivalry with Paula over precision shooting.
Physical Description: He's tall. He's blond. He's stocky.
Unit: Armored
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