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Dragonshroom; He's a farmer.
Topic Started: Oct 11 2011, 06:53 PM (37 Views)

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Name: Dragonshroom

Nobody is quite sure where the Dragonshroom came from, but it has been seen frequenting establishments across the land, hinting at intelligence. He is considered by many to be a farmer even though his crop grows on his back.


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Name: Spike 1

A baby dragon originally hired to tend to Dragonshroom's Haunted Library. He is unofficially Dragonshroom's Second-in-Command, which is why he's #1.


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Name: Spike 2

A baby dragon originally hired to tend to Dragonshroom's Hanging Gardens. He sometimes wishes he was a Craftsman and enjoys any building projects Dragonshroom gives the team.


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Name: Spike 3

A baby dragon who once ate a dozen cupcakes in under a minute. He's always eager for action.


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Name: Spike 4

A baby dragon who has enthusiastically embraced the life of a pirate. He lives for a chance to sail the open seas.


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Name: Spike 5

A baby dragon who has a head for numbers. He acts as Dragonshroom's personal financial advisor.


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Name: Spike 6

A baby dragon who has a dark, terrible secret: he's not actually a baby dragon. Nobody knows where he came from, but his name just happened to be Spike, so he was allowed to join the gang after the death of the original Spike 6 during an act of piracy.


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Name: Rarity 1

A fashionable pegasus who is not only unsure of how she arrived in this world, but also how there came to be two of her, each with seemingly-identical memories. She and her "sister" vie for the attention of the colts while (seemingly) ignoring the attention the Spikes give them.


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Name: Rarity 2

A fashionable pegasus who is not only unsure of how she arrived in this world, but also how there came to be two of her, each with seemingly-identical memories. She can be typically seen wearing a pair of stylish glasses to distinguish herself from her "sister."
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Name: Spike 7

A baby dragon with big dreams and even bigger muscles. Nobody knows where he got a cape.


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Name: Spike 8

A baby dragon who talks tough and can sometimes back it up. He is typically Spike 7's sidekick, though their relationship is more like a buddy cop movie.


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Name: Spike 9

A baby dragon who doesn't like to bathe. He will let himself get dirty to the point of attracting pests unless the other Spikes throw him in a lake or stream.


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Name: Spike 10

A baby dragon who enjoys mischief and fancy hats. He and Spike 7 got their capes at the same store.
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