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Lockheart's Apprentices pillages a Herd of Buffalo; Open
Topic Started: Oct 16 2011, 09:09 AM (34 Views)
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Outcome: Lockheart's Apprentices are triumphant.
Nero the Royal Elf Battlemage: Gains 1 Live Buffalo, eats it (+20 HP), uses all parts of the buffalo so as not to offend the native americans.. err elves
Ella the Royal Elf Ranger: Gains 1 Live Buffalo, eats it (+20 HP), uses all parts of the buffalo so as not to offend the native americans.. err elves
Zevran the Forest Elf Assassin: Gains 1 Live Buffalo, eats it (+20 HP), uses all parts of the buffalo so as not to offend the native americans.. err elves
Master Wade the Blacksmith: Gains 1 Live Buffalo, eats it (+20 HP), openly wastes buffalo so as to offend the native americans.. err elves, because screw elves. #blacksmith life.
Sassy Sarah the Lake Pirate: Gains no buffalo, eats dirt
Herd of Buffalo: -100 HP (FNT), +10 SP, Loses 4 Live Buffalo (Food, HP)
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