With Yuku Supporter you get a personal no-ads account. That means you will not see Yuku ads on any message board or profile page you visit. (You may occasionally see ads that are served by board owners, which Yuku does not control). By signing up for Yuku Supporter, you also help discussion boards that have enrolled in the Gold Community offering—your visits to these boards will not be counted against the Gold Community's ad impression quota. You also receive additional benefits with Yuku Supporter including two additional profiles and five additional signatures.
You can sign up right now! Click here to become a Yuku Supporter (You may be asked to log in).
Sure, you can give a Yuku Supporter subscription to a friend. Simply go to your friend's Yuku Profile page and click on the "Buy me Yuku Supporter" link. You will then be prompted through the steps to purchase Yuku Supporter for your friend.
We make it easy for you to sign up using the PayPal Online Payment service. You can make a one-time payment, or you can make automated recurring payments if you sign you for a PayPal account.
Yes. For $12 you can purchase Yuku Supporter for a full year. Yuku Supporter subscribers receive price breaks when they purchase a package for 12 months.
When using a credit card or PayPal, your Yuku Supporter will be activated instantly (except for eChecks through PayPal).
Log in to Yuku and go to your Account Settings.
Yuku Supporter is a user-level subscription while Gold Community is a community-level subscription. You will need to pay full price for the Gold Community service.
By becoming a Yuku Supporter, you will receive a personal no-ads subscription. This means that you will not see any Yuku advertising on Yuku message boards. However, anyone who is not a Yuku Supporter will still see ads on your community (if you have one). If you have a community and are interested in making it ad-free for all members who access it, you'll need to sign up for a Gold Ad-Free Community subscription.
No. Each profile of your account will share your Yuku Supporter status.
Yes. Your ezSupporter subscription was frozen on ezboard from the day you upgraded to Yuku. The subscription will be honored on Yuku. If from the day your account was upgraded from ezboard to Yuku, your account had 100 days of ezSupporter left, then your Yuku Supporter account will also have 100 days left.