Space Colony:
Cost: 1,000,000,000 credits
Types: Open, Closed
Add Ons: Command Center, Cellblock, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Nuclear Engines
Fixed Armament: None
Notes: This is a true symbol of engineering genius. At the beginning of the Universal Century these were first designed. Even after all these years these installations are probably the only real answer to the Earth Sphere’s increasing population. It holds millions of people inside its walls. The only add on you can add to this is the self destruct add on. As for armaments the only thing you can add to them are mobile weapons themselves or defense sats. As an owner of a colony you gain 5,000,000 credits a week from taxes and any trade your colony may have. Also the owner of this colony and any allied forces gain half repairs. This will not give you instant repairs. This takes a colony destroying weapon to destroy.
Movement: 4 times as long as a mobile suit.
Space Fortress:
Cost: 500,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Command Center, Cellblock, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Nuclear Engines
Fixed Armament: anti-air laser turret x 10, missile turret x 10
Notes: This is a symbol of military might. It is made from a hallowed out asteroid. It is a massive structure that is very hard to destroy. It is the perfect installation for a base in space. It comes with weapons when you first buy it. Also it has its own engines to move around on its own even though it takes 4 times as long as a mobile suit does. It even takes a colony destroying weapon to destroy it. As another bonus it gives half repair times but it will never reduce repair times to instant.
Movement: 4 times as long as a mobile suit.
Planetary Defense Platform:
Cost: 1,250,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Command Center, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Mobile Doll Control Center
Fixed Armament: anti-air turret x 30, missile turret x 30, mega particle cannon x 10
Notes: This is a marvel of defense technology. It was designed to sit in orbit of planet and protect it from attacks. If an enemy force gets close to the plateform they will have to deal with the mobile suits stationed there as well as the station’s large amount of static defenses. Also the station has very strong armor allowing it to extend battles over long periods of time where usually attackers start to fall apart. Also this space station can only be built in the orbit of a planet. It halves repair time as well. This is very expensive but in the end it is a must have.
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Add Ons: None
Fixed Armaments: None
Notes: This is the basic installation. It is what you will find on the surface of planets. It comes with nothing and you must buy everything to put on it but it is the only installation that you put on the customized locations making this a highly adaptable installation. This installation halves repair time as well.
Resource Satellite:
Cost: 500,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Space port
Fixed Armaments: None
Notes: This installation is just a mine that is found in space. It is pretty much an asteroid that is being mined for valuable materials. It gives you 10,000,000 credits each week but is very defenseless. You can not put any defenses on it except for ships. But even then the defense of the satellite is pretty weak. To get around this you can attach them to colonies or space fortresses. This can be built in space and can only be moved by a colony booster.
Movement: 4 times longer than a mobile suit (Only with a colony booster)
Base Locations:
These have to be bought when the base is built. And these are only for the base installation type. All costs are added on to the cost of a base.
Cost: 20,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found at the surface of the sea. Unlike other rpgs these bases aren’t floating on pontoons but is more like an oil rig. It is anchored in place to prevent it moving around by three large pillars. These pillars also keep it afloat. This is the weak point of this base type. With out these the base will sink and face destruction. As for the installation very little of it is above the surface. Only landing pads and launch catapults. The hanger bays and what not are found below the surface of the sea making them harder targets. This base type is perfect for a staging ground for sea ships and any mobile suits that can fly or move through sea have an advantage here.
Naval(Sea Bottom):
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found at the bottom of the sea or the bottom of lakes. Its domes and passage ways between the domes are rather fragile to enemy attack but since only units effective under water can really do much here this doesn’t make much of a problem. The only thing built under the ground in this base is its command center and its reactors providing some protection to these vital parts of the base.
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found on the edge of water. This allows it to have sea ships added to its defense. The only real weakness this adds to the base is that marine suits can get rather close to this base with out being detected.
Cold Climate:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found in the colder regions of the planet. All the buildings in this base type are insulated and heated allowing all inside to go about their business more comfortably. Due to the cold temperature of this climate region most mobile suits that weren’t designed for this region will find actions difficult. While mobile suits that were designed for this climate operate at full levels and will reduce mobile suits that weren’t designed for this type of climate to debris.
Cost: 10,000,000 credits.
Notes: This location is found on a mountain. Due the hazardous and often unpassable sides of the mountain usually only one road is truly the only access to this base type. This makes attacking the base on multiple sides difficult and often impossible. Another bonus for this base is that most attacking ships or aircraft will find themselves at the same level as the defenses. Also all vital parts of this base are built into the mountain itself.
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Notes: This type of base is found under the surface of the ground. This makes the base very hard to attack or destroy. It can only be destroyed by a colony destroying weapon. Also due to the fact that elevators can transport weapons or mobile weapons behind enemy attackers makes attacking these types of bases difficult. Also attackers are not able to predict where enemies are going to be until the defenders are out attacking.
Cost: 5,000,0000 credits
Notes: This base type is built in a forested region. This makes attacking a base rather difficult. Due to the nature of the protecting forest attackers can’t detect defenders very easily but that is also fact for the defenders. This also makes the range of ranged weapons fairly short.
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
Notes: This type of base is found in the desert wastelands. This base is hard to attack due to the high temperatures and mass amounts of sand. This causes mobile weapons not designed for this climate to have difficulties. Sand jamming thrusters and joints. The heat overheating computers and things like that. You know the drill. So mobile weapons designed for this environment will move circles around the attackers.
Cost: 75,000,0000 credits:
Notes: This is location is for those of you who love the idea of hiding behind civilians. And for the most part this will work unless the person you are fighting against isn’t humane. Also due to agents loyal to your forces you will learn about the location of enemy forces well before you normally would. Also if combat happens a lot in the city you may find rebel forces hindering all military forces moving through city whether they are yours or not.
Cost: Location 1 + Location 2 + 100,000,000 credits
Notes: with this you can combine different locations and make a hybrid that is better than both. You can create some rather strong combinations like an underground mountain complex which is nearly impervious to all attacks and very hard to take. Have fun creating locations.
Fixed Defenses:
These are to be added to installations to increase their defensive strength. Each item has its strengths and weaknesses. It is best to combine these than to just have one type..
Anti-Air Laser Turret:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- beam gun x 2
Notes: This is a fast moving anti-air defense weapon. Even though the beam it fires is slightly thin. This means the weapon must hit a target multiple times to damage a target enough to stop it from fighting but its rate of fire is high enough that this usually doesn’t cause a problem. Also another way to get past this problem is its relative cheap price. This allows you to buy a fair number of them to defend your installation. Also this weapon can only target flying targets. Its armor is relatively weak as well.
Anti-Ground Laser Turret:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- beam cannon x 2
Note: This weapon is the ground variant of the anti-air turret. It is slower but it packs a more powerful punch. This weapon is more effective in larger numbers due to its slower moving speed. Also its armor is about as strong as the anti-air turret.
Missile Turret:
Cost: 2,500,000 credits
- 4-tube missile launcher x 1
Note: This weapon was designed to assist the more common beam defense weapons. It fires fast moving and highly accurate missile. Its warhead will also deal heavy damage to any target it hits. The missiles are easy to destroy before hand if you can hit them. Also after they fire their missiles they will retreat into its armored base. While reloading their armor is rather strong but out of the base in firing mode they are easy to destroy.
Anti-Air Machinegun turret:
Cost: 1,000,000 credits
- 4-barrel machinegun
Notes: This is an anti-air gun tha fires solid projectiles. It has a high rate of fire that is lethal to fighters but seem to only deal light damage to mobile suits. It can fire on targets in the air and on the ground but it was mainly made to hit air targets.
Cost: 3,000,000 credits
- 180mm cannon x 1
Notes: This is a very slow firing weapon but its projectile deals a heavy blow. Its aiming speed isn’t all that slow but after it fires it take a few seconds to reload and often this is too long. With the aid of a sensor network this weapon becomes very accurate. Also it has strong armor protecting the side facing its enemy so often it will survive attacks the other defensive weapons won’t. This weapon is also perfect when an attacking force is made up of beam protected mobile weapons.
Mega Particle Cannon:
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
- mega particle cannon x 1
Notes: This is a slow moving and slow firing weapon that will punch through most things it comes across. Against fast moving mobile weapons this is almost useless but defending mobile suits will lead the attackers into its firing path allowing this weapon to deal heavy damage to attacking forces. Also against ships this weapon is invaluable. It will quickly reduce most ships to debris on the battle field rather quickly.
Torpedo Launcher:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- 2-tube torpedo launcher x 1
Notes: This is a fast moving anti-marine use defense weapon. It is perfect for defending bases that are in, on or beside the sea. Other than this difference it is pretty much a smaller missile launcher that can only be found in water.
Depth Charge Dispenser:
Cost: 1,500,000 credits
- depth charge launcher
Notes: This weapon is used to defend a harbor from attackers that are under water by throwing explosive cylinders that explode below the surface of the water creating a shockwave that will crush its target. This weapon isn't all that accurate but in groups can be a real threat.
Land/Naval Mines:
Cost: 1,000,000 credits
- high explosive charge x many
Notes: This is a high explosive that uses proximity sensors to detect targets to explode against. These sensors can tell between friend and foe. After each battle this mine field is replenished so the only way to remove a mine field completely is to destroy it completely.
Space Mines:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- high explosive charge x many
Notes: This pretty much the same as the gravity bound version. Except it comes in two forms. One is a simple proximity mine like the gravity bound ones, the other is a seeker version. Both look like simple debris so it will be hard to find and target these. It most be handled in the same way as its gravity bound version.
Defense Satellite:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
- beam cannon x 1
- 20-tube missile launcher x 2
Note: This is a mobile automated defense weapon that can only be used in space. It is simple in design but it packs enough weaponry to give most forces a hard time if they are caught unaware. Due to its automated nature it is easy to predict giving veteran pilots an easier time with these.
Add Ons:
These are added to installations to give various bonuses.
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on gives you the ability to imprison attackers. The rules for this is in the rules.
Space port:
Cost: 50,000,000 credits
Notes: This allows you to dock ships at your base and add them to the bases defense. This doesn’t include sea use ships. It also provides the ability to reach orbit of a planet.
Command Center:
Cost: 30,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on increases the effectiveness of defenders by allowing defenders to move in more coordinated movements and work better together. If destroyed your forces will be effected in a negative manor.
Sensor Network:
Cost: 4,000,000 credits
Notes: This gives you an earlier warning of enemy attacks. And it also allows you track enemy movements more easily as well and provide targeting data to ranged weapons.
Communication Network:
Cost: 4,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on gives your defending forces a more secure communication network. This also gives defenders the ability to speak more clearly to each other. Also it gives you a chance of hacking into enemy communications but this chance isn’t all that high.
Cost: 50,000,000 credits
Notes: This is an add on that can only be put on installations that are on or near the ground, so you can put them on a naval surface base or in a colony. It will give you 5,000,000 credits each week. Also only one of these can be built on each base.
Colony Booster:
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on is for colonies and resource satellites only. For the resource satellite it allows it move. For a colony it will make it move slightly faster so that it takes three times as long as a mobile suit instead of the normal four times. Also to do any kind of drop operation a pilot most remain in the object being dropped to make a final course correction at the last minute. This will allow defenders to try once more to stop the drop. Although at this point the drop can’t be stopped but it can be stopped from hitting its target.
Self-Destruct Nuclear Charge:
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on is for those of you who don’t want your installations to fall into enemy hands. It can be installed on all installations. When your installation is attacked and is about to become captured this add on will be activated. After the short count down this add on will explode and destroy the installation and everything in the area. Only mobile weapons that are able to out run the blast will survive.
Space Colony:
Cost: 1,000,000,000 credits
Types: Open, Closed
Add Ons: Command Center, Cellblock, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Nuclear Engines
Fixed Armament: None
Notes: This is a true symbol of engineering genius. At the beginning of the Universal Century these were first designed. Even after all these years these installations are probably the only real answer to the Earth Sphere’s increasing population. It holds millions of people inside its walls. The only add on you can add to this is the self destruct add on. As for armaments the only thing you can add to them are mobile weapons themselves or defense sats. As an owner of a colony you gain 5,000,000 credits a week from taxes and any trade your colony may have. Also the owner of this colony and any allied forces gain half repairs. This will not give you instant repairs. This takes a colony destroying weapon to destroy.
Movement: 4 times as long as a mobile suit.
Space Fortress:
Cost: 500,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Command Center, Cellblock, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Nuclear Engines
Fixed Armament: anti-air laser turret x 10, missile turret x 10
Notes: This is a symbol of military might. It is made from a hallowed out asteroid. It is a massive structure that is very hard to destroy. It is the perfect installation for a base in space. It comes with weapons when you first buy it. Also it has its own engines to move around on its own even though it takes 4 times as long as a mobile suit does. It even takes a colony destroying weapon to destroy it. As another bonus it gives half repair times but it will never reduce repair times to instant.
Movement: 4 times as long as a mobile suit.
Planetary Defense Platform:
Cost: 1,250,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Command Center, Sensor Network, Communication Network, Space port, Mobile Doll Control Center
Fixed Armament: anti-air turret x 30, missile turret x 30, mega particle cannon x 10
Notes: This is a marvel of defense technology. It was designed to sit in orbit of planet and protect it from attacks. If an enemy force gets close to the plateform they will have to deal with the mobile suits stationed there as well as the station’s large amount of static defenses. Also the station has very strong armor allowing it to extend battles over long periods of time where usually attackers start to fall apart. Also this space station can only be built in the orbit of a planet. It halves repair time as well. This is very expensive but in the end it is a must have.
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Add Ons: None
Fixed Armaments: None
Notes: This is the basic installation. It is what you will find on the surface of planets. It comes with nothing and you must buy everything to put on it but it is the only installation that you put on the customized locations making this a highly adaptable installation. This installation halves repair time as well.
Resource Satellite:
Cost: 500,000,000 credits
Add Ons: Space port
Fixed Armaments: None
Notes: This installation is just a mine that is found in space. It is pretty much an asteroid that is being mined for valuable materials. It gives you 10,000,000 credits each week but is very defenseless. You can not put any defenses on it except for ships. But even then the defense of the satellite is pretty weak. To get around this you can attach them to colonies or space fortresses. This can be built in space and can only be moved by a colony booster.
Movement: 4 times longer than a mobile suit (Only with a colony booster)
Base Locations:
These have to be bought when the base is built. And these are only for the base installation type. All costs are added on to the cost of a base.
Cost: 20,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found at the surface of the sea. Unlike other rpgs these bases aren’t floating on pontoons but is more like an oil rig. It is anchored in place to prevent it moving around by three large pillars. These pillars also keep it afloat. This is the weak point of this base type. With out these the base will sink and face destruction. As for the installation very little of it is above the surface. Only landing pads and launch catapults. The hanger bays and what not are found below the surface of the sea making them harder targets. This base type is perfect for a staging ground for sea ships and any mobile suits that can fly or move through sea have an advantage here.
Naval(Sea Bottom):
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found at the bottom of the sea or the bottom of lakes. Its domes and passage ways between the domes are rather fragile to enemy attack but since only units effective under water can really do much here this doesn’t make much of a problem. The only thing built under the ground in this base is its command center and its reactors providing some protection to these vital parts of the base.
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found on the edge of water. This allows it to have sea ships added to its defense. The only real weakness this adds to the base is that marine suits can get rather close to this base with out being detected.
Cold Climate:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Notes: This location is found in the colder regions of the planet. All the buildings in this base type are insulated and heated allowing all inside to go about their business more comfortably. Due to the cold temperature of this climate region most mobile suits that weren’t designed for this region will find actions difficult. While mobile suits that were designed for this climate operate at full levels and will reduce mobile suits that weren’t designed for this type of climate to debris.
Cost: 10,000,000 credits.
Notes: This location is found on a mountain. Due the hazardous and often unpassable sides of the mountain usually only one road is truly the only access to this base type. This makes attacking the base on multiple sides difficult and often impossible. Another bonus for this base is that most attacking ships or aircraft will find themselves at the same level as the defenses. Also all vital parts of this base are built into the mountain itself.
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Notes: This type of base is found under the surface of the ground. This makes the base very hard to attack or destroy. It can only be destroyed by a colony destroying weapon. Also due to the fact that elevators can transport weapons or mobile weapons behind enemy attackers makes attacking these types of bases difficult. Also attackers are not able to predict where enemies are going to be until the defenders are out attacking.
Cost: 5,000,0000 credits
Notes: This base type is built in a forested region. This makes attacking a base rather difficult. Due to the nature of the protecting forest attackers can’t detect defenders very easily but that is also fact for the defenders. This also makes the range of ranged weapons fairly short.
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
Notes: This type of base is found in the desert wastelands. This base is hard to attack due to the high temperatures and mass amounts of sand. This causes mobile weapons not designed for this climate to have difficulties. Sand jamming thrusters and joints. The heat overheating computers and things like that. You know the drill. So mobile weapons designed for this environment will move circles around the attackers.
Cost: 75,000,0000 credits:
Notes: This is location is for those of you who love the idea of hiding behind civilians. And for the most part this will work unless the person you are fighting against isn’t humane. Also due to agents loyal to your forces you will learn about the location of enemy forces well before you normally would. Also if combat happens a lot in the city you may find rebel forces hindering all military forces moving through city whether they are yours or not.
Cost: Location 1 + Location 2 + 100,000,000 credits
Notes: with this you can combine different locations and make a hybrid that is better than both. You can create some rather strong combinations like an underground mountain complex which is nearly impervious to all attacks and very hard to take. Have fun creating locations.
Fixed Defenses:
These are to be added to installations to increase their defensive strength. Each item has its strengths and weaknesses. It is best to combine these than to just have one type..
Anti-Air Laser Turret:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- beam gun x 2
Notes: This is a fast moving anti-air defense weapon. Even though the beam it fires is slightly thin. This means the weapon must hit a target multiple times to damage a target enough to stop it from fighting but its rate of fire is high enough that this usually doesn’t cause a problem. Also another way to get past this problem is its relative cheap price. This allows you to buy a fair number of them to defend your installation. Also this weapon can only target flying targets. Its armor is relatively weak as well.
Anti-Ground Laser Turret:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- beam cannon x 2
Note: This weapon is the ground variant of the anti-air turret. It is slower but it packs a more powerful punch. This weapon is more effective in larger numbers due to its slower moving speed. Also its armor is about as strong as the anti-air turret.
Missile Turret:
Cost: 2,500,000 credits
- 4-tube missile launcher x 1
Note: This weapon was designed to assist the more common beam defense weapons. It fires fast moving and highly accurate missile. Its warhead will also deal heavy damage to any target it hits. The missiles are easy to destroy before hand if you can hit them. Also after they fire their missiles they will retreat into its armored base. While reloading their armor is rather strong but out of the base in firing mode they are easy to destroy.
Anti-Air Machinegun turret:
Cost: 1,000,000 credits
- 4-barrel machinegun
Notes: This is an anti-air gun tha fires solid projectiles. It has a high rate of fire that is lethal to fighters but seem to only deal light damage to mobile suits. It can fire on targets in the air and on the ground but it was mainly made to hit air targets.
Cost: 3,000,000 credits
- 180mm cannon x 1
Notes: This is a very slow firing weapon but its projectile deals a heavy blow. Its aiming speed isn’t all that slow but after it fires it take a few seconds to reload and often this is too long. With the aid of a sensor network this weapon becomes very accurate. Also it has strong armor protecting the side facing its enemy so often it will survive attacks the other defensive weapons won’t. This weapon is also perfect when an attacking force is made up of beam protected mobile weapons.
Mega Particle Cannon:
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
- mega particle cannon x 1
Notes: This is a slow moving and slow firing weapon that will punch through most things it comes across. Against fast moving mobile weapons this is almost useless but defending mobile suits will lead the attackers into its firing path allowing this weapon to deal heavy damage to attacking forces. Also against ships this weapon is invaluable. It will quickly reduce most ships to debris on the battle field rather quickly.
Torpedo Launcher:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- 2-tube torpedo launcher x 1
Notes: This is a fast moving anti-marine use defense weapon. It is perfect for defending bases that are in, on or beside the sea. Other than this difference it is pretty much a smaller missile launcher that can only be found in water.
Depth Charge Dispenser:
Cost: 1,500,000 credits
- depth charge launcher
Notes: This weapon is used to defend a harbor from attackers that are under water by throwing explosive cylinders that explode below the surface of the water creating a shockwave that will crush its target. This weapon isn't all that accurate but in groups can be a real threat.
Land/Naval Mines:
Cost: 1,000,000 credits
- high explosive charge x many
Notes: This is a high explosive that uses proximity sensors to detect targets to explode against. These sensors can tell between friend and foe. After each battle this mine field is replenished so the only way to remove a mine field completely is to destroy it completely.
Space Mines:
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
- high explosive charge x many
Notes: This pretty much the same as the gravity bound version. Except it comes in two forms. One is a simple proximity mine like the gravity bound ones, the other is a seeker version. Both look like simple debris so it will be hard to find and target these. It most be handled in the same way as its gravity bound version.
Defense Satellite:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
- beam cannon x 1
- 20-tube missile launcher x 2
Note: This is a mobile automated defense weapon that can only be used in space. It is simple in design but it packs enough weaponry to give most forces a hard time if they are caught unaware. Due to its automated nature it is easy to predict giving veteran pilots an easier time with these.
Add Ons:
These are added to installations to give various bonuses.
Cost: 2,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on gives you the ability to imprison attackers. The rules for this is in the rules.
Space port:
Cost: 50,000,000 credits
Notes: This allows you to dock ships at your base and add them to the bases defense. This doesn’t include sea use ships. It also provides the ability to reach orbit of a planet.
Command Center:
Cost: 30,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on increases the effectiveness of defenders by allowing defenders to move in more coordinated movements and work better together. If destroyed your forces will be effected in a negative manor.
Sensor Network:
Cost: 4,000,000 credits
Notes: This gives you an earlier warning of enemy attacks. And it also allows you track enemy movements more easily as well and provide targeting data to ranged weapons.
Communication Network:
Cost: 4,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on gives your defending forces a more secure communication network. This also gives defenders the ability to speak more clearly to each other. Also it gives you a chance of hacking into enemy communications but this chance isn’t all that high.
Cost: 50,000,000 credits
Notes: This is an add on that can only be put on installations that are on or near the ground, so you can put them on a naval surface base or in a colony. It will give you 5,000,000 credits each week. Also only one of these can be built on each base.
Colony Booster:
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on is for colonies and resource satellites only. For the resource satellite it allows it move. For a colony it will make it move slightly faster so that it takes three times as long as a mobile suit instead of the normal four times. Also to do any kind of drop operation a pilot most remain in the object being dropped to make a final course correction at the last minute. This will allow defenders to try once more to stop the drop. Although at this point the drop can’t be stopped but it can be stopped from hitting its target.
Self-Destruct Nuclear Charge:
Cost: 100,000,000 credits
Notes: This add on is for those of you who don’t want your installations to fall into enemy hands. It can be installed on all installations. When your installation is attacked and is about to become captured this add on will be activated. After the short count down this add on will explode and destroy the installation and everything in the area. Only mobile weapons that are able to out run the blast will survive.