Name: Ulbrecht Von Drechsler
Unit: Neue Ziel
Gender: Male
Current Age: 22
Genetic Profile: Oldtype
Height: 6 foot 4
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Pale
Ethnicity: Aryan

Ulbrecht was born of a rich family that met it's downfall during the Zabi's revolution. His family was stripped of their lands and titles, but retained much of their wealth, and Ulbrecht proved his loyalty for volunteering for the most dangerous test missions possible. Against all odds, and with some patronage from one Gineas Sahalin, he managed to survive, and ended up in control of what is perhaps the most powerful mobile weapon developed in the war thus far. He is obsessed with restoring his family's name and honor (though he won't generally carry on about it at unrelated times; it simply drives what he does). Ulbrecht does his best to excel in whatever he chooses to accomplish, striving to never make the same mistake twice, and to turn defeats into learning experiences.

His combat style with the Neue Ziel is fairly unsubtle: attempt to overwhelm opponents with his mobile armor's incredible firepower. He still attempts to evade attacks, for practice, if nothing else; the Neue Ziel is perfectly protected from beam weapons but it is best, in his opinion, to not become complacent. He uses the Neue Ziel's melee weapons on enemies that get close, but otherwise prefers standoff attacks when possible.