
Salamis Class:
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
Fixed armaments:
- 6 x mega particle cannon
- 6 x 2-barrel machine gun
- 2 x 6-tube missile launcher
- 8 x missile launcher
Launch catapults: none
MS Capacity: None
Notes: This is the basic warhip of the EF. It has no mobile suit capacity and is not effective against mobile suits. It is best used against other ships.

Salamis Refit Class:
Cost: 15,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
- 2-barrel main gun x 3
- main gun x 7
- laser turret x 4
- 15-tube missile launcher x 2
- 90mm anti-aircraft turret x 31
- missile launcher x 2
Launch catapults: none
MS Capacity: None
Notes: This is an updated version of the Salamis. It is more able to deal with mobile suits and is more effective against ships as well.

Salamis Kai:
Cost: 12,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
Fixed armaments:
- 2 x 2-barrel main gun
- 5 x main gun
- 6 x 2-barrel secondary gun
- 4 x secondary gun
- 8 x missile launcher
Launch catapults: 1
MS Capability: 4
Notes: This is a basic Salamis with the ability to hold mobile suits added with minor weapons upgrades.


Magellan Class
Cost: 20,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
Fixed armaments:
- 7 x 2-barrel mega particle cannon
- 14 x 2-barrel machine gun
- 4 x missile launcher
Launch catapults: None
MS Capability: None
Notes: This is a basc warsip that is used against other ships. It has ample weponry for that but against mobile suits, it is a sitting target but with support ships protecting it makes a fine addition to any fleet.

Magellan Kai Class:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
- 2-barrel main gun x 7
- 2-barrel laser turret x 16
Launch catapults: None
MS Capability: None
Notes: This ship is an upgraded version of the Magellan class. The upgrade allows this ship to be more effective against mobile suits.

Birmingham Class:
Cost: 40,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
- 2-barrel main gun x 5
- main gun x 1
- secondary gun x 4
- 2-barrel laser turret x 12
- 12-tube missile launcher x 2
- missile launcher x 4
Launch catapults: None
MS Capability: None
Notes: This heavily armed monster is a fleet in its own. It can even destroy mobile suits with ease. Its only weakness is the fact that it has not mobile suit capacity of its own.

Mobile Suit Carriers:

Columbus Class:
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
Fixed Armament:
- None
Launch catapults: None
MS Capacity: 4
Notes: This is an unarmed transport. It was not meant to be a front line craft but it can bring mobile suits into the battle.

Columbus Class Refit:
Cost: 8,000,000 credits
Type: Space Use
- None
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: 8
Notes: This is a larger and faster moving Columbus that has been upgraded to bring mobile suits to the battlefield and then deploy them in a hurry and then get out of there. It has no weapons to defend itself but it is fast enough to keep itself out of most trouble.

Pegasus Class:
Cost: 20,000,000 credits
Type: Space and Atmosphere Use
Fixed armaments:
- 2-barrel 580mm main gun
- 2 x 2-barrel mega particle gun
- 8 x anti-aircraft 2-barrel machine gun
- 8 x 3-tube missile launcher
Launch Catapults: 2
MS Capacity: 6
Notes: This ship is able to move effortlessly through the atmosphere and even reach orbit on its own without a booster. This is thanks to its Minovsky craft system. This ship is an exellent stand alone ship as well. It is well armored and armed.

Pegasus Class Refit (albion type):
Cost: 30,0000,000 credits
Type: Space and Atmospheric Use
Fixed armaments:
- 2 x 2-barrel main gun
- 2 x 2-barrel secondary gun
- 14 x anti-aircraft 2-barrel laser gun
- 4 x anti-ground 2-barrel laser gun
- 4 x large missile launcher
- 2 x mega particle gun
Launch Catapults: 2
MS Capacity: 6
Fighter Capacity: 2
Notes: This is an upgraded version of the Pegasus. This ship has an improved armament as well as the ability to carry and launch two fighters.

Land Use:

These can only be used on land unless stated otherwise.

Big Tray Class:
Cost: 10,000,000 credits
Type: Land and Sea Use
- main cannon x 2
- 3-barrel secondary cannon x 3
Launch Catapults: 0
MS Capacity: 4
Notes: This is a giant hovercaft. It moves decently fast and can carry mobile suits. But the mobile suits are carried on the outside of the ship. Its mainly armed with solid weapons as well.

Heavy Fork class:
Cost: 25,000,000 credits
Type: Land and Sea use
Fixed Armament:
- 3 x 3-barrel secondary cannon
- 19 x 2-barrel anti-air machine cannon
- 8 x 8-tube missile turret
Launch Catapults: None
Mobile Suit Capability: 6
Notes: This is an upgraded version of the Big Tray class. It has some of the same armament but it also has more weapons to deal with enemy aircraft. It can also carry 6 mobile suits inside itself.

Naval Use:

These ships are used on the seas and oceans of Earth.

Himalaya Class:
Cost: 20,000,000 credits
Type: Naval Carrier
Fixed armaments:
- 2-barrel main cannon
- 7 x secondary cannon
- missile launchers
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: 2
Fighter Capacity: 30 (or 20 if carrying Mobile suits)
Notes: This is a naval carrier that is moderatly armed but its strength is the large fighter capacity it has. These fighter can attack targets at range and its ability to carry two mobile suits on its deck also helps this ship find a place in naval fleets.

Battle Speed Boat:
Cost: 5,000,000 credits
Type: Patrol boat
- 10-tube missile launcher x 2
- multi-discharger x 6
- machine gun turret x 3
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: None
Notes: This small naval craft is well armed for its size and its high speed allows it to be more than an annoyance to things around it. A good little boat to add to any naval fleet.

Javelin Class:
Cost: 15,000,000 credits
Type: Destroyer
Fixed Armament:
- 2 x 2-barrel main gun
- 8 x 2-barrel anti-air machine gun
- 2 x anti-missile phalanx gun
- 2 x depth charge dispenser
- 2 x torpedo launcher
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: None
Notes: This naval ship was designed to protect the carriers and battleships of EF's naval fleet from Subs and fighters. It does this job well but finds itself lacking when it comes up against mobile suits.

Rio Class:
Cost: 30,000,000 credits
Type: Battleship
Fixed Armament:
- 6 x 3-barrel main gun
- 6 x 2-barrel main gun
- 8 x 2-barrel secondary gun
- 4 x 4-tube missile launcher
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: None
Notes: This naval ship is the main power of the EF naval fleet. Its weapons pack a punch and they can reach a long distance. The draw back to these weapons is that they can not move fast enough to target mobile suits but against stationary targets, this ship can destroy them easily.

Air Ships:

Can only be used in the atmosphere.

Cost: 4,000,000 credits
Type: Transport plane
- missile x 6 (3 when carrying a moble suit.)
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: 1
Notes: This is a small plane that can carry a mobile suit into a combat and paradrop it. It can also serve as an attack plane.

Cost: 8,000,000 credits
Type: Transport Plane
- 2-barrel anti-air machine gun x 2
Launch Catapults: None
MS Capacity: 4
Notes: This is a larger transport plane that can drop mobile suits onto a battlefield from high above. It hs little weaponry so try to keep this plane out of combat.

Last Edited By: Tristher 01/08/11 18:00:10. Edited 1 time.