"Alaunte-Chui sir, encrypted transmission from a Test Unit," came the radio officer with a very confused reaction as he approached the relaxing mobilesuit pilot. He mmmmed and opened an eye now relaxing the grip on the shotgun he had out of sight. He reaching out and accepting the paper and read it over now.
"Astray Red Frame?" he murmured out now as he shifted and sat up now. "Arigatou Ittōhei Kurai," he said motioning a dismissive hand at the gentleman to send him off and on his way he getting up now and typing in his access code for the Imperial Database at a laptop. He saw the classified insignia and the specifications that he was allowed to see as a Special Operations Officer. His eyes ran over it for a moment.
"Looks plain, and why the V Crescent, that's just begging for someone to shoot it just for target practice," he murmured now as he reached for a flask and took a sip at it making a face at the ginseng extract mix he kept on hand to keep him awake when he needed it. "And the rifle is strange as well, it doesn't even appear to have a standard clip mechanism...one-shot? What a waste..." he murmured out now. The battleship only had so much data on hand since it was based on the access of the officers in charge of these land battleships.
His eyes studied the unit one last time before he tapped a switch and put on a cap heading to the bridge.
"Meridian-Shoi we'll be receiving a pair of guests, have them escorted to the Gallope Class Battleship that my Zaku is currently being repaired at," he said calmly now before making his way to the hanger of the Gallope Class and looked over his Zaku II the technicians working to repair the beam saber damage.
"I'm sorry sir we still need a couple days in order to get your Zaku back to fighting strength," a technician replied.
"That's fine I'll actually be receiving a guest. Have the other two Zakus launch and stand guard staying alert for the enemy while we welcome our guests."
_________________ When asked to deal with an enemy of superior technology, or superior weaponry, or superior numbers, the response is with superior training and discipline. ~ Ranmaru Alaunte on Battlefield Tactics