The car door opened and as a man in a labcoat stepped out, a large van ground to a halt behind the car. He seemed like he was about to introduce himself, but stopped suddenly and turned to the men unloading the van. "You there! Take that to the infirmary! Those go inside! Why isn't the Mobile Suit here yet?" He shouted in rapid-fire. Turning back to the trio, he forgot all about introductions and approached them.
"...Private," He said after getting a look at Derek's rank insignia, "Where's the officer in charge of this field test?"
"Field test?" Derek responded, guessing the man was asking about NT1. "Well, I suppose that'd be me actually."
The labcoated man almost stumbled back in surprise, "I knew they were having trouble finding candidates, but to put an enlistedman in command of my testbed?" He kicked the ground like a disgruntled child, "It's bad enough they refused my request to make give the testbed a formal rank, but to put her under a mere private?"
Gritting his teeth the man pushed away his misgivings and chose once more to trust in the choices of his superiors. "Well, I suppose it'll have to do, I'm Dr. Johnson, I'm in charge of the testbed. If all goes well you won't be seeing much of me outside of the usual checkups and scheduled recalibrations." He extended a hand, and despite the grating feeling he got from the doctor, Derek shook it.
"PFC Carter Sir, I haven't been fully briefed myself, what exactly is going on here?" Derek said, the doctor almost looked shocked again, but quickly regained his composure as though he'd just realized something.
"Right... I suppose from your perspective we're dropping off your new comrade." He said, gesturing to the car as a young woman stepped out. "Introduce yourself." He said to her flatly. With almost mechanical movement, she snapped to a salute.
"Valeria Lockwood reporting for duty." She said, holding her salute even more steadfastly than Mike had. The doctor wasted no time in seeing that the equipment he'd brought along was unloaded, and got back in the car, slowly rolling down the window.
"Good hunting private! I expect good results from your next sortie!" He shouted as the car drove off, kicking dust into the air. As the dust settled, Valeria still stood at attention, still saluting.
"I did not sign on for this nonsense..." He said to himself, skipping the lame jokes and just quickly saluting back. "Ok, now that I've got you all here," He said, particularly eying Mike and the other newbie, "I have a standing order to all of you. No more saluting, seriously."
"But sir!" Mike started, but Derek quickly cut him off, "In battle if the enemy see's you saluting someone, they generally tend to kill that someone. If you don't salute me, they won't know which one of us is in charge, and thus won't be able to try and cut the head off the snake so to speak."
"That.... actually makes some sense..." Mike reluctantly admitted.
"Understood Sir." Is all that Valeria had to say on the subject.
"...Ok," Derek sighed, he didn't know how to deal with these cardboard cut-out, by-the-book soldiers. It didn't help that he had no command training whatsoever, but somehow he'd make this work, and pray all the while that NT1 didn't get sent into action much. "Sam, show her to her room will ya?"
"Yes Sir Boss!" She joked in reply, making a two-fingered salute that she then split into a sideways peace sign. She almost tackled Valeria, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her toward the hangar. As she dragged the new pilot past Derek's Leo, Valeria stopped. Despite Samantha pulling comically against her arm, Valeria simply turned back to face her commander.
"Where... is it?" She said, looking back at the Leo.
"You're MS isn't here yet, seems they're slacking off in requisitions or something. We'll get it sorted out soon, till then... I dunno, we'll play cards or something." He said, the last line ringing in her ears as though she'd heard them before.
"It's you." She said, her voice sounded like it was missing that sound of familiarity, but the point got across that she recognized him from somewhere.
"Have we met?" Derek asked, scratching his head, he couldn't recall seeing her face before. As she saw the confused look in his eyes, her own looked to the floor.
"Doesn't remember... no, didn't notice... doesn't matter." She said, giving in to Samantha's tug at her arm, and allowing herself to be led away to her room.
"Huh... She's an odd one." Derek said, Mike sat himself down at the card table, glancing back at his commander with a suggestion in mind.
"Maybe you should try to find out where she thinks she knows you from sir."
"Maybe you should try to find out where your Mobile Suits are Mikey."