Imperial Japanese Army Supply Base - Undisclosed Location
At the lecture hall...
Ranmaru was sipping tea, the pilot mmming as he could feel all eyes upon him from disgruntled regulars who had been given a fierce ass-kicking from the Special Forces. His eye opened as he felt the tension and ire mounting in the room as his soldiers from his company were relaxing against the walls.
"How'd I win?" he asked and that question made a Private snap as he stood up pointing a finger.
"YOU CHEATED! You used unauthorized equipment during a match!" he shouted and froze as the room all heard the sound of the pump of a shotgun being worked and the weapon leveled at the soldier in one trained move that barely anyone could follow.
The gunshot sounded and and the shell had been revealed to be a blank nevertheless the trooper had felt his heart stop for but a moment and saw his life flash before him.
"There, is no such thing as cheating in war," he said grimly as he set his tea aside and set his shotgun on the counter. "On the battlefield there is no such thing as dirty-fighting. History is written by the victors as the saying goes. And though there are 'agreements'," he paused wording that word with a hint of distaste. "on certain things being unable to be used during wartime do you really thing the American Union, or the European Empire trrops are going to play 'fairly' as you so whined?" he asked directly.
"DO YOU?!" he challenged.
"In war gentleman you use EVERY munition, every assembly, and every piece of your mobile weapon to WIN. If you aren't here to win then you will be a casualty in the war and a LIABILITY to those around you," he snapped. "You lost today because you played by those rules, you lost today thinking a smaller force couldn't BEAT you. YOU ALL WERE PROVEN WRONG!" he said as he tapped a remote to bring up killcams.
"Anyone can point a gun on a mobilesuit and pull a trigger, but A SOLDIER uses his mobile weapon as an extension of himself and thinks always of ways to WIN. In the event he is on the field of a losing battle then his goal is to maximize damage and minimize casualties to make our ENEMIES FALTER!" he said strongly now as the room was rapt with attention listening tot he words of the Grenadier...the man who survived hell thrice over some said.
_________________ When asked to deal with an enemy of superior technology, or superior weaponry, or superior numbers, the response is with superior training and discipline. ~ Ranmaru Alaunte on Battlefield Tactics