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Meanwhile in Alaska...

 Post subject: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:03 pm 
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White Base, JOSH-A

"That is" Haruka said with a blink as she watched the Aries' being drug away by the JOSH-A defenders, her body relaxing back into her Captain's chair. She wasn't sure what was worse, the fact that she was tossed on this damn ship or the fact that the crew so far seemed to be rather insane. But she had gotten a promotion and there wasn't much use fussing over it. Thankfully just about everybody in the Empire understood English or figuring out how to operate this ship would have been a million times more difficult. The tech team was busy reprogramming the ship so that everything was read in the operators native tongues.

From what she could gather there was no chance the Union would be able to replicate these units considering as all research on them was left behind at JOSH-A as well as any funding which the project was to receive. It meant that striking at JOSH-A was a gamble that had proved more successful than anyone could have hoped. Even if they lost the Apsalus, Fuuka seemed to be adapting to her new unit well enough.

"I just wish she would've killed them..." Haruka grumbled before rising up "Helmswoman, take command of the ship for several moments." Haruka declared as she waved her hand and headed toward the exit, her eye twitching a bit when the Helmswoman replied rather loudly with a "YAR!"

"Yeah, I definitely need a drink." Haruka groaned as she exited the bridge. The crew was a bit on the whacky side but what could you expect considering it was hastily thrown together at the last moment including the assignment of Haruka as the Captain. Sighing Haruka continued walking toward the hangar of the ship. If her crew was hastily put together, the Empire must have been reaching for straws considering as they placed a teenager in their latest technological wonder.

A man happened to be passing her in the Hallway, loudly exclaiming "See, I told you, even a child could pilot the gun-damn!" He was a brit, one of the technicians that had been working on the project that surrendered more than happily with JOSH-A. He didn't seem too keen on being left behind as a decoy, or the fact that the stupid Tallgoose was getting all his funding. Whatever the reason, the man was now a permanent figure on her ship which made her eye twitch a bit.

Speaking of the prodigal fourteen year old, the Gundam had just boarded the White Base after the mission and while Haruka was entering the hangar the girl was standing on the exit hatch of the Mobile Suit, Haruka giving a little yawn as she rested her hand on the back of her head. If they were going to be stuck working together, it was best to get to know each other.

 Post subject: Re: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:41 pm 
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Watanabe Fuuka wasn't nearly as annoyed as she had been previously. While this Gundam was not nearly as adequate as the Apsaluis when it came to orbital attacks, it seemed to be capable. She had been nosing the operation manual ever since she'd first had the chance. The happiness and quirkiness of the grew was... relaxing. It was different with this Gundam. When she was using the Apsalus she hadn't been a part of any organization save the Institute, she hadn't really been able to relate or talk to anyone. She was merely a lowly ranked peon on the army's scale, and she was viewed as merely an interest on the side by her commanders. Her project was not highly respected, until recently, her person was constantly underestimated. It had been making her angry, in all truth. But here, she was selected to pilot this white giant, and she was performing well. Truly the greatest loss was her selection of music stored within the Apsalus.

As she left, she found the supposed Captain staring at her. She'd been continuing to use the Japanese Pilot suit that she was required to wear in the orbital drop for most protocol, due to the fact that uniforms her size were difficult to procure. Thus, she had been waiting for a uniform with her new insignia to be made and sent to her. Clearly this was not a great priority for the Japanese Empire, even if this was for the pilot who had rained hell from above. Fuuka didn't particularly enjoy the wait, but it would have been much more annoying to have been given special treatment. The girl casually would jump from the cockpit as she left, forgetting a moment she was not space, and as she swore at her mistake, she braced her arms and knees to break her fall, complaining to herself with a low series of "Owowowowow...." As she recovered she'd move to leave the hanger, lifting her helmet off of her head. "I think we might need a plumber for maintenance, the operation manual keeps mentioning valves... Anyways, I left it in the cockpit if you are looking for design specifics."

She'd move towards Haruka fairly casually. She'd yet to really speak with this person as a pilot to captain, the trade would be interesting to her, and she longed to know what exactly she would say or do. Per her training she was already feeling the same uncertainty from the woman. It made Fuuka grin as she did a lazy salute. "Yoshida-san, I trust you aren't disappointed you've been given my assignment?"

 Post subject: Re: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:34 pm 
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Haruka watched the display as the girl fell down onto the ground and couldn't help but raise a hand up to her face, groaning slightly "And this is what I rely on to survive...Great..." but before long the girl had composed her self and approached the captain, giving a lazy salute, before introducing herself.

"Disappointed? Why would I be disappointed. I have a homicidal 14 year old flying around in the latest piece of technology to protect me. Nothing could possibly go wrong." Haruka said, sounding as serious as she could while staring down at Fuuka, her expression was blank as she returned the salute before the older woman just sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

it was at that moment that she stopped to think about what had been said before in-regards to needing a plumber and valves that caused her to give a deeper sigh. She composed herself, however, before giving a nod over to Fuuka.

"But if Command thinks continuing to give children weapons is the best course of action, hey, who am I to argue. You did blow the hell out of JOSH-A, afterall." Haruka said, resigning herself to the situation with a simple shrug before turning to look at the Gundam "Anyways...We're going to be disembarking soon, and we'll be relying on that machine of yours alot it seems...So...Yeah." She ended the sentence rather abruptly, just staring down at the girl. A ship that had one too many foreigners for Haruka's taste protected by a pubescent murder-machine. Yeah. This was going to go well.

 Post subject: Re: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:44 pm 
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Fuuka smirked as she looked back at the machine. Choosing to ignore the comments on her acge, she merely beamed with pride at the tales of her actual conquest at JOSH-A. The only real achievement she had ever managed. This wasn't words of grace because of title, or fake kindness. Of all the things that Haruka clearly hated, she did seem to be happy enough with the siege and Fuuka's part in it. The girl would finally respond, seeming to have relaxed quite a bit as she casually wagged a finger from her side. "I have some funds and connections with the Lunar Cities, I'll be requesting some support for this ship, with your approval of course. I can't say much for their overall skill, but hopefully we'll get a nice piece of technology."

 Post subject: Re: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:54 pm 
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Haruka just tilted her head to the side at the mention of supplies to which she ultimately just shrugged "Hey, why not." She said with a laugh before turning her head over to the Gundam which sat in a dormant state. It was an impressive machine and the only Mobile Suit made outside of Japanese hands that incorporated an Ultracompact Minovsky Reactor. Really, it was a stroke of luck that they captured the base when they did or else the American's would have been fielding some pretty serious technology against them. Not that Haruka had any doubts that America still had secret projects out there, like that Tallgoose that the Mechanic had been rambling on about.

"I know that suit isn't an Orbital Death Cannon, but I'm sure you'll do fine with it."

 Post subject: Re: Meanwhile in Alaska...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:06 pm 
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"Of course I'll do fine with it, that was never in question. That mobile suit, it's stolen technology. Somehow the Americans discovered the Ultra Compact Minovsky Reactor. I so hope that we will be sent to find these traitors and execute them, publicly."

The girl folded her arms in her irritation. Japanese technology in enemy hands, her desire to kill them... no to kill him. He was certain to receive many honors for defeating her like that. And because of that... her own honor was in question, even here. Yoshida Haruka, the name was a good one, Fuuka felt she could trust it. But did that person think she would dare lose to that OVerflag pilot again? She prayed America would become arrogant, that they would pit him against this 'White Base.'

"In truth, this technology is greater than even my Apsalus. We'll be going after the evacuation fleet, right?"

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