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Sieg Valentine, American Union Maritime Self-Defence Forces.

 Post subject: Sieg Valentine, American Union Maritime Self-Defence Forces.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:42 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:58 pm
Posts: 4

Name: Sieg Valentine
Rank: E-2
Division: Maritime Self-Defense Force
Occupation: Ex-fighter pilot, now reinstated as a MS pilot
Height: 5.8 feet
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Short, somewhat wavy
Build: Average
Birth Place: Münich
Birth Year: CE 0058
Current Age: 24
Callsign: Reaper-3

Personality: Seemingly flirtatious, but cunning and wily. Will not hesistate a second to lie to get a better advantage, and will not hesistate to abuse whatever advantage he could get. He is a great killer. Too good for his own good, and enjoying every one. He has a tendency to never let go of anything once he has set his sights on it.

Fighting Style: Prefers to stay far away and cover the entire target area with explosions of various kinds.

History: Not much is known about Sieg's history, he seems to have erased everything connecting him to anything before he joined the american army. He spent his days in the army skillfully killing his enemies and getting recognition as both an ace fighter pilot and an excellent sniper, and sneaking off in the middle of nights to first kill small animals, and eventually even killing other people. Criminals, mostly, but there was a few innocent people getting caught up with him.

One day he was caught red-handed. The woman that found him, a fighter pilot just like himself on shore leave, managed to catch him and bring him in to justice. He was declared insane, and spent several years in a mental institute.

A few weeks ago he was sentenced "sane enough for the army" and sent back out, the woman that catched him in tow. He spends all of his time outside of his mobile suit in shackles and under constant surveillance, to make sure that he has no chance of commiting any more murders. They also implanted a bomb next to his heart and gave the woman that caught him the controller for it, just in case.

Last edited by Radune on Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Sieg Valentine, American Union Maritime Self-Defence For
PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:54 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:58 pm
Posts: 4

Selma Augusta Quick

Build: Average
Height: 6.1 feet
Callsign: Reaper-1
Birthplace: New York

The woman that caught Sieg red-handed and brought him to justice. Selma is rude, brash and bossy and does not take no for an answer, showing signs of her officer roots. Her entire family were officers in the american army, and naturally she found her way there, as well. However, she was not happy about how much paperwork there was as an officer, so she instead signed a transfer lease to the fighter pilot corps, something she had always wanted to do. Secretly enjoys causing pain and misery to those she feels deserves it.
She was sent on a special mission by the army to make sure that Sieg stays a valuable asset to the American Union.


Martin Emil Eriksson

Build: Muscular
Height: 7 feet
Age: 28
Callsign: Reaper-2
Birthplace: Unknown, possibly northern Europe

A man chosen thanks to his great piloting and strong sense of justice. They did not tell him why he needed to help Selma keep an eye on Sieg, but he does notice that something is off. Does not speak of his past, but his behaviour show signs of a man that has seen the hells of war ever since he was a kid.

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