As you may have noticed, your mobile suit probably has a lot of optional weaponry of various kinds and you might be curious how to use it. Well, to be honest, you simply need to include in your battle email what equipment you desire to use, otherwise it will be up to the writer what you use.
You should use common sense while selecting a load-out, sure you can carry two bazookas, a machine gun, and a heat-hawk on your back but you will not e able to move very fast or very far. It's an effective strategy if you want to get the most bang for your buck and don't plan on carrying extra ammo, but you'll be bogged down til you toss some of that gear.
Likewise, if you opt to use a two-handed weapon like a Magella cannon, you can very well expect not to be wielding it and a bazooka. You also have to select the gear of your squad-mates and the like. As a special note, even if it doesn't say it, all mobile suits generally have grenades be they smoke, high-explosive, or fragmentation. All Zaku's, for instance, have special cracker grenades.
Ships have special missiles, which you can find below.