A hail of bullets smashed into the hill that Kisara’s squadmate was hiding behind. The Zaku II was being flanked, rapidly and Kisara was formulating the plans of attack she would use.
They were in a mountainous area thick in the jungle. The jungle was thick enough that the Mobile Suits only registered as heat signatures in the jungle or when they moved through a stand of trees. From what Kisara had been able to discern thus far, they were at least four Mobile Suits with as many as seven, though that was on the far end of the continuum.
Emerging from her cover and aiming at the shadow moving a quarter mile away, she fired. Energy lanced through the forest, igniting foliage and incinerating some sort of animal before tearing through the chest of the unknown Mobile Suit. It’s forward momentum kept it going before falling unceremoniously to the ground, black smoke rising from the smoldering ruin of its torso.
“Move!” she ordered as the Zaku swung its rifle around and fired into a cluster of heat signatures.
The Zaku Ground type rose from its crouching position and began running toward a cluster of ruins, roughly a kilometer away. Mobile Suit weapons fire followed it, yellow tracer rounds illuminating the Zaku as it ran through the forest, the light of the moon blocked out by the canopy overhead.
Scowling, Kisara fell back, firing the vulcans on the Zaku, if only to give any potential pursuers something to think about. It was supposed to be a simple patrol; nothing special. At around 2000 hours, they’d taken fire from the north and west and they’d spent the past six hours steadily falling back, the supreme range of the Zaku’s sniper rifle the only thing keeping them from being overrun.
Still, this battle had taken its toll on the two machines. The armor of both machines was pockmarked from various impacts. The thrusters on the Zaku ground type had been disabled by a rocket and it had been a miracle that the explosion hadn’t destroyed the Zaku itself.
Her squadmate’s Zaku turned and fired the remaining rounds in its machine gun down range, covering her retreat as her own Zaku stepped behind a moss covered stone wall.
“I’m out of ammunition,” her squad mate announced.
“Understood,” Kisara watched as the heat signatures fanned out to encircle the two Mobile Suits.
“I haven’t been able to reach anyone. Our last chance is to use the flare and hope someone sees it.”
Kisara closed her eyes. The flare would signal their location to everyone in the area and light up the Zakus, giving their shadowy enemies a lit target.
“Do it,” Kisara declared, turning and firing.
The flare went up behind her, soaring several hundred feet into the air and igniting, eventually dropping into three, glowing white orbs as they descended
“Friendlies?” blasted out of the communications system of Kisara’s Zaku.
“Friendlies! We’re surrounded by unknown enemy Mobile Suits, approximately one hundred meters from our current position.”
“Affirmative. Incoming fire.”
Trails of machine gun tracers tore through the canopy as a trio of Dopp fighters streaked overhead, “Base sent us after you when you didn’t return. Status report?”
“Damaged, ammunition depleted and exhausted,” Kisara answered as she watched the heat signatures began to fall back, “We’ll need extraction.”
“Roger that, transports are incoming. We’ll provide cover, hang tight, Strike.”
Outcome: Kisara Nagai is ambushed by a large force of Mobile Suits Kisara Nagai: 5 XP, Rp(4)