Through the plate glass both Raylan and his wing man stood at attention in front of a senior commanding officer on base. Nothing audible could be heard from outside because of the glass and because of all the noise in the foreground as various NCO's and interns made their way through the hallways. The commanding officer was visibly angry with Raylan and his wing man as he slammed a file down on the table. His veins bulged from his forehead. Raylan stood silent and stared outside the window behind the furious CO. His wing man beside him was sweating bullets.
"Get out!" The commanding officer screamed at the top of his lungs. Both Raylan and his wing man jumped in fear and filed their way out of the office. Both men quickly turned the corner. Raylan slid down the wall beside the office.
"God! For someone who doesn't appreciate a good pair of cans, he sure does hate us." Raylan sighed in relief. "I thought for sure I was going to hang." His wing man melted down the side of the wall beside him.
"I thought I was going to get busted down to private or worse." His wing man complained. Raylan wiped the sweat from his own brow. He had a unexpected close call. It wasn't the way he wanted to die. If it weren't for his quick thinking he would be ashes....and the butt of every joke in the AU. "You said you were going to take me places!" His wing man snatched him up by his collar. Raylan slapped his hands off of his flight suit.
"I did, I just never said where those places would be." Raylan gave a arrogant smirk. His wing man groaned. He was getting tired of Raylan's nonchalant attitude to life in general. he sometimes wandered if Raylan had a death wish.
"You almost ended up like a fly on the windshield of a car." Raylan chuckled at his wing man's rebuttal.
"Well those titties were to die for." He giggled to himself. Sometimes his own laid back attitude even impressed him. It was his way of dealing with day to day issues in the military and in life. "Now come on! The CO said we had to go up north to take care of something." Raylan snapped his fingers. His wing man sighed and followed behind like a sad old dog following its master.
"Why do I get the feeling something bad is going to happen up north..." He moaned. Raylan giggled as he sat foot on the runway and made his way to the hanger.
"The feeling is mutual, and we just got here. Now we have to move our asses back across the boarder to go to that cold hell hole up north." Raylan shuddered since he hated cold weather, but orders were orders.