"I can't figure you out Howe." Raylan stood at attention as he rubbed his arm behind the commanding officer's back. The chip they placed in his arm was beginning to agitate him more.
"I bet this damn thing is infected." Raylan said silently to himself...or so he thought.
"What was that!?" His commanding officer quickly turned in anger. Raylan gulped. He swore he could have seen every hair stand up on the old kook's head.
"Nothing sir!" He quickly replied and preyed quietly in his head. It would only take one mild slip up and it would be back to prison for him where the hangman's noose only waited for him. No one was exactly eager to work with Raylan however...specially when he had a CO that seemed to be looking for an excuse to see him swing from the end of a rope.
"I've read up on what you did while in South America, and I will be watching you carefully." The grizzled officer sat down in a chair. He calmly leaned back into it. He knew the military was tight in terms of troop numbers, but for one of the "early release" soldiers to work out would be to the benefit to the military. "What I don't understand about you Howe is that you seem to be more cut out for a drunken college frat party, what brought you to the military?"
"To be the best damn pilot in Maritime Forces Sir." He replied back bluntly. The old geezer across from him tapped his finger on the desk. Raylan gulped once more. He gave his honest answer, but he had a feeling his CO had his doubts. He always lived for a good fight and to have that extra gear in him that wanted him to push himself. In Raylan's own mind he knew he wasn't being totally truthful. He really just wanted the challenge of going up against enemy pilots in battle and to test himself. The CO sighed as he turned toward his desk and pulled out a file from it. He dropped it on the desk.
"Command is desperate for bodies that are capable of fighting. If it was up to me I would send you back to hang, unfortunately the powers that be have bigger plans for you, your being shipped out to the front lines." He turned once more, this time he stared blankly outside of his window at the sun as it continued to set on the horizon. Raylan picked up the file hesitantly and opened it. Inside he found mission specifics as well as who his handlers would be once he made it to his destination. He tucked the file under his arm as the CO turned once more to face him.