
This is an all gundam RPG. You can be any gundam from any series. To help speed your joining process please go to the Mecha Domain to find it. In your e-mail to me include the web address of the gundam you picked, the name of the gundam picked, your pilot's name, your e-mail address, as well as the side you want to join. Your gundam will have the armament listed on the Mecha Domain to start with. If you want to get more than go to the Shop. If no armament exists you can choose three weapons from the shop excluding the heat sword and the planet defensors, you also can have two or more of the same weapon. As always you cannot be an upgraded version of a gundam not picked yet or one that has already picked. The Wing Zero is an upgrade in this RPG, don't try to convince me because I will not let you. Also you can't have the previous suit of an upgraded Gundam, if there is a Deathscythe Hell on the roster you can't be Deathscythe. There is only one exception to not being able to join as an upgrade. Some people think that the Tallgeese II is an upgrade of the original Tallgeese but I don't think that's true because the two have the same weapons and stats. That being the case someone can join as the Tallgeese II and another person can join as the Tallgeese. Have Join for the subject of your e-mail to speed the joining process.

I will no longer accept any members for now because I don't want to be to overworked. All joining applications that I receive will be deleted. Later on this may change as I see inactive members and so on. Until then don't send any more joining e-mails.

To pick a suit-----The Mecha Domain or check our Available Suits page.

To join e-mail me- Stan "Slasher" Del Mundo

(You can't be Wing Zero or Tallgeese III, they're upgrades)

Personal Rules

1. You may only have one suit in this RPG. If I find that you have more than one suit I will take you off the RPG.

2. Don't complain about battles or anything else. I will first take away money, then exp. points, then I'll just take you off.

3. No cussing. Shit and damn is fine but that's it. If you start cussing on the message board or to me I will take away all your money, if you continue I will take you off the RPG.

4. Have fun. Don't take it seriously, it's meant for entertainment.

5. No cluttering the message boards.

6. You cannot fight members that are on your team. Nor can you attack a base or battle ship that you own, but you can destroy it for defensive purposes, such as self destructing the base, or self detonating the suit from within. E-mail me saying the next time someone attacks the base, to have it self destruct. The only thing that you can attack that's the same is you side; i.e. Rouge, EF, etc.


Updating will happen when I am able to do so. Updates will not happen however on Wednesday and Thursday because I work those days on top of many other but I don't have enough time to update afterwards on those days. If you send e-mails on those two days they will be instantly deleted.


Battles for now will be very short because of school and other things, later on when I have more time they will be longer.

There are five types of battles; dual, ambush, black out, close range dual, and hit and run. When you have a battle tell me your first attack and I will write it out from there.

Dual- Dual battles are fights between an equal number of members per side. A fight between just Epyon and Wing ZERO would be considered a dual. Both the winner and loser will receive a larger amount of exp. (Experience Points) than in an ambush.

Ambush- Ambush battles are given less exp. than Duels, do to the fact that the one being ambushed is being damaged or killed before they can react. It usually is not a fair fight. Usually, one person can easily overpower the other.

Black Out- Black Out gives less exp. and money than an Ambush. Any number of attackers or victims can be attacked. The attacker doesn't give their name and the attacker should win.

Close Range Dual-A close range dual is a 1 vs. 1 battle in which the only weapons that can be used are close range weapons and shields. Close range weapons would be like the beam scythe, beam saber, and army knife. You must have a close range weapon to have a close range dual. The dragon fang can only be used in a close range duel if it doesn't extend. Shields can only be used to block, the Deathscythe can not attack with the buster shield, just defend.

Hit and Run-In this battle one mobile suit attacks another unsuspecting mobile suit with a devastating attack, and fleas. The attack will may destroy the mobile suit and possibly hurt the pilot.

Pilot Healing-In a battle the pilot may be hurt and require days of healing. You cannot attack while healing and no one can attack you. Pilot healing can take 1 to 5 days. You can heal while your gundam is repairing or upgrading.

Missions- If I decide to put them back up this will be the rules. The missions have the experience that you receive and money you earn if you win. To accept a mission just e-mail me. The missions get harder as they go down the page. The results of the missions like repairs will carry on to the RPG. If you want to do the mission with other people you can, the money and exp. points will get divided evenly and rounded down (i.e. if the exp. points are 10 and three people do the mission each person will get 3 exp. points). If you complete a mission you can't do it again. The only day you can do missions is on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because those are the only days I will have time to do them.

Death- If you are killed in a battle it takes 6 days to return to life. You will loss all your money but keep your Exp. points. The only way you could die is by attacking a base on your own or being in your suit when you self-destruct. If your gundam is destroyed too, than it takes 6 more days to rebuild. If the pilot survives and the gundam doesn't than it takes 6 days to rebuild.

Repairing- If you are damaged in a battle it can take any number of days to repair. The amount of time depends on the damage done to the gundam. If you don't get free repairs it costs $500 per day that your repaired so if you have 3 days of repairs it will cost $1,500. If you go into negative dollars and your organization doesn't pay when you go into negative dollars you will not be able to buy anything until you can pay it back.

Resources- On a base resources effect your repairing time, A+ is 5 days off, A is 4 days off, B is 3 days off, C is 2 days off, D is 1 days off, and F is no days off. Resources don't effect your reviving time.

Buying- It doesn't take any days to install new weapons for your suit. You must, however figure that your suit only has a certain amount of power and certain amount of room for more weapons. For example, say you buy 50 missile launcher, there is defiantly not enough room on your suit to fire 200 missiles. You can buy more weapons but it wouldn't be wise to just waist money. There is one exception though, you can only buy one set of planet defensors. That means either a set of 4 or a set of 8, you can't have more then one set. You can't buy 4, then buy another 4 later. Only one set and that's all you get.

While traveling you cannot do anything but: repair (on a battleship or transport) or attack (depending on location).

Transport ships- Transport ships are any space ship that does not have any weapons. Transport ships cannot be attacked under any circumstances. Transport ships also can go anywhere in just one day. People who have transport ships can charge other people for rides in the ships. If you have a transport and want to charge people for rides e-mail me your gundam, transport ship name, and price. I know that there were Transport ships in the past but they were annoying for me because people could travel so fast that they could attack everything they wanted in a small amount of time. That meant more work for me. The only Transport ship that will be around for now will be Peacemillion which will be a prize in an FFA.

Traveling times
Earth to Moon 1 Day
From Earth to L1 Colony 2 Days
From Earth to L2 Colony 2 Days
From Earth to L3 Colony 3 Days
From Earth to L4 Colony 3 Days
From Earth to L5 Colony 4 Days
From Earth to Mars 5 Days
From Earth to Deimos 6 Days
From Earth to Phobos 6 Days

To figure out the others, just subtract a day. Like From the Moon to L1 would be 1 Day, from moon to L4 2 days.

Experience Points-
Experience Points are earned through battles. The number that you receive will depend on the difficulty of the battle, the type of battle, and the success of the battle. However the number of experience and money can change, this is just the usual, experience and money can differ.

Battle Type



Win an Ambush 6 $500
Lose an Ambush 8 $300
Win a Dual 8 $600
Lose a Dual 7 $400
Win a Blackout 4 $400
Lose a Blackout 6 $200
Win Close Range Dual 10 $1,000
Lose Close Range Dual 12 $800
Win Hit and Run 2 $200
Lose Hit and Run 6 $100
Pilot Dies 1 -all money
Gundam Destroyed 3 $2,000
Watch a Battle 4 $0
Overtake or Destroy a Base 30 $100,000
Overtake Base with Battleships 8 $20,000
Overtake or Destroy Battleship 15 $50,000
Destroy Colony 30 $100,000
Self-Destruct Mobile Suit to Destroy Base 10 $20,000

There are 5 sides. Each side has its own unique abilities. They are:

Zeon-As a Zeon soldier you will start out on the colony of L3. Zeon Soldiers have a weekly salary of $20,000 a week (paid on every Thursday). Zeon takes 0% of your earnings from combat. If you ever go into negative dollars, Zeon pays what you owe. As Zeon you get free repairs on Earth and the Colonies. Zeon also provides transportation to Earth, Mars, and other Colonies. Zeon soldiers can ally with OZ, EF or even Rogues. You can join teams with people from the other sides. You start with $60,000.

Earth Federation-(EF for short) EF members start on Earth. They receive free repairs on Earth only. EF members start will $40,000 and receive a weekly salary of $30,000 (paid every Thursday). They, like OZ and Zeon, are provided with transportation. They, also like Zeon, OZ, and the Rogues, can provide anyone they choose with transportation. They can ally with who they choose. The EF receives 0% of your combat earnings.

OZ-As an OZ soldier you will start out wherever they want, if the person doesn't specify a place they start on Earth. OZ soldiers have a weekly salary of $20,000 a week (paid on every Thursday). OZ takes 0% of your earnings from combat. OZ soldiers get free repairs on Earth only. If you ever go into negative dollars, OZ pays what you owe. OZ also provides transportation to Earth, Mars, and the Colonies. Oz soldiers can ally with Zeon or even Rogues. You start with $50,000.

Rogues-As a Rogue you start where you choose. Rogues have no salary. Rogues are seen as the saviors of the people, so repairs to your gundam are free from the people of the Colonies and Earth. Mars and the Moon have only military settlers so your Gundam can not be repaired at either of the two locations without paying. Rogues can attack anyone. There is no deduction from your earnings in combat. Rouges have free transports to Earth, Mars, and the Colonies. As a rouge you can become a mercenary, this is how rouges earn money. To become a mercenary e-mail me your gundam and your lowest price you'll charge, you can always charge more. You start with $100,000.

No side-You are not with any organization. You get no transports unless someone from another side agrees to take you. You start with no money, no salary, and you get no benefits. You start on earth. You can choose a side to join if you have no side but you can't go back once you choose a side.


To upgrade your suit you must have at least 100 exp. Your second upgrade will be 200 exp. and it will be 100 exp. points more for your next upgrade. Also to upgrade your suit must be destroyed or repairing for 10 or more days. If your pilot was killed, it does not affect this time. So if you have six days left to come back to life, you can upgrade for those six days. All upgrades take 10 days to complete. While upgrading you cannot do anything. No one can attack you, and you cannot attack anyone else. If your Gundam has an upgrade than it it will become it. If not than you need to e-mail how you want to be changed, like the armament. (Now don't go totally overboard on the armament and ask to have like 50 weapons, nuclear missiles, and things like that. In other words don't try to become the God of all Gundams because otherwise I won't let you upgrade.) Gundams without upgrades will get two upgrades. I can't draw at all so I hope anyone with drawing skills and a scanner can draw upgrades for some of the Gundams. You can self-destruct while repairing and it won't add days to repair.


 In the FFA all gundams that are in that place will fight even if you are healing, repairing, upgrading, or dead. The only rule about gundams upgrading is that if you are 5 days or lower on upgrading when the FFA is on you will be in your upgrade, if you are higher than that you'll play in your old suit. Travel to FFA's is instant at a week before the FFA.

Switching Suits-

If you switch suits to one that got taken off for inactivity there is no penalty, fathomer if you switch to that suit and you had already upgraded or are upgrading you will be in that upgraded suit of that or upgrading in that suit. If you switch to a new suit that was already available when you joined you start back from the beginning with 1 exp. and the money you started with previously.


A colony can be any place up to 10 days from Earth. A colony can not be taken over, only destroyed. To destroy a colony you would need a very powerful weapon such as a twin buster rifle.