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This part of the page is where missions will be posted, some missions will be sent to specific pilots, others will be posted for volunteers. Some missions will be to attack a facilaty, or steal a new type of weapon or to protect a certain place...etc.

New rule, what ever the corresponding ref (Ashe or Red Comet)says goes no questions asked, if they say your hit , then your hit.

Mission 1:

Background: None

Breafing: Go to the south sea's of quebec, There is a large "OZ" MS factory there.The coordinates of its precise location will be given later.There should approximtely be 75 operating MS.There are 25 "Pieces Suites", 25 "Cancer Suits" and 25 "Leo Suits".

Mission: You will have to completely wipe out all MS and the Factory, Before they can Radiio for help. So First thing is to Destroy the "Communications Center". The Com. Center is located in the middle of the factory. Good Luck ^_^.

Attendance: Deathscythe,Gundam Wing Zero,Gundam Wing Zero Custom and Shade_Gundam

Objective:Get use to your Gundam or MS.

Reward:There will be nothing recieved for this mission, its just a warm up.

Time: A day

Consequences To Mission Faliure:

Status: Acomplished

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Mission 2: Part I

We've recieved word that the "OZ" organizatin is trying to build a new type of suit, in order to overthrow the "ESA" (Earth's Sphere Alliance. You must stop this at all cost, the over taking of "OZ" would throw the whole earth out of sync.

This mission will take place underwater. "OZ" has an underwater base. There are about 10 stations in the base and about 5 rooms in each station. You must go through these stations and search for the plans to "OZ"'s new Weapon. If you are detected before you find the plans, you must imidietly escape. You will be assigned to an "OZ" underwater suit which we have stolen, specificly for this mission.

You must recover the plans to "OZ"'s new weapon with out beign detected, there will be 2 pilots recovering the plans and 3 waiting outside to cover them for their escape.

Deathscythe Hell, Veyeate, Epyon, Silver Suit and Shen-Long.


To stop "OZ" from making this weapon with out us knowing its weak pionts so we can be prepared to fight it.

Reward:Prototype Torpedo and a Water upgrade to your Gundam/MS

Time: 1 hour

Consequences to Mission Failure:
You will loose 2 weapons.

Status: Acomplished

Outcome: The mission was acomplished barely. "OZ" must have an agent on the inside, because "OZ" was waiting for us the whole time. They hit us with a fleet of Pieces and Cancers. They also had a huge Torpedo Turret! Two of us got shoot down. The good things is we got the plans and will take out the new "OZ" weapon.

Mission 2 :Part II

Seems "OZ" was already informed of our last attack, We figure that there is some one on the inside so watch your backs. The mission was still not a total loss. We did retrieve the plans of their new weapon, only problem is that we obtained half. The good news is we know its a new type of MS, the bad news is we dont know its capabilities.
"OZ" is now a bit more anxious to over throw the "ESA" ( Earth's Sphere Alliance ) , so word is that they have completed 3 of the new suits and are testing them out. You will HAVE to wipe out these snew suits ant the factory in which they are beign produced and tested.

This Mission will take place in a remote Plant in the desserts of Africa. You will need to fight with your own MS. This Plant/Factory is HEAVILY guarded. There will be approximatly 100 leo's. 100 taurus's, 50 virgo's and 50 virgos II. Plus the 3 new suit's. This will be difficult for you if you do not posses a shield, because there will not be many places where you can cover from fire. WARNING!!! there is a good possibility that you will not make it back intact from this mission, so before you accept this mission beware the consequenses.

Wipe out all NEW suits and the plant where they are created( the plant cannot be destroyed with just one hit, its composed of gundanium alloy so it will take a lot to knock out this plant) Dont worry about destroying the leo's virgos etc., just watch your backs with them. Remember we do not know what the new suits's capabilities are so watch it....

Wing Zero Costom
Heavyarms Custom
Sandrock Kai

The limit has been reached!!

Members:Open ( you ask and you will be put up for the mission, there's a limit so ask now!!!)

To stop "OZ" from succesfully making a new ands tougher suit, and try to over throw the "ESA".

Reward: Super Upgrade

This mission will approximatly take 2 hours and will be at 7:00pm pacific (in california) and take place Saturday (8/19/00).

Consequences to Mission Failure:
You will Loose 2 weapons and 5,000 from all your stats.


View Plant
View New MS
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The mission was a complete success, even though we were all majorly damaged, we discovered the new suits are composed of neo-titanium alloy and they have awesome weapons. We also met a new pilot, name the "Red Comet", we don't know much about him, but we do know he's an excellent pilot and he's on "OZ"'s side. We don't know what happened to him in the end. But i have a feeling we haven't seen the end of him.

Mission2 :Part III

It seems we have recently put many dents in "OZ"'s plans. But in the end they may still have the last word. We were successful in taking out the new Ms factory, but were misinformed, seems that was not the main factory of productions, only of testing. The bad news is that they have completed 5 fleets of the new MS (Named Stallion), each fleet has 500 MS. The good news is we have all their capabilities (actually I wouldn't call it good news, you'll understand when you see their stats in the MS page.). It seems "OZ" is wasting no more time to overthrow the "ESA", the "ESA" is have a meeting where all the leaders are meeting peacefully to discuss the current actions of "OZ" building up its military power.

We're expecting a full fledge attack, plus we got an extremly dangerous pilot working for "OZ", so this will be the hardest mission yet. This Mission will take place in a north western american base. You will have a little help but I wouldn't depend on it. If you can protect the others (like the soldiers helping you). If this mission is fails, Charles Noventa will surely die and the "ESA" will collapse. There will be 20 leo's helping you and 20 tragos. The rest will be up to you.
WARNING!!! There is a bigger chance of you not making it back from this mission, so be sure what your getting yourself into before you join.

Do all in your power to protect the leaders of the "ESA" from "OZ"'s attack. We are not sure, but figure "OZ" will use all their new suits, so this may be tough.

Heavyarms Kai
Sandrock Kai


Stop "OZ" at all cost from taking over.

Time: 08/26/00

Consequences To Mission Faliure:


"OZ" is not the only one with spy's, one of our own spy's snuck into an "OZ" base and hacked into the computer databease and got the profile on the "Red Comet". and on his new MS (other than the Stallion).

Red Comet's Picture
Red Comet's New MS's Picture
Red Comet's New MS's Picture (Back View)

Since the "ESA" had no backup what so ever to over power "OZ"'s attack, all the leaders of the "ESA" where exterminated and the "ESA" has finally disolved, as for the remiander soldiers, they were taken hostage by "OZ", either to join "OZ" or die at the hand of "OZ". It is now safe to say that "OZ" is the new ruler for earth. We must do something immedatietly.....

Mission: 3

Since our last defeat to "OZ" we have now lost the "ESA", what this means is that "OZ" now is completely in charge and if you are not part of "OZ" you will be hunted down and destroyed or asked to join depending on their mood, so i suggest is you see someone in "OZ" come in a room with you RUN!!!. Well it looks like we have to start all over in trying to defeat "OZ", it will be hard to get a foot hold on the war again but we must try. This mission will be more of a defensive mission than a offensive mission.

This mission will take place in a "Resource Plant" hidden in the thick forrest of Argentina. This mission will be a covert infiltration of information, it will consist of 3 pilots going into the plant with out there MS and recover as much general information on "OZ" as possible, like how many Suits the have, what types they have, how many plants they have, where the plants are located etc. The pilots will have to go to the main computer and print as much information out as the time permits. For this to work we will need a small diversion, we will need other pilots to make a little trouble outside to give the 3 pilots enough time to get in and out with the information. The 3 pilots will be armed with 1 hand gun each, 2 plasma grenades each and 3 clips that hold 15 bullets each. Remember though since were attacking them head on you only have a limited amount of time before there re-enforcements show up, so our scientist estimate about 20 after the fighting begins so watch your time. If any of the 3 pilots are discover get out of there as soon as possible, because if you are noticed and reported they will self destruct the plant just so no one will get information on "OZ".

Get as much information on "OZ" to see where we stand in the war, without getting yourself killed.

Wing Gundam
Tallgeese III
Heavy Arms Custom
Heavy Arms Kai


To see if we have a chance to beat "OZ" and free the earth of their strict and violent grip.

$100,000 and a new weapon (only kind permited by owners)

Saturday, Oct 14,2000
5:30pm (pacific)

Consequences To Mission Faliure:


Before we got to the plant we were ambushed by the "Raganork" and his MS. Fortunetly we were able to retrieve most of the information with some injuries. Some how "OZ" knew we were gonna hit that place, we gotta be more careful in the future.

Mission: 4

We have word that OZ is going to attack our underground base 50 miles from a town that has become nutral. They are seeking to destroy the base in order to destroy the data we took from the last raid.we should be at high alert!!!We don't know when they will attack or from where.

This Mission will take place as far off from the base and the town. This is a defensive Mission...we are to protect the civilions and their town. End Of Story

This will take place at a south east island of Australia. Protect the Base and Civilions at all Costs!!!!!!.

Tallgeese III
Heavyarms Kai
Wing Gundam - OZ side
Wing Zero - OZ side


We Will not give OZ any chances of defeating us.


December 2nd, 2000 @ 2000EST hours (8pm EST){7 pm CT for those who lives in CT, MT = 6 pm, PT = 5 pm}

Consequences To Mission Faliure:

Status: Failed

Summary: The battle was struggling one at the beginning, with odds on our side, but later on OZ sent in more forces, overwhelming ours. Two of their agents (Wing and Wing Zero) planted a bomb inside our base. Base is completely destroyed. We must recover from our wounds and make random strikes!

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