Gundam Prodigy: Because "The Devil Can Cry Sometimes"
Welcome, to Gundam Prodigy: The Neo Wars. Here you will find the best rpg on the net, that is if you make it. Seeing mostly rpg's are sucessful only if you the member do what is needed to keep it alive.
Anyways enjoy the rpg!

Gundam Prodigy & Staff

News & Updates

Rpg News
The Rules on how to play this rpg, and how to stay in it by following the set of rules, that is given.
All the stuff that you need to know, everything from status of your pilots down to what you can or cannot attack. Its all here.
The world of Prodigy is a big one, dont wanna get losted. Check out the map of the place down to the every story of why things are. Find out whats going down with what and/or whom is doing what by checking out the message board, its and import tool in the rpg.
The shop, has all your needs and wants needed for just about anything. Come check it out, that is if you got the money.
Here is where the battles and other types of battles are placed. This is where are BattleWriters are hard at work.
Here is the list of who works here along with what their job is. Some of the staff have put in other information for you useage.
Here are the links, i put links in here when ever i see a good site or just some of my favorites, i put affliates in here as well. On top of that my sites linkable banner is there.
Find out why i started this rpg, and other reasons to my madness. Also you can find out other things from the staff.
Gundam Prodigy & Gundam Prodigy: The Neo Wars is a 2004 Prodigy production, you copy this and i will hunt you down, if you ask, put my link on your site.
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