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This hurts posted at 7:00pm EDT, August 14th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer I'm kind of lost on what to do, last few days you have noticed Max doing the updates, i thank him for that. More to the point of being lost, my current staff as in all have just left or something. Havent seen anyone on AIM or stuff, so yeah you see my point. Also it seems people are less caring of the RPG which also hurts too, i dont know what to do! Anyways the poll on the forum to which layout will be used is over, 2nd Dark NG has won. So staff if your reading this give me a buzz or something so i know what is going on. Stats and some stuff was done, the rest was incorrect. Later Max is Back on track posted at 9:24pm EDT, August 13th, 2003 - XD2022 I updated, and it was a pain in the ass. Anyway. Stats up, and the writers gotta wake up. I have not gotten any battles so far. Sorry if I missed you, I am still memorizing the HTML code. Max is Back on track posted at 9:24pm EDT, August 12th, 2003 - XD2022 Yep, that's right. I am back. Sorry for the late update, It took me a while to download the FTP folders. Also, put up a battle long overdue, and I updated the stats, a few people
moved, and one person switched sides. Not Much i think. posted at 6:40pm EDT, August 11th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer I updated stats and one person moved somewhere, other than that I'm done on my end. Later Money later. posted at 10:31pm EDT, August 8th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Yeah i tried my best to get things done, stats are not fully up. Money tomorrow, a battle and some other things were done. Later Help us? posted at 7:05pm EDT, August 7th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Yes we need help, its hard to keep the site alive with little staff we have. Writing skills, html skills and all sorts of skills and or programs you have and know how to use may help. Contact me at thejanadian for AIM. One battle that should of been posted a few days ago is up and others are to come. Stats updated. Bye Major... Major posted at 7:13pm EDT. August 6th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Major event posted, and stats updated. More later to come later from NP and ML Later Normal, will post some major stuff later posted at 8:01pm EDT August 5th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Stats updated but for battles and events, no writers on and stuff. They will be on later. Later Most meaning full thing I've said yet posted at 10:07pm EDT August 4th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer I've done a lot today, added three people, two event and major event. Stats have been updated as normal. See ya! Damn, thats a lot of nothing posted at 11:21pm EDT August 1st, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Yeah i updated stats and some things will be added tomorrow. Later Been busy posted at 10:47pm EDT July 31st, 2003 - Neo Genestealer I've updated stats but a battle that was meant for today couldn't be done, no writers on. I'll be doing it myself tomorrow morning, sorry Rondell but this weekend it will be posted. Later Yesterday was an understatement posted at 7:39pm EDT July 30th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer The title says it all, there's nothing to update. NP might come on later and update some things. I've added some more of peoples research thingies to the customs page so enjoy, if your still missing work there please e-mail me. And Rondell I'll work on your page soon, i will try for tomorrow. Bye Not much posted at 8:29pm EDT July 29th, 2003 - Neo Genestealer Yeah i updated thats about it. Later |