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Welcome to the Ship & Base Supply Depot!

Everyone needs to spruce up a base or ship that they just got, right?  Here's all that's available for now--more items may come out.

Skeletons Engines Generators Mobile Suit Units
Cargo Holds Other Rooms Defenses Order form


Base:  Comes with 1 200-rated generator, 1 mobile suit storage unit, 1 cargo storage unit, 1 sleeping quarters, 1 mobile suit repair station, 1 ship repair station, 2 ship docks, 2 launch rooms, 2 base/ship beam cannons, and 5,000 distributable stats.  Also has a 5% armor factor.  Merchant's price: $75,000;  Purchase price:  $150,000. 

Ship:  Comes with 1 200-rated generator, 2 engines, 1 mobile suit storage unit, 1 cargo storage unit, 1 sleeping quarters, 1 mobile suit repair station, 1 ship dock, 2 launch rooms, 2 base/ship beam cannons, and 5,000 distributable stats.  Also has a 5% armor factor.  Merchant's price: $100,000;  Purchase price:  $200,000. 


Regular Engine - Used to move a ship (not a base).  A full set (5) allows half the travel time to be used in normal space only.  Merchant's Price:  $20,000 per engine;  Purchase price:  $40,000 per engine.

Jump Engine - Used to spontaneously enter and exit hyperspace, only when at least one day away from all planets.  Merchant's Price:  $50,000;  Purchase price:  $100,000.  Rent for one colony search at $10,000 (everyone).


200-rated generator - Generates 200 power per round of fighting.  Merchant's price:  $30,000;  Purchase price:  $60,000.

500-rated generator - Generates 500 power per round of fighting.  Merchant's price:  $60,000;  Purchase price:  $120,000.

Mobile Suit Units

Mobile Suit Storage Unit - Stores 4 Mobile Suits and/or Gundams.  Merchant's price:  $8,000;  Purchase price:  $16,000.

Mobile Suit Repair Station - Repairs up to 4 Mobile Suits and/or Gundams at a time.  In a base, max repair factor is 1/1.  In a ship, max repair factor is 1/3.  Merchant's price: $12,000;  Purchase price:  $24,000.

Repair Station Upgrade - Allows faster repairs.  Merchant's price: $12,000;  Purchase price:  $24,000.

Ship Units

Ship Dock - Allows docking with a ship.  Merchant's price: $12,000;  Purchase price:  $24,000.

Ship Repair Station - Repairs one ship at a time, can also be upgraded.  Base only.  Merchant's price: $24,000;  Purchase price:  $48,000.

Cargo Holds

Cargo Hold - Holds 4 items.  Merchant's price: $4,000;  Purchase price:  $8,000.

Other Rooms

Sleeping Quarters - Houses 4 people.  Merchant's price: $3,000;  Purchase price:  $6,000.

Store - Allows merchants to sell items, which are stored separately in the store.  Merchant's price:  $10,000;  Purchase price:  $20,000.

Detection Room - Allows the ship to detect planets and incoming attackers.  Merchant's price:  $40,000;  Purchase price:  $80,000.  One time rental:  $15,000 (everyone).

Hardwire Room - Allows the ship to simultaneously use 4 similar weapons (4 beam cannons, for example).  Merchant's price:  $50,000;  Purchase price:  $100,000.

Launch Room - Allows one Gundam/Mobile Suit to leave the base/ship.  Merchant's Price: $7,500;  Purchase price:  $15,000.


Laser Turret - Does 800 damage and uses 300 power.  Merchant's price: $12,000;  Purchase price:  $24,000.

Beam Cannon - Does 600 damage and causes 300 friction.  Uses 300 power.  Merchant's price:  $10,000;  Purchase price:  $20,000.

Large Beam Cannon - Does 1200 damage and causes 600 friction.  Uses 650 power.  Merchant's price:  $25,000;  Purchase price:  $50,000.

Machine Gun - Does 250 damage and uses 100 fuel per shot, 6 shot max.  Holds 60 ammo, 10 ammo reload costs $3,000, merchant's price; 10 ammo reload costs $6,000, purchase price.  Merchant's price:  $20,000;  Purchase price:  $40,000.

Missile Launcher - Does 300 damage and uses 150 fuel per shot, 8 shot max.  May be distributed among the foes as desired.  Comes fully loaded with 80 ammo, 10 ammo reload costs $7,500, merchant's price; 20 ammo reload costs $15,000.  Merchant's price:  $30,000;  Purchase price:  $60,000.

Armor Factor - Adds 5% armor factor to your base or ship.  Max 50% factor.  Merchant's price:  $40,000;  Purchase price:  $80,000.

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