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Tael Avaria; Profile of a soldier
Topic Started: May 13 2011, 05:36 PM (164 Views)
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Tael was attached to a GFMC Reconnaissance mission to a planet call Aether, shortly after arrival he was separated from the unit when they were overrun by a horde of alien creatures. Shortly thereafter, he encountered a dark humanoid creature that wielded weaponry consistent with an experimental element, during the fight, Tael was caught in an interdimensional blast when the creature destroyed a nearby portal machine.
Upon arrival to THRACS, he wandered for some time hunting creatures for food and clothing and having brief encounters with the 'Ead' Unters, brotherhood and rarely, the faust. While these brief scrapes did much to shape Tael's perception of the world, they weren't enough for him to make a name for himself.
Eventually, He made his way to the Order and due to his military training and familiarity with technology considered to be somewhat advanced, he was admitted into their society, he has since spent much of his time trying to re-create armor and weapon technology from his dimension and field testing it's effectiveness.

Mk-III Height:7'1'
MK-II Height: 5'11'
Bilogical height: 5'10"

Physical appearance: Posted Image

Current armor, functional model mk-III: Posted Image

MK-II: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y38/sakabato_kumori/IMG_0002.jpg

Personality: easy going when not engaged in an operations, he is a focused individual while in combat operations. While acting professionally he is not above humor crude, or otherwise over communication links. He has a soft spot for children and this demeanor seems to attract them to him. Children will often come to his hangar to play and he is often seen with a child on his shoulders while others crowd around him.

Edited by Kusuriurite, Jun 9 2011, 12:31 PM.
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Nike Berrigan: Lead Engineer
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Nike is a strong woman, in her home dimension she served as a developer of building sized humanoid machines. She was on base when a test went wrong with an experimental engine. Finding herself naked in Order controlled territory, like all immigrants to Thracs, she confidently strode up to a border guard and demanded to see the facility head. She has since done nothing to refute the reputation of being shameless however, she does demand respect from those she works with or under.

Andrea Dartmoor: Head secretary of operational support
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Field dress: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y38/sakabato_kumori/DG_Soldier_Female_Artwork-1.png
Dual hi-bore rifle: Posted Image

Andrea was a field commander of a special ops team in her home dimension, excelling in insertion and extraction, indeed she was caught deep within an order complex, in uniform, trying to access the mainframe. Since her capture she was recruited to serve the Order in training and special assistance. Where Nike will often rebut crude comments with those of her own, Andrea will not tolerate off color comments directed at her. She is serious minded but empathetic of those around her, however she will not allow any empathy to get in the way of her duty.

Hildefons Whetstone: Lieutenant first class, foreign affairs adviser.
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A dutiful soldier, Hildefons took great inspiration in his service to order. A stiff, cultured individual he was greatly inspired by Commander Striker and learned all he could from his mission reports. His aspirations were dashed when Striker abandoned the Order to join the Brotherhood. Hildefons Poured over previously classified documents of Strikers fighting style and weaponry, shortly after, they replicated an imitation of Strikers weaponry and it was assigned to Hildefons for use, knowing the close combat weaponry would make him more respectable to the Brotherhood.

Data: Terminal for Order regulatory artificial intelligence.
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An active a curious AI, he has a carefree demeanor and loves to have fun. However when the situation calls for it, he is a very serious companion that does his job well, he is typically seen around the facility doing his trademark dance.
Edited by Kusuriurite, Jun 10 2011, 10:21 PM.
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Build deep underground, the site serves as research hub and operations center for much of Order. It was one of the few not compromised by Striker's defection and has since been chosen to house the Order's main leadership. It is a clean facility governed by an AI.

CO office, testing lab:
Posted Image

The CO's personal office and mini-proving grounds, only a handful of people are admitted to this part of the facility, hand picked by the CO himself.

Edited by Kusuriurite, May 23 2011, 01:59 PM.
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Technological blueprints:
Energy syphoning spikes
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