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Eknara Orkaro
Topic Started: May 22 2011, 10:28 PM (104 Views)
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Name: Eknara Orkaro
Age: Equivalent to 22 Thracs years
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 1.61m
Weight: You never ask a woman her weight. Even if she’s from Aerillia
Hair colour: Leaf green
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: Brown

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Eknara Orkaro is very impulsive and often makes very rash decisions. She is not a very cautious person and often lands herself in quite a bit of trouble. She is rather anti-social, quiet and shy most of the time and rarely speaks up. Because of this, many people do not understand her very well. She is still very respectful to others, especially her elders, and treats everyone she meets with kindness and generosity.

In Eknara's world, all humans are accompanied by daemons from the moment of birth until their last breath. A daemon is a physical manifestation of part of a person's soul that takes the form of an animal. The daemon's of pre-adolescents are "unsettled." This means they can change forms. As a person gets older and as their personalities, outlook on life, and temperament and so forth become established, their daemons begin to favour less and less forms such that their daemon forms settle on one form sometime during the end of puberty.

Like most people, Eknara’s daemon’s gender is opposite of her own. His name is Aicatul. He has settled into the form of what looks like a Saker Falcon.

Daemons and humans can not bear separation of great distances between each other. If a daemon and human are separated by a significant distance, this will physically harm both, and usually ends with both seeking comfort by being close to each other again. This distance can be lengthened through training, and especially through magic. Of special note is the fact that a daemon and human can not normally exist without the other. If one is killed, both die. While a human body is left behind after death, the body of a daemon disappears into dust.

Eknara is from the world of Aerillia. She was a very enthusiastic sorcerer's apprentice there. So enthusiastic, in fact, that she dabbled in magic that was far beyond her control and understanding. Her latest attempt dealt with portal magic and after a few faulty steps landed her directly into the world of Thracs.

Eknara Orkaro is the youngest child of a couple that own a bar and diner. Being the youngest of four sons and three daughters by at least 10 years meant she was always babied and little was expected of her as she grew up. Her quiet and shy disposition meant she was usually by herself, did little to help out with the diner as her siblings and parents kept busy, and that she made few friends. Two of her brothers, who grew tired of diner work, sought to become merchants as they grew up, while Eknara’s oldest sister married a fisherman. Her older siblings futures and contributions to the family were always encouraged and actively dealt with by her family and parents. But the Orkaro family always seemed to assume that Eknara would always remain a child and that she probably never had any dreams or aspirations herself. So much so that when she voiced that she wanted to study elemental magic at the age of ten it came as a big surprise to the Orkaro family. Unlike the vocations and futures chosen by her siblings, Eknara’s was not encouraged or even considered safe. Nor did they believe she’d be any good at it.

At first, Eknara listened to her family and committed to having nothing to do with magic just as her family wanted. But as the weeks and months passed, she grew more and more resentful of them forcing this decision on her. This feeling of growing resentment was coupled with an increase of allure in the study and practice of magic. After four month had passed she couldn't take it anymore and decided to look for a sorcerer who would give her an apprenticeship without her family's approval or knowledge.

As her family expected very little help from her with their diner, Eknara used the guise of making new friends to leave the house for hours on end day after day. Her parents, relieved that she had succeeded in making good friends, often smiled and were quite happy when she left the house every morning.

The sorcerer, who to Eknara’s surprise, that had taken her in so quickly, was impressed by what little Eknara had taught herself and the power she had in a few simple spells. Her name was Prilla, and although she noticed Eknara’s raw skill and power, she also took note of just how clumsy and often careless Eknara could be. Prilla looked forward to making a good sorcerer out of the girl and saw Eknara as a worthy and gratifying challenge.

A year passed before the Orkaro family got any inkling into Eknara’s real activities. When her secret apprenticeship was no longer a secret it required Prilla’s calming and convincing words to smolder the Orkaro family’s anger before they begrudgingly allowed Eknara to continue her apprenticeship after not allowing the young girl to leave the house for two weeks.

As the years passed, Eknara’s skills and power grew and her clumsiness decreased as she became a young lady. During her studies in magic she also learned how to fight and defend herself; also under Prilla’s tutelage.

One of Eknara’s worst habbits included spying on Prilla’s latest spell and projects. She would often try to reproduce her spells herself even after Prilla warned her of the danger. It was Eknara’s latest foray into magic way beyond her skill that landed her through a broken portal into the world of Thracs.

Aerillia is a world that is as developed as the Middle Ages of Earth. It is lush and full of life, and ruled by many small and large Kingdoms on all habitable continents.

The major difference with Earth’s Middle Ages is that it is a world where magic and the paranormal exist in varying quantity. And where all humans are accompanied by a daemon.

Eknara’s favourite weapon is her butterfly sword. It’s two metres tall and is a copy of the one given to her by Prilla to act as a catalyst in her magic spells. It consists of a steel handle and two protruding blades on either end that swivel in and out to hide the blades from one side of the sword..

Eknara has been studying elemental (air, earth, fire, water) magic seriously ever since she was ten years old under the tutelage of Prilla, an experienced sorcerer.

Eknara comes from a religious upbringing and practices a polytheist religion. She is not the most pious believer but will often reference many dieties in her daily life.

(OOC note: Dieties are based on Greek mythology. Names are written backwards. i.e. Athena is called Anehta in Aerillia.)
Edited by Anastasia, Jun 1 2011, 02:15 AM.
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