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Grannnn Kaiisseerrrr
Topic Started: May 26 2011, 01:17 AM (28 Views)
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Gran Kaiser is allowed to be 20m tall when characters can only be 15m? Madness!

On a serious note, just curious on rulings of equipment to pc height ratings. Not that it completely matters, but yeah. lol
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Characters are 5meters, not 15 meters.

And, as stated many times, equipment WILL be balanced. First, remember the Attribute of "Wisdom", as it defines the general effectiveness of techniques/equipment. Second, Radune built the Gran Kaiser in 1 day, the same timeframe it took to build a Nambu Pistol or Extended Spear.

In other words, until Radune invests some time into actually 'arming' his giant robot (as, per his description, this is just the robot itself), or cranking up his Attributes, expect the Gran Kaiser to wet its pants at the mention of "It's a Gundam!".

Techniques/Equipment have really no limitation, to be honest. Just the more 'overpowered' you make them, the more they'll be nerfed to remain in-balance with the rest of the game.

Albeit, I'd appreciate noone try and craft a "Galactus-sized Henchmen". That'll make Anastasia, Kusu, and my job all the more difficult to try and make sense. Keep your giant robots and henchmen within some sort of sensible limitations (>^_^)>.
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