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Initiation; Open to all Khaotics and only Khaotics.
Topic Started: May 27 2011, 11:24 AM (53 Views)
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It was a momentous day for the Khaotics. It was the day when new Khaotics were granted the privilege to become one with the hive: The day of the Initiation.

The sun had set a few hours ago. The full moon seemingly took its place and appeared momentarily to shine brightly between the clouds.

Eknara Orkaro looked thoughtfully up at the clouds before walking through a large pair of doors into the building before her.

As was customary for the current commander of the Khaotics, Eknara was the last to enter the hall. The main room was a large circular one with a rather high ceiling and lining up against the wall were the initiates. They were standing tall and straight but with their heads bowed. Each was clad in ceremonial Khaotics wear. For the ceremony, this meant a dark green toga that was especially prepared for each initiate.

At the very center of the room, was a large flatbed with a pillow at its head. It was easily 5 metres (nearly 16.5 feet) long and nearly as wide. Moonlight bathed the entire surface thanks to an opening in the high ceiling, and behind the head of the flatbed was a white opaque jar about half a metre long that contained the parasites.

As was customary for the ceremony, there were to be no words spoken during the event. Any and all communication would either be through body language or carried out by means of the forum that the parasite would establish among the initiates and which Eknara and all other non-initiates there were already joined to.

Eknara, using the hive, spoke with the other Khaotics overseeing the ceremony and confirmed everything was in place. Due to the ceremony, initiated Khaotics were asked to keep the hive perfectly quiet whether or not they sat amongst the observation benches laid out in the large hall.

She nodded and walked to the first initiate that would get the privilege of joining minds with their fellow comrades.

(OOC: Leaving it blank for any non-initiated Khaotics member to join in on ASAP. Currently, the initiated include my character, Radune’s and Daren’s characters per my knowledge).
Edited by Anastasia, May 27 2011, 03:09 PM.
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Nahuatl stood amongst the group of initiates, feeling their anxiety in the air. The foul taste twisted the expression on his face into a grimace. It was upsetting being surrounded by those second-thinking their own decisions. To think he was on their level was disappointing. Nevertheless, he needed to be committed to this cause so he may find a way back to his own world, back to his original stature.

"You lesser-beings should go home.." Nahuatl hissed under his breath as he maneuvered through the unsure, towards the front of the group where he was met by Eknara.

A solemn expression, met with staunch posture, adorned his face as his eyes trailed down to meet hers. Despite her size, his respect for her authority held firm. The fact that she was a female changed nothing for him. Nahuatl was rather used to many female naga's reach a higher status than he held. Especially the Empress. After a moment passed, he closed his eyes and bowed his head to her. He was ready to become part of something in this new world, however temporary it may end up to be.
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Eknara and the first initiate exchanged glances, signifying that they both understood what was to come next. She briefly closed her eyes as she offered a slight nod to Nahuatl.

As she opened them, she heard light and slow footsteps approaching.

A small vial, specially prepared according to each initiate’s body mass, was handed to Eknara. It contained a concentrated dosage of a liquid extracted from a rare beast that roamed Khaotics land.

Eknara took the clear vial from the helper’s hand and offered it with both her hands to Nahuatl. It would help make him more receptive to the parasite, and was Nahuatl’s first real test of commitment.

What was contained in the vial was a very strong paralyzing agent that should kick in within a minute of Nahuatl consuming it. It would be all the time Nahuatl would need to lay down and would help minimize the pain an initiate would experience when first taking in the parasite. Although Nahuatl’s muscles would have no control over his body, he would still be very wide awake during the whole process.
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