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The Doctor
Topic Started: Jun 1 2011, 05:06 PM (41 Views)

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Name:Ah, hello there!

I hope I didn't interrupt something. Yes well. You might be wondering what this is I figured I'd just interrupt this little shinanigan and introduce myself! I am the Doctor!

I know what you're thinking. "Oh this is absurd! You can't know when in time I would be reading this." Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey. If you'd move past such cemented ideas about time we can continue!

I am the Doctor! A Time Lord from the Planet Gallifrey. One of the last remaining ones, of course I claim the title of the last living Time Lord since all the others are, well dead. And time locked into that unfortunate fate.

There is hope, I mean I have met other Time Lords since then but that is enough about my kind. All you need to know is I come from a very old and powerful civilization, and I myself am very old but still look quite dashing. You see when a time lord's end approaches we regenerate, retaining knowledge and memories but switching our physical appearance, personality, quirks...It is actually a lot more like death than one would hope for.

Right, moving on from the sad bits. I am the Doctor, a time lord, what else did you want to know? I am 982 years old. I am fascinated with cultures, technology, and people I haven't met before. I detest war, death is so unnecessary. I am a thinker, I love to think, best thing in the universe is a good think. Sadly I think faster than I talk so if explaining something I can get caught up doing things before actually saying them. I wear bow ties, bow ties are cool. I also enjoy a good fez, however mine is in the TARDIS and that story is for another time, if you know where I can get one tell me. Oh that is not a good sound at all...remember that Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey part I mentioned earlier? I exagerated quite a bit and really bad things could happen from doing this for too long so I better go. Very bad things, things to be avoided. Anyways, good luck out there!
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