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War Bound
Topic Started: Jun 6 2011, 01:28 PM (17 Views)

ooc: sorry for any spelling errors or any horrible grammar. I just typed this up sort of in a hurry.

He looked down at the soil as it filtered through his large fingers. He had arrived on the continent of Faust seeking to plunder his first target. He thought about the origin of this world known as Theracs. He had got the answers he so desired when he went into town but it left him with more questions then answers. He still couldn't believe this world was not something that could not be escaped. It did give him solace in the fact that if anyone from his homeworld came to take him to his intended location they would have no way back neither.

"A deadzone." Rando smiled. It was the best thing he could have hoped for but he was at a lost for what he should do. He rampaged and caused trouble on his home planet because he hated the people on it, but here in Theracs he had no such prior grudges that would give him a reason. What was he to do with himself? He looked up as the last of the soil passed through his fingers and stared at the settlement he had just scouted. The people of Faust seemed puny and odd to him. "I hate vegetables." He sighed to himself as he stood up from his kneeling position. His only urge now was to explore this strange world and to touch every corner and every inch of soil in Theracs.

He however knew the beings on the other continents would not take too kindly to his brand of adventurism. He felt the need to do what many conquers had done on his old world. To unite the creatures of this planet under one rule was his only thought. He had no stake in such an objective, but it would be an interesting challenge he would gladly accept if it meant him getting what he so desired.

"I'm going to need to build an army for this." Rando smiled as his hands tightened into a fist. He begin to walk toward the settlement and also taking the first steps to his objective.
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