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Cute But Deadly; Rando & Manbearbig RAID Faust
Topic Started: Jun 7 2011, 02:01 PM (27 Views)
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Rando continued walking towards the Faust settlement as Manbearpig followed closely behind. He looked to Manbearpig and thought about how it was too bad that Bovril couldn’t join them.

Building his army will take a while, but at least today he could get a taste of the kind of settlements he’ll have to deal with in the future. Speaking of taste, Rando eyed a small apple farm in the distance resulting in a smile forming on Rando’s face.

He pointed to the apple farm, “What do you say we have some fun with that?” he asked. Manbearpig.

“An apple farm?”

“Yes, I hate vegetables and fruits aren’t much better. Let’s tear the place apart!”

Manbearpig laughed heartily in response and ran towards the apple farm with Rando running closely behind him.
Within minutes fierce claws and huge, muscular hands were tearing apart trees full of deliciously ripe red apples. They dismembered tree limbs from their trunks, used them as clubs to crash through nearby sheds, and made careful care to trample on any fruits that dropped from their branches.

Rando was crushing three apples in his right hand when a needle prickled his shoulder. He turned around to see what looked like walking cacti with faces unleashing a salvo of needles towards him and Manbearpig.

Manbearpig roared and started to charge towards a group of Cactuar that were huddled together. They were able to easily evade Manbearpig though and with a few squeaks and warbles to each other, more Cactuar joined their ranks.

Rando, angered at having his fun spoiled by the green pests, was able to cover his face as he swatted a Cactuar that had wandered too close to him. The Cactuar fell down easily. Some seconds later, Rando eyed some gold coins by the fallen Cactuar. Picking a few up he was able to make out the letters “Gil” on one.

With one of their own having been taken down, the Cactuar exchanged a few words. “Ge-ka! Ge-ge-ka-ge-ka-ka!”

The assembled squad, now numbering more than two dozen, switched from their Needles attack to their stronger Needle-Shot attack.

Even Manbearbig’s blind rage, and Rando’s extreme durability were no match for the onslaught their bodies were soon met with. Without exchanging even a word or look between one other, the two started to retreat from the apple farm.

As Rando and Manbearpig ran away, a few courageous Cactuar chased after them.

A lone Faust child, walking by in the distance, was met with the picture of Cactuar chasing the sights of a bear-like beast and a smaller, but muscular creature towards the shore. She chuckled at the amusing sight of scary beasts being chased away by the more gentle and whimsical looking Cactuar.

Her father, who had ran towards the commotion, had the opposite reaction as he eyed the destroyed apple farm.

Outcome: Raid Successful
Manbearpig: 10EXP, Crippled, 5xShards gained
Rando: 10EXP, Crippled, 5xShards gained
Edited by scarththegrim, Jun 8 2011, 01:51 PM.
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