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Zayel Blackstaff & Artemis HUNT Albineeceros
Topic Started: Jun 8 2011, 12:58 AM (27 Views)
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Zayel Blackstaff, leader of the peaceful and somewhat mysterious people of Faust, eyed his hunting partner slowly closing the distance between herself and the beast they were hunting. The two had decided that it’d be best for Artemis to take the first shot, especially with her newly acquired Ceroatanian feathers.

Artemis’ feet seemed to dance on air, as she neared a set of twin trees whose trunks had grown into each other. She left not a footprint in her path, nor made even the faintest of sounds that could be picked up by a creature with the most sensitive of hearing. To her right were vast plans that stretched to the shores of Faust. To her left was forest that grew denser as it reached the center of Faust. Along this border, and two her front, a large creature nested between the twin tree trunks.

Its skin was a greyish brown, and its size was easily more than twice that of Artemis’. This creature, an Albineeceros, was covered in many folds of skin, giving it an almost obese slug-like appearance. It was sitting with its flipper-like tail facing Artemis and its face out of sight. Artemis hid behind a few boulders as she reached for her bow, aimed and fired. Her moonlight arrows hit their mark, but seemed to bounce off the skin of the Albineeceros. Artemis narrowed her eyes in disapproval, before pulling out a second arrow, and a third. Both had the same effect as the first.

The creature seemed to be in a deep sleep, as it had yet to move, even after three arrows had hit its rear.

Zayel eyed all this from a distance. He left his hiding and quickly ran to Artemis’ side. Artemis sensed him approaching and quietly whispered to him as he reached her. “Its hide seems too tough for my arrows. Perhaps, you can try something else?”

Zayel nodded. “Very well.”

Zayel slowly approached the Albineeceros as he prepared his psion-dominate spell. But it was then that the creature turned around to show its head to the two hunters.

Zayel stopped in his tracks.

The Albineeceros eyed him as its long white tusks glistened in the morning sun.

Zayel used his Blackstaff wand to gather the last of the energies he’d need for his psion spell.

The Albineeceros, not happy at having been disturbed in his slumber, charged at the Faust leader. The creature had some distance to cover but it took care of it quickly and before Zayel could get a hold on Albineeceros for his spell to work, the practically that he closely adhered to had him retreating to cover. He found his way back the boulders Artemis’ was stationed behind.

“Are you sure you can not try your bow once again, but at a less tougher part of its body?” he asked.

“I could try aiming for its face or underside.” Artemis eyed the once again stationary Albineeceros. It slowly turned its head as if it had lost sight of Zayel. Artemis peaked her head to the side of the boulder just far enough to fire again. This time though, her arrows failed to find her mark as the Albineeceros turned to face her and charged.

By the time the Albineeceros had charged into the boulders, Zayel and Artemis had managed to retreat just far enough to escape its attack.

“I vote we call this hunt over. It moves too fast for me to attack it, if your arrows will be of no use.”

Artemis nodded.

Outcome: Hunt Draw
Artemis: 5EXP, Wounded, Albineecerous Disease gained
Zayel Blackstaff: 5EXP, Wounded, Albineecerous Disease gained
Edited by scarththegrim, Jun 8 2011, 01:55 PM.
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