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BATTLES 06/08/2011
Topic Started: Jun 8 2011, 07:52 PM (40 Views)
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ROCK KATAI & THE DOCTOR (not hunting together, but make it the same hunt)
3x Magni Slime

Magni Slime

This creature is large (at least twice the size of a human).
They live in urban regions.
They will typically be found alone, or in a group (or congregation) of two or three.
The Magni Slime look like an ameoba, wearing a mask of a person that could be either a boy or a young woman.
They're the result of a scientific experiment.
They're a type of Monster.
They have only animal-like intelligence.
Agile: The creature is extra-good at avoiding being hit, compared to other creatures of its size.
Magnetic: The creature is magnetic. Metal items (including armour) will be dragged towards it. In the case of weapons, this may cause the creature significant harm.


I'll be hunting for whatever roams the Order continent. I plan to use my shiny new bike for card games[that's a joke] as well as chasing down the creature. I don't have much of a plan, but writers can feel free to be a little creative. Note that by now he has clothes, and that he's good at making traps/weapons out of sticks, stones, vines etc...

- - - - -

Morlian, or Barrow-Guide


This creature is large (at least twice the size of a human).
They live in the forest.
They will typically be found alone, or in a group (or wake) of two or three.
The Abberrena looks like a jaguar, but insubstantial and ghostly.
They're a type of Animal.
They have above average animal-like intelligence.
Camouflage: The creature can change their flesh to the colour of their surroundings, making them harder to spot.
Stealthy: The creature is extra-good at moving silently and staying hidden.
Edited by scarththegrim, Jun 8 2011, 08:18 PM.
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taken hikaru
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Grabbing 1: Rock and Doc on Magni
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Now the trick is, will Zepp actually write it?
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If I'm done before Kusu I want something special.
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