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Thinking in the pale moonlight
Topic Started: Jun 10 2011, 08:45 PM (23 Views)

He smashed the last of the cactus like creatures with his fist. His knuckles forced its entrails and internals to come pouring out of every pour in its soft prickly body. They were more deadly then he imagined, but it was nothing more then a mere setback. The land of Faust had plenty of fertal soil. It was enough to farm on and to feed the army he had plans to create. He stood straight up. His exposed spine cracked and popped in relief. He was in need of rest, but it was something he could go without if he needed to. The resent raid carried out by Manbearpig and himself was a success. They were only chased off once they were brutally outnumbered.

"Peculiar little creatures." Rando mused as he lifted the smashed cactuar by its head. He poked at its body with his finger. He was amused such a creature existed, then again he was sure they were surprised to see anything like himself. He was not of this world, but he reminded himself that nothing in Theracs was normal. He looked up at the moon and stared at it for a moment and then looked back at the dead cactuar and admired how its "blood" looked in the moon light. He hoped he would shed more of it in time with his soldiers and his fellow brothers in arms. The tribes of 'Ead' Unters had desires to expand into enemy territory wishing to raid more settlements. Rando was one of many volunteers to step forward and to be the forerunners of the coming battles to be faught. He could care less if his actions would start a war.

"I have no stake in this world." Rando smiled as he dropped the dead carcus and kicked it away. He only pondered the destruction he could create. He walked forward, stepping over the pile of dead bodies and carnage he had left in his wake. He had been busy. The apple farm must have sent scouts to find him but it did them no good. None of their scouts would be coming back alive. "Anyone who sees me has a date with their maker." He smiled to himself as he brushed a large branch out of his way.
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Rob Rocket
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Manbearpig sat eating a pile of little cactus creatures as he scrapped all the needles from his massive body. He though to himself how could such little things be such a nuisance. Although he found these little creatures quite tasteful, they were a bit rough on the throat going down.

He was pleased with his recent raid on the farm and with the new found creature he deemed acceptable to travel with Rando. He now had his first taste of battle in this new land and craved more. "This land is full of small pathetic creatures, they will soon grow to fear me" he though to himself. "Soon when ever they hear a rumble or a roar in the distance their hearts will fill with fear and legs will grow weak with cowardice and they will know their better" But all those cactus he had just eaten had made him sleepy he would rest for now. As he ripped some tree out of the ground to make a small clearing to lay in he thought to himself "Soon this land will know my power and all who oppose me will learn why i am to be feared"
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