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Bovril, Rando and Manbearpig recon Faust; (writer apologizes for poor quality)
Topic Started: Jun 10 2011, 10:27 PM (29 Views)
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Rando led the pack of ‘Ead ‘Unters from their boat up onto the shores of Faust’s territory. It was a cold and chilly night with no moon visible in the sky and the sounds of a few breeds of birds singing, talking, breeding or whatever the heck the calls meant.

Rando had guessed that the peaceful and vegetable eating Faust would probably not have many defences up. And as he quickly looked around he didn’t see any up. All that stood before him were the sights and sounds of nature. As he stood beside Bovril, he waited for Manbearpig to rejoin them.

Manbearpig hid the boat between a boulder and trees before walking up to the two.

“I don’t see anyone nearby. We stay in the shadows tonight, do not engage anyone and just survey the area. Understood?”

“How about if we get hungry?” Manbearpig asked.

Bovril smiled. “I’m sure we can find something to fill us up.”

The three set out to survey Faust land.

Outcome: Recon achieved
Bovril: 5 EXP, Healthy
Manbearpig: 5 EXP, Healthy
Rando: 5 EXP, Healthy
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