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Hikaru's Dungeon; Tael Avaria encounters Musuapusa
Topic Started: Jun 14 2011, 10:02 PM (24 Views)
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The old, dilapidated fluorescent lights blinked on and off. Commanding Officer Tael Avaria, leader of the Order, was amazed they worked at all. Striker's old headquarters had been abandoned ever since his defection, and had been subject to countless acts of vandalism. Well, vandalism was a strong word. To improve the esprit de corps, this kind of vandalism was encouraged.

Tael walked through the overturned desks, the scattered papers, broken analog monitors for computers - wires reaching out to nowhere. Many things had been looted, and what couldn't be simply destroyed. Tael wanted to find out more about his predecessor, and what place could offer more knowledge than this. He crouched to inspect the papers. They were stained, yellowed and deteriorating.


He smiled to himself, remembering that the responsibilities in his every day life were once the primary concerns of this defector. The lights flickered again. Tael put down the paper, moving further into the headquarters.

He passed through two swinging doors labeled 'I C U'. A few stretchers were laid about, empty IV bags with dangling strings next to them. Light stains of blood in some areas. Broken medical equipment. In the back of the room, the hum of an old analog computer could be heard; the green text over a black background gave an eerie constant green glow. Tael walked towards it, moving aside some stretchers with his armored hands. He tried to access the terminal remotely.. but it was too old. He got up close, and noticed it was blinking. As he got to the desk, the image on the screen made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.


The lights snapped off. He was compromised. He couldn't see a thing. In his blindness he reached around for the desk, feeling the monitor, orienting himself. As well, he felt as if he was being watched. He couldn't hear anything.. perhaps on the infared. He held a hand to his helmet as the switched the mode on.


Hundreds of them.

On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling. On the desk. On the chair. Crawling out of the computer. Crawling out of the mattresses of the stretchers. He felt a hair in his mouth. He flipped the visor up nervously, and sure enough. He grabbed a naked pink tail, tugging out the creature.

There was a spider in there too. He tossed it into the ground, spitting fast and flipping the visor down again. He ran to the double doors, causing the spiders to split in fear. The heavy red infared glow made it difficult to see how many there were; just moving auras and blankets splitting and approaching. He ran through the office, and fatefully - hooked his foot on a desk, crashing to the ground.

They were upon him immediately, crawling all over Tael's armor. Thankfully it was secure now, but he could feel their furry arachnid legs crawling up his own, his back, his neck. That's when he caught his next surprise.

The bites.

An array of tiny fangs started testing the integrity of his armor, biting him not unlike a mouse. Were these really spiders or some thing of demon? He struggled to get to his knees, more and more creatures crawling on him as he did. He'd throw one off his head and two would be up his leg. A light spider web was circulating his body, but he easily broke free. Eventually he got to standing, frantically brushing the creatures off his upper body. They were bigger than normal creatures, around the size of a fist. He gripped one in his hand, and inspected it as it bit harmlessly at his armor. A rat's head, torso, arachnid thorax, legs, a rat's tail. He felt them crawl around him.. and it was disturbing. But only in the psychological sense. He was armored well. He tossed it to the side and took a step - his eyes shooting open at the new development.

Fangs dug into his flesh at his thigh, drawing blood. Soon he could feel fangs all over his body. At this, he flipped on his energy siphoning spikes and started ravenously stabbing the creatures, now recognizing them as a true threat. His body was slimy; it appeared they were vomiting some kind of phlem with quick rusting properties. He stabbed and stabbed and stabbed, and soon had six dead creatures pegged to his arms like kebabs. They started to retreat at Tael's new aggression. He extended his arm and fired an ice beam from his wrist, the bright light illuminating the room. Another from his other wrist. The creatures ran in fear. He spread the beam all over the room, coating the dilapidated office in a lamination of ice.

Tael made for the exit as fast as he could, opening a door into the stairway and running up with adrenaline coursing through his veins. One story, two stories, three, four.. finally, after ten stories, sunlight peeked around the edges of the entrance. He opened it, and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. He dropped to his knees.

And there, poised on his thigh, was a little Musuapusa who wouldn't let go.

Outcome: Hunt successful
Tael Avaria: 5 EXP, Wounded
Edited by Zepp, Jun 14 2011, 10:07 PM.
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