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Colossal Encounter; Rando duels Manbearpig
Topic Started: Jun 27 2011, 10:17 PM (23 Views)
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The sound of trees falling could be heard in the forest. Birds took to the air and leaves rustled, floating to the ground. Thumps resonated through the ground, getting closer.. closer. Crash! The monstrosity Rando erupted out of the trees, yelling while putting his muscular, gargantuan arms into the air. He sent them down, gripping another tree, raising it above his head, and throwing it at his unfortunate opponent.

Manbearpig roared, swiping his claw through the log, sending splinters in all directions. His face was that of a warhog, with the hair of a bear, the ears of a man and the snout of a pig. The splinters dug into his arms, spilling blood and causing it to course down to his hands. His yellow eyes glowed, and he roared again - the forest shaking as he did. His arms became bridled with energy, his legs rooted into the ground. A boulder sailed through the air - and Manbearpig through both his arms forward, knocking it back to its origin. The boulder caught Rando in the chest, knocking him to the ground. He grabbed two trees to support his considerable weight, and got to his feet again. It was vital that he kept Manbearpig at a distance, lest he suffer his venomous claws. But it was too late.

Manbearbig's gnashing jaws and swinging arm were already in melee range. Rando punched him in the chest, and Manbearpig slashed across Rando's face. Rando's two big arms seized Manbearpig, and the chimera's jaws clamped around Rando's bicep. The pain was incredible - not just from the teeth, but from the venom now coursing through Rando's veins. Rando tried to throw the creature back into far range, but his strength was sapping.. He tossed him a good number of meters, but the pig-creature was quick to his feet. In no time he was upon Rando, clawing at his body and biting with wild abandon. Rando continued to fight back.. but he was getting so tired. Eventually, the frenzy was too much, and Rando passed out.

Triumphant over his enemy, the Manbearpig roared into the air, three times - his own blood pooling at his feet.

Outcome: Manbearpig Wins
Rando: 10EXP, Wounded
Manbearpig: 10EXP, Wounded
Edited by Zepp, Jun 29 2011, 01:13 PM.
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