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Concussions; Khaotics raid Ead Unters
Topic Started: Jun 28 2011, 07:38 PM (29 Views)
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“You scum!” Len said cradling a precious thing in the Gravion’s palm. Missiles flew around him and Reavers peppered him with Gatling fire, Len tried fighting with auxiliary weaponry but couldn’t maneuver past a few staggered steps with the girl in the palm of his hand, it was the best he could do to shield her from further harm.

It had started as retaliation for the recent raids against Khaotic citizens, the plan was for the Gravion to perform shock and awe while his comrades neared the area however, the plan was not to be. On entering the area Len found a horrifying sight, a large group of Berserkers gathered around a lone figure, fresh blood an entrails of several others littering the ground, roaring and chanting they were harassing a young woman, not past fifteen years of age, he clothes were shredded and she looked severely beaten. Upon seeing the Gravion they turned their attention to him affording him an opportunity to rescue the girl who now sat, sobbing uncontrollably in his hands.

“We’re here.” A voice in Len’s head sounded off followed by the decapitation of a Berserker as Eknara arrived on the scene. “ORAAAAAAA.” Eknara screamed as she worked her way into the crowd avoiding blows from the spinning chainsaws of nearby Orks.

She was thrown from her feet as an Auto-cannon from a Reaver exploded the ground around her, her ears rang as many of the Ead Unters that had also been hit staggered towards her waving dragging their weapons on the ground violently spraying dirt and parting rock. Eknara tried to stand but she had not yet regained her balance, all she could do is futilly thrust her sword at the enemy’s in front of her hoping she could hold them off until her balance returned.

Several black clumps of magic hit the ground near the enemies advancing on Eknara taking out a few but giving others pause, It would not last long as one Berserker lifted his chainsaw above her, images of her home and family flashed through her mind as she braced herself for release of her body. “Sorry Aicatul.”

Her last words were interrupted by a flash of gold as the weighted heft of Sutekh’s axe dug deep into the teeth of the saw causing it to rips itself apart as the axe sailed through it and into the head of its wielder. A large hand forcefully lifted Eknara to her feet.
“Eknara are you alright?” Sutekh spoke through the parasite to her.

“I’m fine, just can’t hear, where is Nahuatl?” She spoke, trying to regain herself.

Eknara’s question did not need to be answered however as the man stood nearby, shielding them both from pistol fire with a large reptilian scale while he fended off the rest with a glowing spear. “Best to retreat for now.” Nahuatl communicated as swarms of Ead Unters could be seen closing in on their location, soon they would be overwhelmed.

“GRAVION AAAAAAARC!!!!” A large purple beam cut through the air in front Len’s machine, forcing the Reavers to evade and dissuading the Berserkers from attacking the group. Long enough for them all to retreat with victim in hand.

Some distance away Eknara started to walk under her own power the effects of the explosion wearing off except for a splitting headache and possibly a perforated eardrum. Eventually the group caught up to Len, who was on the ground next to the Gravion cradling the lifeless body of the young girl.

“Why? Why did it have to end this way?” Len yelled at the group as they neared. “Why was she even there, what were they doing here so far into such a place, Eknara, Tell me!?”

Eknara was unable to answer as Len screamed up at the sky, lamenting his lack of power in frustration.

Outcome: Raid Successful
Nahuatl Negendra: 5EXP, Wounded
Eknara Orkaro: 5EXP, Wounded
Len Ornson: 5EXP, Wounded
Sutekh: 5EXP, Wounded
Edited by Kusuriurite, Jun 29 2011, 07:53 PM.
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