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Raging Flames
Topic Started: Jul 4 2011, 01:07 AM (21 Views)
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Tael Avaria opened his eyes. He was laying on his side on warm stone. His head hurt and he asked himself where he was and what had happened. The answers did not come to him so readily. He moved his limbs and hurriedly moved to stand himself upright. His body felt heavy and the left side of his face felt especially warm and wet. He placed a hand on his left cheek, but when he looked at his hand he saw the familiar metal of his MK-II armour instead of the skin of his hand. His eyes then moved of their own accord to take in the sights surrounding him.

He remembered.

It was hard not to with the evidence of what had happened all around him. He eyed the burning bridge that he had gone through so much trouble to rebuild. It was sunset. The raging fires about him and the colours that the sky was painted in made it look like even the air and sky itself was burning.

“That’s right. The bridge … it’s burning.”


Len Ornson was in unfamiliar lands. He had found himself on the Brotherhood lands, but he did not know how he had gotten there. He had to get back to the Khaotics Continent. Luckily, even at this distance, he was still able to communicate through the hive. Unluckily, what he was able to pick up from the hive was the fact that the Faust Continent had collided with Order’s. Order was his destination, however, as it was closest to Khaotics land and had what he needed to get home: To his Thracs home at least.

“Come on,” Len said more to himself than anyone else. He manoeuvred Gravion along the bridge. Just along the coast of the continent on the other side of the bridge was a boat that would actually be big enough to carry his whole Gravion back home. It was essential that he closed the distance to it. Bridge aflame or not. The bridge was made of stone, anyways. Not steel or wood. It should hold on for quite a while longer, Len thought to himself.

Len let his mind wander as he moved. Accessing the hive had told him that the rest of the Khaotics were in trouble themselves. And looking around before him, he could see that Order wasn’t doing so well either. He eyed the land that reached far beyond the bridge. What he saw of it, of Order’s cities and landscape, reminded him a lot of Dandrel. He had been told there’d been no way out of Thracs, and he wondered if everyone just hadn’t tried hard enough. Or if those that had successfully made it out were either incapable of coming back to announce their success or unwilling.

As Gravion advanced, a nearly three metres tall drone walked into Len’s view.

CD-1001’s visual sensors picked up the sight of the large twenty metre tall machine. Its vast libraries told it that it was not a member of Order, and that the closest thing to it was possibly affiliated with the Khaotics. CD-1001 had already received the notice that Faust creatures and peoples were attacking Order and that all Order personnel were to fire at will at any such enemies. Its logic circuits told it that maybe, if this huge machine was a part of the Khaotics, the Khaotics had allied with Faust to attack Order. Thus its objective was to stop the large humanoid machine before him.

“Intruder! Intruder! Halt and retreat or we will be forced to fire!”

“What? But I need to get back home. Just let me pass.”

Len eyed the robot, it would not move. So Len just chose to ignore it and continue taking his steps along the stone bridge. He felt there was no way such a small machine could stand up against his Gravion. As he continued moving, CD-1001 kept its promise and began firing its from its heavy weapons slots fire on Len’s mecha.

Len, irritated, swatted the rounds away and continued walking.


Tael shook his head and tried to regain focus, despite his aching bleeding head and a bit of dizziness.

Tael operated his visor to try and assess the situation. His MK-II was still in very good shape. No significant damage was sustained, even though he apparently managed to hit his head very hard when he fell which caused a slight dent on his helmet. His ammunition was also in full supply and … apparently there was a threat in his six o’clock direction away from Order. The threat was either weak or just large and too far off for his visor to get a strong reading.

His feet reacted as if by their own will. Tael Avaria had turned around and was standing eying the twenty metre tall figure of Gravion approaching him from more than fifty metres away.

“What the …”

His visor was able to pick up some movement near the large figure of Gravion. “CD-1001? What in the world did it think it was doing?” The drone was relentless in its attacks, no matter how impotent its firepower was on the Gravion.

“Drones,” Tael grumbled. They were forever useful but often lacked the finesse, insight and creativity to handle certain tasks. Tael recalled that CD-1001 had had little training since coming to Thracs.

’Looks like the large machine is just trying to ignore CD-1001 as it moves across the bridge.’ Tael would use this to his advantage. He covered the distance between him and the Gravion quickly before positioning himself behind it and firing with his Ice Beam attack. As he had predicted the machine completely ignored his presence.

Luckily for Tael, his attack did not rely on a high percentage of water in his vicinity as the bridge was becoming increasingly dry and warm by the minute. Instead, a few shots landed on the very surface of Gravion's lower legs.

The metal the Gravion was made of was far too strong to shatter, but the machine’s lower joints had a sudden drop of flexibility. As Len moved one foot in front of the other, the balance of the Gravion faltered. The feet were unable to move to properly support its weight and the Gravion fell forward. Len could do nothing to prevent the fall but inwardly curse and admonish himself.

Someone had done something to his machine and he wasn’t happy about it. He used the Gravion’s arms to lift the body of the machine up. His visual sensors picked up a small suit of armor, different from the drone that still continued to fire at him.

“I won’t hurt you,” Len said through the loudspeaker. “Just let me go home.”

Tael took note of the apparent young sounding voice from the machine. It sounded like a rather young man was piloting it. But this did not deter him. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. You are advancing onto Order’s lands while we are weakened, and being attacked from various forces, with a heavily armed machine. As commanding officer of the The Order, I request that you exit your vehicle and come out with your hands above your heard.”

Tael eyed the large machine that was within metres in front of him. He readied his weapon for another round of shots and waited.

Len thought about his choices. He could exit the machine and maybe this fellow, whoever he is would help him get home. Or maybe the guy in the suit of armour would take him captive or worse. Len hesitated for a few moments. He weighed his chances and ended up on the conclusion that he’d had much better luck if he could just get Gravion to move again so that he could make his own way to the Khaotics continent.

Gravion then started struggling to get up.

Tael wasted no time in firing shot after shot at the machine again. Perhaps if he could incapacitate it even more with his Ice Beam, he could try draining its power to force the pilot out.

Len was more than annoyed right now at being prevented from reaching his destination. He wasn’t doing anything to anyone and yet they continued to stand in his way. He was through being nice.

“G-DRILLER!” He shouted. The Gravion’s hands combined into the G-Driller as they aimed for Tael in the MK-II. Tael’s visor notified him of the threat but he was unable to react quickly enough. The immense power of the Gravion’s attack easily shattered the MK-II’s chest. Tael was once again laying on the ground, not far off from the raging flames. His MK-II’s chest was shattered and his chest hurt like hell. But what movements Tael were able to take greatly reduced his injuries. Len’s G-Driller was unable to do little more but scathe his chest after breaking through his MK-II’s armour. If he could just stop the bleeding, he should be fine.

While Tael assessed his injuries, Len, finding himself unable to stand the Gravion upright, used his trump card.


The helmet and the chest of the Gravion came apart from the rest of the machine to form an eight metre wide stealth bomber.

’I really didn’t want to resort to this,’ Len lamented. He exited from the main Gravion’s cockpit and entered the cockpit of the G-Phantom. As he took to the air, he looked back with anguish at the rest of his machine. But his life was worth more to him than Gravion, no matter how precious it was to him. Len flew towards the Khaotics continent. He didn’t need to borrow a boat from Order anymore.

As Len flew, he was able to see a huge gap across the bridge. He wouldn’t have been able to make it across with Gravion afterall.

CD-1001, having judged the threat annihilated, ran towards Tael to help his commander. Tael’s consciousness started waning as he listened to the rapids rushing down below the bridge.

“How odd,” he said to himself. “The waters below the bridge have always been rather calm.” Even with the rapids below him, he could still hear the sound of the crackling fires that encased the bridge.
Edited by Anastasia, Jul 4 2011, 01:08 AM.
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