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Putting myself back together, or, "No guts, no glory, duct taping the glory back in your abdomen."; Open to all
Topic Started: Aug 8 2011, 09:12 PM (14 Views)

Rock stumbled deeper into the deeper recesses of the island, his wound was mostly burned closed by the heat of the handgun that saved his life earlier, but still bled and hurt like hell. Through the pain and exhaustion, Rock could still recall his attackers questions and grunted at the realization of his folly.

"Dumbass robot, we were BOTH assigned to Order territory..." He muttered to himself, resting against a tree as he inspected his mauled gut. "What's with this place anyway? I should be dead from this, not running halfway across and island."

With quite a great deal of effort, Rock managed to remove his shirt, clean it off in a stream, and tie it over his wound as a makeshift bandage. After a while, he managed to get to his feet again, and wandered over the next few hills to find a tall yet crumbling tower, with many birds roaming it's ledges and crevices like watchmen looking out over the island and sea. It seemed as good a place as any to rest for the night, and hopefully evade a second encounter with the robot and his painful way of saying hello.
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